Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven: When the filter falters and boldness is birthed Mr Alpha had a lot he needed to hear and I had a mouth that was perfectly built to spew information. _____________________ I truly believed that nothing could derail me from my intentions to thoroughly enjoy myself today for my eighteenth birthday but I stand corrected! Mrs Kimber's Friday afternoon class had turned out to be the worst I have had to endure yet and as if the lesson itself was not enough, I had to deal with letting my folks know that my witch teacher wanted to have a word with them before next week ended and discuss why I was scoring straight Fs. As if it was my fault she decided to throw a surprise quiz halfway into the last lesson of the day! I groaned in frustration as the search in my mother's cosmetic bag led me to nothing. I was currently turning the furniture in my house upside down in wistful attempts to get a hold of my new car's keys. Yes, I had a car now, one I found out about last night. My parents had proven they could be loving and trusting of me by buying me a set of wheels that were much too appealing to my eyes for me to wait on their instruction. "We will give you the car keys after you find your mate, sweetie!" I huffed and rolled my eyes as my mother's words rang in my head, aggregating me further. If there was one thing I knew about my parents apart from the fact that they knew how to push my buttons and disregard my opinions, it was the simple reality that they were bad at hiding anything, not secrets and definitely not items. I was actually shocked at the amount of effort I had to take just to make sure I am able to drive my car to Brandon's house, where my birthday party will be hosted. "f**k this!" I yelled as I shut the closet door in my parent's room and walked out in haste. My eyes fell on the bedside lamp on the nightstands and I smiled, praying to the heavens that I would find my keys at last. I walked over to my mother's side and lifted the lamp, and as though it were a miracle, the keys were lying on the stand, revealed to me after spending the entire time hidden below the hollow body. "I f*****g knew it!" I jumped in excitement as I returned the lamp to its initial position, swung the keys on my finger and sashayed shamelessly out of the room. Now that will teach them for hiding things that belong to me! I solved my next problem by finding an outfit for my party and started my car, beaming with joy as I stared at the beauty of the interior. Molly was already waiting for me by her house, the shock on her face evident as I pulled over and let her in. "How the f**k did you do this, you sneaky animal?!" She exclaimed and I shrugged before pulling down the sunglasses I had worn for an extra dramatic effect. "I told you the last talent they have is hiding stuff, didn't I?" I smiled with smugness and whipped my hair to the back. Surprisingly enough, driving the car was not as difficult as I thought it would be after spending months without practice. I was actually doing just great, it just felt so natural. "I must applaud you for your bravery though, you will never return it on time for your parents to find it perfectly parked in the garage without any stains on the tyres or decreased number on the mileage!" Molly raised a point I was already perfectly aware of. "I know," I reverted as I took a sharp turn on the road, leaving a mark behind the wheels. "They are already going to yell at me for failing that stupid physics quiz, they might as well generalize their punishment and include the part of me stealing my own car." I concluded and had her head shaking. "You are one of a kind, you know that, right?" She declared and I shrugged in response. "I am." I cemented her suggestion and stopped the car in Brandon's driveway. ________________________ The party had been ongoing for over an hour now and I was absolutely smashed! I had lost count of the amount of alcohol I was taking into my body long before my head began spinning, which by the way was only at the beginning of the party. I was grinding on whoever or whatever I could find conveniently within proximity of my ass and I had been taken down from the dining table twice already. I knew I was drowning shot after shot to forget about how horribly my week had neared an end, but that alone was not enough reason for me to stop drinking. Martin had ignored me throughout the short pack meeting we had yesterday and my final attempt to get his attention by walking to Molly's while I knew she was shopping at the mall, dressed in my short shorts and low cut crop top only earned me a door being slammed in my face. The man had been brutal to me, he had embarrassed me and dropped me from the high pedestal he put me on by showing even the slight interest in me that he had shown before he acted up. "Kacey! You seriously need to stop drinking!" Molly snatched a shot glass from my hand and splashed the tequila inside it onto the carpet. "You need to slow down, are you trying to get alcohol poisoning and die right now, b***h? No!" She laughed, slapping my cheeks lightly to bring life to my face. Why the f**k was she laughing?! Does she really think me being this sad is funny? I shoved her away and almost sent her head first into the wall. "Listen, you pathetic i***t. You of all people should be the last to judge me! You have such little confidence in yourself that you choose to stick around with your asshole boyfriend despite him cheating countless times and showing you time after time that he does not love you! He only sees you as that doormat he will always return to when the fun ends!" I did not even know how I was getting my words to even make sense but based on her open mouth and teary eyes, she had heard everything I had said. "What? It is the truth, isn't it? Don't hate me for stating facts!" I quickly yanked her drink from her hand like she did mine and gulped it in one go. "Kacey! How could you even say that?" Her hand flew to cover her mouth as a tear fell from her eyes. "Never talk to me again, you hear me?!" She stormed away in hurried steps, the anger clear as she pushed people that were in her way to the sides so she was able to maneuver through the crowd. What's her problem? I laughed and walked through huddles of people before finding my way back outside. I disregarded the horny teens that were making out and only shrugged at the smokers "blowing off some steam" by the garden. Waking to the front of the house was a hassle but it did not take me long to get to my car and start it after shoving the keys into multiple holes they didn't belong in. Everyone who needs to hear a piece of my mind is finally going to today! I swore to myself as I stepped off the brakes and drove into the main road without looking first. Cautious driving was for sober people and non-frustrated teens. I was neither of those two! I drove for the necessary fifteen minutes, all the headlights from the cars on the road looking like nothing but stars and the vehicles themselves being too reminiscent of floaters in my eyes. How I made it back to my street is beyond me but I could feel my anger boiling up as I caught sight of Martin's house. He was the reason I was this drunk, he was the reason I left my own party before it was over, and it was his fault I was this enraged to begin with. A thud alarmed me and I screamed as my airbag blinded me. Without hesitation, I walked out of the car and advanced to its front. It was the bloody neighbour's car that was parked in the f*****g road! That old hag would deal with the consequences of leaving her car where others were supposed to drive later, I was not stopping with my plan for the world. Mr Alpha had a lot he needed to hear and I had a mouth that was perfectly built to spew information. I walked the rest of the few meters on my heels and stumbled all the way to Martin's front door. Without even tapping on the wood lightly, I threw my entire body into the house and shut it hard behind me. Well, someone's senses are quite sharp aren't they? I laughed as the man of the hour, the reason for my discontent emerged from the kitchen with his body stiff and ready for battle. "You!" I pointed my forefinger at him and my eyes narrowed as I held my glare as long as I could with my barely-able-to -stay-open gawkers.
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