Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten: On board one second and against the next His stare was so ill-defined yet so unnerving, and it was, without a doubt directed straight at me. ___________________________ My palms scurried over the slippery floor, trying to get a grip on the white tiles and get me off the floor at once. Finding hold took a tad bit longer than what I needed and my heels only kept sliding in response to my attempts to stand. After what felt like twenty five years but was in actuality only a few seconds, I stood up straight, feeling shy and highly embarrassed as I swiped off the non existent dirt on the sides and back of my skirt. Ever so hesitantly, my head tilted and my eyes darted to Martin's still body. His stare was so ill-defined yet so unnerving, and it was, without a doubt directed straight at me. My lips trembled and incoherent sounds came from my mouth as I tried to explain why I was so clumsy, apologise for falling on his clean floor or whatever it was that I had to do in a situation of this kind. Loud, paced steps alarmed me and ended my torturous pondering on what it was I had to say to Martin. Thank f**k for this girl! Molly was rushing down the flight of stairs with her bag dangling in one hand and a few books secured between her elbow and ribs. "Kacey! Why are you still here?" She demanded as she finally reached my side. She neared her father and he got the gesture to give her a hug goodbye before she motioned for me to follow behind her. I dreaded carefully behind her till we had reached the car. Her driver stepped out of his seat and opened the backdoor for us before returning to place and starting the engine. "Gosh! What's the hurry for?" I asked her in genuine confusion. It was only 8:10am and school was less than fifteen minutes away so there was more than enough time left before classes started at nine. "You wouldn't understand, Kace. Being early is in everyone's best interests. Have you forgotten what happened to you just yesterday? Do I need to remind you?" I rolled my eyes and lifted my arms up in surrender. "Fine! You keep wasting previous hours of sleep and I will keep doing what has always worked for me!" I folded my arms over my chest dramatically and she laughed. "You mean the same thing that has marked you as late for way too many days in a year...each year?" She shot back and I decided to drop the topic as I thought back to what happened earlier on. I sighed loudly, alarming Molly, who then grabbed my chin and tilted my face towards her. "It's my parents." I declared and spared her the effort of asking. "What happened, Kace? What could they possibly do to get you down on your birthday?" She awaited my response, which I only let out after several more sighs and heavy breaths. "They have given me an ultimatum. They expect me to find my mate within two weeks or they are going to force me to search for him in all the neighboring cities! Can you imagine that, Molly?" I questioned and was surprised by her unshaken demeanour. "Kace! Kace! Kace!" She laughed a bit before clapping her hands to compliment whatever amusement she was able to find from me venting to her. "No, I cannot imagine that because it just is not possible." She shrugged when I shot her furrowed brows. "Do you not see it? They just want to ensure you will let them know once you have found your mate since most of us tend to keep it from our parents. It's all a plan and a joke to scare you! How would they even begin to take you to other cities without any protectors when they know our pack is like fresh meat to those other greedy wolves?" Now that was one way I had not thought of it-as a trap. In the collosal list of words that Molly had spoken, I had actually found sense. She could as well be right! My parents were typically bark, no bite. Especially my mom. So I had to at least confirm with my dad before I jumped to believing her. "You are so right! I can't believe I almost let my mom's tactics ruin my day!" I exclaimed, applauding her for bringing me to the realization. __________________________ I pulled the door handle on the passenger side of my father's black sedan. My feet were throbbing and swollen as I sat in my seat and lifted them off the ground one after the other. "Damn that feels good!" I quietly hissed and grimaced in pain as I kicked the heels off and sat back, resting my back and aching neck. For whatever reason, pain tended to be contagious throughout my body so by that virtue, my upper body had also suffered the effects of my feet being enclosed and deprived of blood for hours. "Seatbelt!" My father called out and I strapped myself onto the chair without saying a word to him. I was ready to give him attitude until he denied any involvement in what mom had told me this morning. I waited for him to engage in small talk with Molly and cleared my throat once no other sound apart from the other vehicles on the road and the sound of the faint wind could be tears. "So...tell me, dad," I began as I pretended to admire a fresh manicure on my nails. "Is it true?" I turned to look at his face for the first time since the drive started and I could see the confusion is his face. "Are you and mom really going to force me to find a mate? That ought to be clear enough for him to understand. "Ohhh!" A smile formed on his face as he took a moment to look me in the eyes and take his gaze off the road. "It is! We are only helping out!" He added ever so casually. Helping out? Helping out my foot! I did not need any mate. "I appreciate it but it will happen when it happens! " I stated with a firm tone and triggered a change of attitude from him. "Do not ever raise your voice at me, young lady! This is exactly why we have to make decisions for you. You need to be kept in line!" He totally blew the situation out of proportion by reacting like a raging lion but he was still not making any solid points. "But I am not out of line, dad!" I defended myself and heard him huff. Oh how I pitied Molly who could only shrug the awkward situation away and pretend she was not in the same car as us. "You are! Only people with your behaviour get summoned by the Alpha." "I am not out of-" I was already rasing my voice over his as we spoke simultaneously but had to stop when his words insinuated something that was not to be taken lightly. "The Alpha did what?" I questioned with my tone now brought down several levels. "Don't cause trouble if you are not ready to deal with the ramifications!" He chucked as he took a turn to our street. "The Alpha wants to see you now! And if you paid any attention, you would know he is already waiting for you to show up." What the s**t was this man telling me? I thought our meeting was tomorrow. What on earth could have pushed him to change his mind? I only hesitated for minutes before stepping out of the car, following Molly to her house. I could not even begin to imagine what it was that he wanted to tell me, was he still interested in discussing this morning? A slight whimper left my lips as his words replayed in my mind. "What interests you on my crotch, Ms Sullivan?" It still perplexed me that I had actually been that obvious and he had seen me admiring the beautiful creation that is his body. I mean, could he blame me? How could a god be built among men and then we're expected to keep our eyes off him? Never, not possible! I followed Molly to her bedroom before taking the stairs to the third floor. It would be my first time stepping into his office or even getting near it. I could feel my hear pounding as I knocked, no, tapped on the door lightly and got an order to make entry almost immediately. My heels were already beginning to bend like they did this morning before they had me landing chest first. "Y-you called for me, Alpha?" I stumbled on only the second step I was taking into the room. Fuck! I knew I should have at least changed into more anxiety-friendly shoes! "I see you are the kind to never learn a lesson." He pointed at my heels as he stared at me. "Take a seat. And close the door behind you." He ordered and images of him pounding me from behind as I leaned against his desk flashed in my mind before I pushed them away and did as he asked, closing us in the dimly lit room. "I thought we were having a meeting tomorrow, why did you decide to see me today instead?" I impressed myself by actually initiating conversation rather than sitting still like a frozen lamb leg on the chair. "I am allowed to change my mind but what you are not allowed to do is question my decisions, clear?" He basically looked into my soul, his green eyes were digging a hole into my hazel ones as he gave me a long stare. "Y-yes, Alpha. It won't happen again!" "Good! I decided there was no need to wait until Friday to tell you that I will be training you myself." He stated and I had to be quick in lifting my jaw off the floor. "Y-you want to be my mentor, Alpha?" I know he said not to question but what?! What on earth was I hearing? He stood up from his rotating desk chair and took slow strides, making it around his desk. He walked till he had reached the back of my chair, which he tapped with his finger tips. "Does that surpise you, Ms Sullivan?" He inquired before walking away, his body facing the door as he moved behind me. I think I have a plan... My hands were on my chest fast, undoing two more buttons of my blouse to reveal more of my boobs. I had deprived myself of any opportunites to shy away in this moment. "A bit, Alpha. It does surprise me." I replied, acting innocently, like I had not just opened up some goodies for him to feast his eyes on, when he walked back to his side of the desk The change in his face was notable, impossible to miss. I could see his eyes falling straught on the massive revealed cleavage. "When do we begin training?" I capitalized on the moment, arching my back to lift my chest and show him more of the view he was already enjoying. I licked my lips and watched as his pupils shot up. It was heaven! For the first time since I had been hopelessly hankering for Alpha Martin to want me, I was finally getting a taste of what him desiring me would look like I could feel the moitness building in my underwear as his stare lingered. He finally smirked and chucked deeply before returning to his chair. "I have said what I needed to, leave my office!" He ordered and the smile on my face dropped. "E-excuse me?" I begged his pardon like he had not spoken clearly the first time. "What I will excuse is your persistent hunger to play with fire. Careful who you choose to play this game with, the repercussions may be a bit too heavy for you to handle." Fire? Game? Repercussions? I could not even begin to think of words to deny his vague, yet obvious accusations. "I-I don-" I started but he was not allowing me a single more second to lie flatly in his eyes. "The door is open, leave my office." Well f**k, when Alpha Martin gives you a direction like that, you have no chance to defy him, he leaves you no room whatsoever!
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