Chapter Nine

1947 Words
Chapter Nine: Then The Little Accident Happened He smirked and something flashed in his eyes, so quick I would have missed it if I blinked in that second. I could've sworn his eyes fell to the lower bits of my body! ________________________ By the time we finally arrived home and the car pulled over, I was ready to be as far away from my mother as possible. I was not ready to have an argument with her about how unrealistic and absolutely unnecessary it was that they force me to find my mate when I literally just turned eighteen. Now that she has dad involved, I knew my voice and opinion would not matter to them despite how much sense I made compared to them, once they had their heart set on something, nobody nor nothing could get in their way. Maybe they were meant for each other after all. I walked back into my room, convincing myself to forget about everything I just heard. Think happy thoughts only, Kacey! Happy thoughts only! gift...Martin. By the time the real reason I was looking forward to getting back home clicks, a huge smile has already attached itself to my face. Perfect way to start a morning would be to see the man of my dreams, why not? Wait, I thought for a moment. It was best I not make this too much about Martin. Molly's gift was the centre of attention here, I was going to her house for it, yes! I lied to myself as I got ready to get into my shower. My love for long hours of sleep had to take a backseat this time around because far more exciting things than what I dreamt of. It was typical of me to get ahead of myself but it is what it is. My eyes were immediately drawn to the shortest skirt in my wardrobe but before any real intention to wear it could form in my mind, I remembered that my school had an actual dress code and going against it meant I would be serving some kind of sentencing. What a drag! My eyes rolled as I opted for the next best thing, a skirt that fell just a few inches below, covering only a little of what would have been revealed by the first option. If a man of Martin's calibre was to start seeing me as the adult that I officially was today then I would have to start acting like one and looking like one too. After putting my outfit on,I paired the look with my purple, open toe stiletto heels and completed it with some red lipstick and my dark hair tied in a high bun. I looked like a snack, even I had to admit. Martin would have to be either blind or ignorant not to take notice of me today. "Do not wait up for me, I will be leaving with Molly today!" I yelled into my mother's room with my head only peeling in as she sat by her dressing table, doing her makeup. The look she gave me was enough for me to know that she did not approve of what I told her but before she had time to hand out any retorts or comments, I had shut the door. Walking over the tiles in the entire house already felt like such a challenge, only the heavens knew how I was going to survive a full day of school in such thin, long heeled shoes. I finally made it to Molly's front door after walking on spaghetti legs for the entire amount of time that it took me to get here from my house. I knew this was bound to happen. Whenever it came to thinking about seeing Martin, I was as keen as a child with a sweet tooth when offered sweets. When the time to face him in real life rolled around though, a shy turtle, retreating into its shell is what I looked and acted more like. It was like my crazy crush on him made me forget just how stern of a man he could be. That was the same reason I could not act on my feelings for so long. The door opened after a few knocks and Molly's face emerged from the door. Her smile was wide and so were her arms as she neared me and engulfed me in a huge, warm hug, nearly knocking me off my feet and sending me landing on the hard ground. "Careful! Do you not see these heels?!" I pointed at my shoes once we had broken the hug. She lifted her arms up in surrender, her eyes widening as she actually got a chance to check my outfit out. "Kacey! Where in the bad b***h world did you come from?" Her jaw dropped as she complimented me. If only you knew the big inspiration behind this look, best friend! I smiled and shooed her with my hands. She laughed and stepped over to the side, allowing me to walk into the house. Molly followed after, stopping behind me just a few steps from the door. She grabbed my hand, leading me upstairs before I even had time to survey the surroundings for Martin. We made it to her bedroom door and what I instantly assumed was my gift was in plain sight, standing out from all the furniture in the room. "Molly, what the f**k is this huge thing?!" I questioned as I eyed the large, tall wrapped box that stood at the centre of her room. I could hear her laughing as she closed the door behind her. "Why don't you go and find out?" She folded her arms over her chest and sat on her bed as she waited for me to open up the intimidating present. "Okay! But you better not make my own gift look small!" I narrowed my eyes at her as I moved closer to the box. That earned me a laugh and a roll of her eyes before she yelled for me to just open it. I tore the wrapping paper at the centre, making no effort to make this a clean job. The wrapping paper fell to the floor with each tear and a huge printed sign came was revealed once I had gotten rid of most of the decorated paper. "Got you! Just lift the box you sexy, bellhead!" My mouth went wide and my hand fell on my chest as I turned to face Molly. Her legs were not far from pointing at the ceiling as she continuously laughed at me like I was the joke of the century. "All my effort for nothing?" I dramatically threw the hollow bottomed box to its side and revealed a much smaller box that was hidden beneath it. "What the heck?" I laughed with her as I picked up the small box and looked at it with scrutiny. "Open it or we will end up being late for class!" She begged and I lifted the top of the box to reveal a necklace. My face turned towards her with my eyes wide. "When did you get this, you copycat?" "You are the copycat! I got this made a month ago!" She defended and I gasped in shock and awe. That necklace was no ordinary neck piece. It was far too identical to the one I had given her for her birthday. My skin was almost crawling thinking of how we could have possible gotten each other near matching necklaces without planning it. The morning was momentary but time had no plans of considering our bonding sessions. Molly's phone buzzed and she looked at the screen with a face that was way to familiar. "My driver is here! Kacey, just go down, I will be there in a few!" She panicked as she searched for something in her closet. "What? I don't even know him. Who the f**k is he going to think I am?" I asked as I took my own bag from her bed. "Just explain to him before he has to wait too long." She pleaded. There really was no reason for me to have to do what she said, the chauffeur was paid to take her to school and that was exactly what he would do despite the circumstances. I decided to hold back on my words and instead just do as she asked, taking my fair amount of time to walk down the stairs. I was immediately welcomed by the sight of Martin sipping on a brown liquid through a brandy snifter glass when I made it to the last step and finally lifted my gaze from my feet. What the s**t? He definitely was not here when we walked up those stairs! I froze for just a second in my tracks before clearing my throat and continuing to walk slowly. I had no doubt in my mind that he had seen me now and there was no way I was about to disregard him. "G-good morning, alpha." I moved in even slower steps towards the living room's small bar where he was seated. "Ms Sullivan. I missed the part where you got entry into this house. When did you get here?" He refused to look at me for some reason as he spoke, keeping his eyes glued to the inside of his glass. "I-I was let in by M-molly." Do better than stutter won't you, you little mess! He got up from his seat and walked in my direction. Shit! I could already feel my knees going week and my eyes struggling to stay clear of checking him out but damn did he look good in his dress shirt and tight pants. Whatever business he was going to get up to this early, may he just abandon. The only thing I wanted him to work on was on my throbbing slut of a p***y. Dammit! Get your mind out of the gutter! "What interests you on my crotch, Ms Sullivan?" He demanded without changing his facial expression even once. However he maintained such calmness was beyond me to this day. "Y-your crotch? N-no sir. I-" I began what would be a spineless defense but he stopped me before I could continue. "So you're eighteen now?" His voice seemingly got deeper as he inquired. My legs were shaking as I gave him a nod. He smirked and something flashed in his eyes, so quick I would have missed it if I blinked in that second. I could've sworn his eyes fell to the lower bits of my body! Was he checking me out? No, seriously, was he checking me out?! "I see. Congratulations on that. That's a big age that holds many responsibilities and consequences, you know?" No, I don't know. All I know is you are driving me nuts sir! The car honked from outside and my eyes fell on the front door. He noticed my interest in the car as his head turned to have a look himself. He only dismissed me by turning his head to the front door's direction and I thanked him before walking around him. Between the slippery floor, my mind not being where it should be and the thought of Martin staring at me as I walked in front of him, I could not decide what lead to the most embarrassing scene. My heels had my ankle twisting and my body falling flat on the floor. I could feel the drape of my skirt hitting my back as the cool air fanned my derriere. What in the f**k have I just done??
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