Chapter 1

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Before we proceed further in my story, let me explain all you need to know about Vampires, Demons, and Dragons; and my journey. Werewolves live in packs, and each pack has an Alpha, but unlike Werewolves, other supernatural species like Vampires, Demons, Elves, Sirens, and Witches have several small groups that are led by Lords in Demons and Vampires cases, led by clan leader in Elves, Witches, and Sirens cases. Again, the big difference between us and these other supernatural species is that they live in one big place (big enough to be a continent), and are not situated in different parts of the world. For example, Sirens live near the coastline, and their realm is called Muirgen. Witches covet the land of secrets, a land that has eternal power that connects all the witches, a land called Ceridwen which is named after a Celtic Goddess. Elves live near the realm of magic, an enchanting land called Ēsdyr; they work as a reign that the Goddess uses to prevent witches from turning into dark mages. Their job is to bring peace between the supernatural and to heal the witches who are suffering from darkness. The vampire's realm is called Hael (a name that doesn't suit blood-sucking leeches). The demons live in the foggy forest, a treacherous forest that engulfs souls; it is called Náæta (a name befitting the soul-eating realm). In their realm, the small groups form one big community which is ruled by Venture in Vampires cases, Princes in Elf, Demons, and Sirens cases, and Head Priestess in witches and warlords cases. My mate is one of those. Another one is the prince of Demons, Apollyon Lazarus. His domain is my next stop, but let's keep the certain Demon out of the talk for now. The Dragon realm covers the vast land of the North. Their realm is called Amaranthine (It's a beautiful name for a beautiful place if you ask me). This is the only land that isn't divided into several small packs; all the dragons live together. On my journey, I would cover Werewolf lands, Vampire realm, Demon realms, and Dragon realm. Till now, I have covered several werewolf packs and a little part of the Vampire realm. It was just my shitty luck to cover the Venture's Den of all places on my journey. Now that we have a general idea of the things we will come across in the future, let's head back to the present. ~•~ Sighing, I slowed my pace as I felt the non-claimed woods near me. To reach the Dragon's lair, I have to cross Vampire and Demon packs. I would have to cover several of their packs to reach other unclaimed lands before we step into Dragon's lair. Lost in my thoughts, I let my guard down. Suddenly, I felt someone wrapping their arms around me; slamming me against the trees and pressing themselves against me. The said person was, of course, my mate. "Going somewhere, mate?" he hissed like a snake (that he was). "I'm sorry, did you just call me mate? You got the wrong person, Venture Caedmon," I said with a straight face; a little too fast if you ask me. "You're not my mate, you say," he grinned, his fangs out in the open. "Then if I were to mark you, you wouldn't have my mark. Do you mind if I test it out?" I growled at that, cursing the bastard in my mind. If he marks me now, the mark will stay, and that means I can't deny that he is my mate. "Don't you think it is rude to ask someone other than your mate to let you mark them? Is this how Vampires prey on other people?" I sneered, shoving him away from me. "I don't know about others but I'm preying on you this way," he closed the distance between us once again, caging me between him and the trees. "Get off," I growled in warning, my claws coming out; ready to sink into his flesh if needed. "Easy there, kitten. Your claws might end up digging into my back as I f**k you," he chuckled, leaning in. "While I'm not against blood, it might be unpleasant for you to smell my blood." A little explanation before we proceed further. His blood has the power of a toxic drug, it can both kill you and intoxicate you. For Werewolves, their blood is a poisonous flower; if we consume enough of it, it may lead to our death as our wolf self rejects the Vampire blood and to protect us from converting, our wolves kill us. What makes it a flower for us is the beautiful smell their blood gives off. I hate to admit it, but unlike how other books claim, they smell delicious. Just because they are undead, doesn't mean they smell like rotten flesh. They are the children of the night, the blessed ones (as vampires claim) so calling them smelly is going against Goddess Nyx. She blessed these bastards with looks and the power of elements, which was unnecessary if you ask me. These bastards don't deserve such grace. "I said, get off, Caedmon. I have to set out on my journey and I don't have the time to entertain a thing like you," I hissed, once again pushing him away. This time, I turned on my heels and ran in the direction I had to go. He followed after me like a pestering fly, his footsteps humming into my ear. I stopped abruptly, turning sideways to face him. "Why are you following me?" I demanded. "I'm following you wherever you are going," he said, unfazed by my glare. He shamelessly smiled at me when I glared at him harder. "And who gave you the permission to follow me?" I growled. "I don't think I need it to come with you. It's my will to follow you and you can't do anything about it, unfortunately," he grabbed me by my shoulder and turned me around. "Now move, unless you want to fuck." I scrunched my nose in disgust and shook his hands off. Not minding his presence for my mental peace, I took off. For hours we traveled through the unclaimed lands; the surroundings lit up as the sun rose, and again, night fell. After a full day of nonstop traveling, I finally reached Demon lands. "Who are you?" the guard whom I can not see asked from the shadows. "Not this again," I whispered under my breath, secretly glaring at Caedmon. "In my defense, we hate Lycans as much as Lycans hate us, and I thought it wasn't that necessary to host one of them," Caedmon said. "Open the portals." At his command, the portals opened. Why do they need the portals, you might wonder. It's to keep the outsiders out, especially humans. These portals are deadly for humans, as are the demons; that is why when the supernatural species mingled with the human realm, Demons were excluded. That was to prevent any demon from accidentally imprinting death on them. That would have brought chaos in the underworld so they built a deadly portal that could kill humans if they touched it. As for the supernatural, this portal works as a barrier. Under the watchful eyes of the portal keeper, we entered their realm. I bit my lips in annoyance, wondering why I didn't just boat through the sea to reach my destination. Had I done that, I would have avoided this tragedy. These bastards are so uncultured under the pretext of "Royalness", it's annoying. These stuck-up mutts should be illegal to exist, I swear. I bitched to Lyco and she wholeheartedly agreed with me. I especially don't like the one behind us; that creep has been drooling at our ass since the beginning, she shuddered. Let's hope the Demon Prince isn't a creep like this Vampy, I said in sync with my wolf. I have a bad feeling about this, she said. Don't jinx it, Lyco. I wailed. I already have enough on my plate; I can't handle another drama right now. "Come this way," Vampy guided me like an expert through the forest. Soon, we were standing in front of a castle that was too big for my eyes. These bastards sure know how to splurge money, I wiped my imaginary drool as I looked at the magnificent castle in front of me. I hate to admit it but everything about the castle was "exquisite", especially with moonlight illuminating the castle like a dream. "Let's go in, yeah?" Vampy suddenly wrapped his arms around me, which I swatted away from me. "You can go ahead. I have to get changed," I tilted my head in the direction of the castle, not wanting to expose myself to the creep. "I'm not going anywhere," he leaned against the tree in a relaxed manner, his eyes daring me to undress in front of him. As we were on the outline of the forest, I didn't give a s**t and returned to my human form, exposing my naked body out in the open. Nudity is a common existence among wolves so I never minded it until the sleazy eye of a certain vermin fell on me. His gaze on me was annoying. After a second or so, he growled. Vampire can growl? I snorted to my wolf who snorted with me. "What are you doing?" Vampy growled, trying to cover me with his body. Bet he didn't think we would transform in front of him, Lyco chuckled. "What are you doing? Didn't I tell you I need to get changed?" I demanded, rolling my eyes at him. "Wear something, Kira. I don't want anyone to look at you like this," he growled, exposing his fangs to the shadows of the trees. "Too late, everyone already saw," I rolled my eyes at the creep and pulled on a tank top and sweatpants. He growled into the forest again, warning the shadow demons who were watching me like a hawk from the shadows. "Tsk, all these bastards are the same," I mumbled under my breath, shuddering visibly as I felt the burning gaze on me from behind. "Mate, let me warn you; if you pull that stunt again, I'm either f*****g you right on the spot or causing a war in your name. You choose what you want," Vampy hissed. "For f**k's sake, stop being delusional. You will not be f*****g me, ever. And even if you did try, you'll end up ball-less, so you choose wisely if you want to keep provoking me," I growled back. That pissed the Vampy off. "You know very well morals is the last thing we Vampires have. I'm trying very hard not to bend you over and f**k you senselessly so that even if you aren't into men, you will forever crave my c**k. Keep provoking me like this, Darling, and you'll end up below me," he leaned into me to the point we were almost kissing. Frowning, I pushed him away, my cheeks inflamed in anger. "Just so you know, your c**k wouldn't be the first I have taken, so don't try to think you will get me to love your c**k," I looked at his crotch. "Especially a worn-out one like that one." Feeling proud of my comeback, I confidently walked into the castle, leaving the fuming asshole behind me. I couldn't have walked two steps before the Vampy slammed me against the entrance wall. "Who was that bastard," a growl rumbled from his chest, his growl warning me not to play around. Too bad, I didn't give a s**t. Glaring, I shook the Vampy off. "Don't get your panties in a twist, my business is none of your business. Stop pissing me off and back up; I don't have time to entertain you," I growled in warning. Before our banter could proceed further, I felt his presence before he revealed himself from the shadow. "You're here," his dark eyes met my amber ones. Just then my Lycan growled… "Mate." ~•~
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