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Have you ever been hit by fate on your face so hard, it leaves you astonished? You have not? Well, I have! Fate slapped me so hard on the face when I found my mates. Ever since I was little, I wanted a wife, not a husband. I imagined adopting a child with my mate; who is soft, delicate, gropable, and someone capable of giving birth to life. What I never imagined in my wildest dream; being mated to a man, and I'm not even straight. I love women, so how the hell did our Mother Goddess make such a ridiculous mistake? Even if she decided to f**k my life, the least she could have done was not give me a vermin, an invisible, and a raging bull! How the hell am I supposed to even look at them lest accept them when all they give me is a headache? Isn't a mate bond supposed to pull you close to your mate? You feel nothing but attraction towards your mate when you meet so how am I always annoyed when I face them? It's almost challenging to not just snap at them despite feeling guilty about our situation. I don't want to disappoint them but Goddess knows I'm hanging by the thread. It's only a matter of time before I run out of patience. Now only the Goddess can give me the strength to carry on or get me out of this situation. ~•~ Our next stop would be a Vampire's coven. My Lycan growled, going on alert mode as we entered a Vampire's territory. Their Venture is notoriously known as a viper; be careful of him. Thanks for the reminder, Lyco. I thanked her, calling her by the pet name I gave her. I miss the time when we had proper names, Lyco growled. That was in Grandpa's timeline and it's been almost a century since then. Now we don't give ourselves a second name, I rolled my eyes. Besides, no one even used to know our Lycan names. That was only used by one to identify their Lycans. We don't even need this ridiculous tradition; we are one and should be accepted as such. Right, and that is not disrespectful to us! We used to be called by respect but look at us now; we're now given a f*****g pet name like a dog, my Lycan grunted in distaste. Hey, Dogs are cute! I argued. Yes, but I'm not a dog; I'm a f*****g majestic creature called Lycan, She gasped, coming up with the most exaggerated expression on her face. You're still a Lyco to me, Lyco; or do you want me to call you Coco? I jested. I'm fine with Lyco, thank you. She added. That's it, now you're accepting your name. Now be a good girl and retreat. I need to focus around me now. I may be accepting of others but Vampires are where I draw the line. They can never be trusted! I growled at the last part. Okay. I feel someone close by; seven Vampires in total. Lyco warned me before she retreated. Thanks for the heads up, I thanked her, now smelling the seven Vampires too. I slowed my pace as I neared them, before coming to a full stop. The seven Vampires were on full alert, gauging me up as if they were deciding whether I was a threat or not. Annoyed by their lack of courtesy I snapped. "I'm Elder Kira, I informed your Venture about my visit today." Hearing that, they relaxed, not by much though. I slid their attitude to the side and waited for them to confirm my visit with their Venture. I rolled my eyes, questioning how they managed to even be on somewhat friendly terms with some packs when they were so rude and didn't have any courtesy to give to their guests. I could have understood them had I not been informed and confirmed my visit with their leader. "You can come with us. Please, shift to your human form before you come with us," one of the seven said. I nodded, and shifted into my human form in front of them; pulling on a slip dress and a short underneath to cover my naked body. "This way," the same Vampire led me to what seemed like a gothic castle straight out of a vampire fairytale. "Exquisite, isn't it? You might now have seen something this magnificent in your entire life," The Vampire snorted. I clicked my tongue, not wanting to lose my temper over such a little thing. I'm way above that. "Then again, mutts like yourself have always lived in the woods with nothing but little huts in possession. Luxury is out of the question for you," The Vampire laughed, thinking he was funny. He wasn't and I snapped. "Let's see if I remember correctly but you guys have accepted King Alastair, a mutt like me with nothing but a hut in his possession, as the king of the supernatural too. Must be very heartbreaking for your Venture, no? He was trying so hard to become the King but couldn't even become anything more than the Lord's Lord. Don't tell me he deluded him into thinking he was some King s**t and built this castle to feed that delusion," I smiled innocently, mimicking his accent. His face turned red in anger at my words but being too embarrassed, he couldn't retort to my provocation. Before we get further, let me explain about the said Venture. Though I haven't met with him before, in the Elder's den, there are lots of books that contain information about him. Before I set out on my journey, I marked the lands I would pass by. I decided to get some incels on the places I would pass through, excluding werewolf packs. Back to Venture of the Vampires; he is the oldest, firstborn of their kind. He rules all the covens that exist; no important decision is ever taken by the leaders of the covens without him. It wouldn't be far-fetched to call him the King of Vampires. His name? Caedmon Raith! Back to the present, soon we reached the gates of the castle. I looked like a toddler against the massive entrance and I was far from petite. Standing at 7'5", little is the last word that could describe me. "Lorde will meet you soon. Wait in the great room till then," The Vampire rudely pointed to what looked like a massive living room, and took his leave. I rolled my eyes and plopped down on the sofa. With nothing but time on my hands, I looked around the room; I have to admit Vampy has great taste. Though it was giving a Vampire manor vibe, it was somewhat beautiful, catchy, and relaxing. What was unnecessary was all the s****l paintings on all the walls. Tell me you're a s*x addict without telling me that, I snorted to my Lycan. She snorted with a remark, It's no surprise he couldn't manage the estate; he must probably be out somewhere shagging someone. I agree, I sighed. I swear if he stood me up, I'm going to forget my manners too. Greetings could go f**k themselves, I'm going to lure that Vampire out; if I have to barge into his room to meet, I will do so. I hope it doesn't come to that. I don't want to witness whatever we might witness if we hunt that Vampire. Who knows what they are hiding in here, my wolf growled. I hope so too. These mutts can never be trusted. I growled. Two hours later, I had enough of waiting for the host. I took it upon myself to search that mutt and shove the so-called greeting up his ass. I skipped all the eight floors of the castle and made my way to the ninth one. Outside one of the big doors stood two Vampires and as I made my way to them, they hissed like the snakes they were. "You are not allowed on this floor," one of the two hissed. "Well, I wouldn't have come myself had your f*****g venture decided not to be an ass; though it's my fault to even expect anything from uncultured mutts like you Vampires," I growled back. Just then a feminine moan sounded in my ears, pissing me off further. "You better pray to Goddess it's not your vermin cult leader inside but some deranged woman who thinks it's alright to pleasure herself in someone else's room." With my Lycan flaring my temper from behind, I lost all rationality, and against my better judgment, I opened the door and saw a gangbang going on. There were around five males in the room with one woman pleasuring them. I clicked my tongue in annoyance, my eyes stopping at the Elder of Vampy cult. "Elder Kira," Xavier, the Elder purred, eyeing me up and down. Just as I was about to growl, I was hit by a delicious smell. Excited, I turned my eyes to the woman, expecting her to be my mate but my excitement turned into a scowl when my Lycan didn't growl 'mine' inside my head. I shifted my eyes and one by one looked at the men present in the room, my eyes stopping to look at what I assumed was the Leader of all vampy cults, the infamous sniper; Venture of the Vampire clan, Caedmon Raith. The man smirked, stalking his ass in my direction. "You've got to be f*****g kidding me," I growled, wiping the smirk off his face. I turned around, wiped my eyes, and turned back, hoping I was just hallucinating and that he was not my mate but I scowled even harder when my Lycan confirmed that we were indeed mates. "Stay right there," I warned him, stopping him dead in his tracks. "We will discuss the blatant disrespect you showed me later, you can finish your thing here. Meanwhile, I will settle down in one of the guest rooms." I said in a hurry and escaped the room. "You, show me my room," I ordered one of the two guards, who pointed to the room right beside the one I came out from. "I highly doubt that is the guest room," I growled, "Show me to the guest room." One of them nodded and guided me to the floor below. Once I was inside the room I would stay for a day, I shut the door, and screamed my lungs out into the pillow, taking out all the frustration I accumulated in just a few hours. Goddess, help me get through the night. I will get out of here before the sun sets tomorrow. I prayed to the moon Goddess to get her blessing, and under the bright light of the moon, I silently escaped. ~•~
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