Chapter 1: We were dating.

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DISCLAIMER: ATTENTION! Please read: This story will include some strong language— not suitable for under-18 readers but certainly for fun-filled readers. The story will also include some jawbreaking and explicit scenes, so be advised: Read at your own peril(winks)Note: Names, places, events, and characters you will see in this novel were all born out of the writer's imagination only. Any resemblance of an actual person or community you will see in any form or kind in this book is purely coincidental and not intentional. This is purely a work of fiction and I hope you'll enjoy it. Three hours ago before the party. I never knew my first day in a club would be the day I had a breakup. I had always wanted to try out new things. But going to parties or clubs was never one of them. My boyfriend Pierce should be celebrating his birthday today but I refused to call him. I had dated him for two years now, but I had not always been around because I had been away studying and working part-time at the same time. I came back today and I was going to see him. Pierce must be really excited to see me, I thought. It had been more than a year since I last saw him or touched him. Thanks to social media, I had always been able to talk to him almost every day. But today, that will change, or so I thought. I boarded a taxi down the street in Wellington. I arrived on this street and got out of the cab. It was a little sunny for 5 pm so I squinted my eyes when I alighted the car. I wish I had come with a cap because I didn't want Pierce to see me through the windows since he lived upstairs, on the tenth floor. I used the elevator and moved up to the 9th floor and the elevator stopped. It was confusing. I pressed the button again and, luckily, the elevator moved up. I walked down the alley going straight to Pierce’s apartment. He lived alone in the house and it was just a room and a parlor self-con. I walked slowly, smiling and smelling the air until I got close to the door. I sighed deeply at first. I wasn’t even sure if my boyfriend was around or not. I knocked anyway, expecting someone to answer me. But no one did. Instead, I heard loud music playing loudly from the inside. If it wasn’t 5 pm, the neighbors would have called the police to come to get him arrested. I knocked anyway and continued knocking for what seemed like two to four minutes but no one answered. I wanted to drop the rose flower on the floor so I could leave and perhaps come back later. I bent down but my head nudged the door slightly. Oops! It swayed open and screeched quietly. I walked in. The sitting room was fairly large for a bachelor like Pierce. I looked around the sitting room, which had three long black leather sofas positioned adjacent to each other and a long glass table in the middle. On the table was a bowl of apples. I came close and took one. I crunched a bite. Delicious. I glanced through the room again and saw something my eyes had failed to catch in the first place. I found female panties on the floor. I wondered why female panties should be found on the floor of my boyfriend’s house. I glanced up on the sofa and saw a red bra kept carelessly atop one of the sofas. Wow! It didn’t feel right seeing those. I took out my phone from my bag and quickly dialed Pierce’s number. I was getting nasty already. The phone rang four times but he didn’t pick up. On the fifth time, he took the call. “Hi Nicole,” Pierce said gently. “How are you? Been wanting to call me?” he asked in between heavy breathing. I pretended not to hear him call me by my name. He never did. “Oh yeah? Where are you?” I asked, my eyes knitted in a mild frown. I noticed the volume of the music had been turned down. “Ahh. . . I am in, uh, wait. Why are you asking where I am? Is there a problem, Nicole?” “Nicole?” I blurted. “When was the last time you called me that?” “Oh,” he retorted. “I am sorry babe.” “Where are you, Pierce?” I asked angrily without giving him a breathing chance. I tried to control my voice. “I am not around at the moment. Kind of went to work,” he said. “What’s up?” “You mean you are not at home?” “Eh—m yeah. I am not at home now. I traveled. Three. Days. Ago.” he mentioned every word one by one. “You know what the nature of my job is.” Pierce sounded like he was not himself. His voice sounded worried and came out of his lips faster than usual. I nodded. Three days? That must have been a lie. If he had been away for three days, then he should have locked his apartment and, secondly, there wouldn’t have been any need for me to find female undies lying on his rug. And what about the music that had been playing loudly in his room? I paced up quickly and ran toward his room. I got close to his door and I heard the sound of a girl moaning agitatedly and the voice of a guy grunting in return. My heart skipped at the sound of the thing I heard. I could not wait. I pushed at the door and gently opened it. I saw Pierce, naked, on the bed with another thick blonde b***h. My jaw dropped and I covered my mouth with my right hand. I wanted to shout but I lost my voice. Pierce was busy riding the blondie in a doggy-style position. “Ouch,” the blonde shouted, moaning. “Don’t you dare stop even if I beg you to or I will kill you, sweetie?” Pierce held her hair, drew it back, and continued to pound her on the back. “You are my b***h,” he said to her ears. “I will ride you as long as you want.” “Oh common, faster you piss of s**t,” the girl snarled. I didn’t know what to do. One part of me wanted me to go home and cry my eyes out in my room, while the other part of me wanted me to confront him, kick his ass and let him know what he did before I would leave both of them and walk away. I had never been that angry before. I was angry at myself and angry that the same guy who I had sworn not to ever cheat on was cheating on me right in my face. I redialed his number. “Oh babe,” the blonde uttered with a seductive voice. “Hit me harder. Ignore the calls. Take me to heaven please.” Pierce dropped the phone and continued with his quest of taking her to heaven, hitting her as she requested. I stood aloof, frozen and watching in shock. I redialed the number and Pierce managed to peer through the phone amid the sweat raining down his body like it was raining. “Shhh,” he said to the blonde, trying to make her keep her voice down. “It’s my boss again.” He told her. I didn’t know that I had turned to his boss. Like really? He took in a deep breath and exhaled. He tried to catch his voice “Hey Nicky,” he said. “What’s up? Told you that I am busy.” The girl continued giving him a doggy even while he was answering my calls, though she did it noiselessly. I didn’t say a word. I stood watching. I couldn’t speak because I didn’t want him to know I was there. “Hey Nicky, are you there?” he asked, one hand on the girl’s butt while the other hand on the phone. I remained silent, very sad. I didn’t say a word to him. I worked so hard to control myself. I fought the urge not to rush in and end up doing something stupid or perhaps end up hitting the i***t with something on the head. “Nicky?” he called. “Speak up, I can't hear you. Nicky? Nicky? Okay, I will call you when I am less busy.” Pierce peered into his phone again and quickly dropped it on the bed. “The b***h just hung up,” he told the blondie. “Just f**k me and ignore her.” The girl laughed, her face buried on the bed and then her butt shaking for Pierce to see. I watched the nerd; my stupid boyfriend, go back to the game; pushing in and pushing out. My heart almost leaped into my throat. Anger surged up through my veins. I had gone through tough situations before, and disappointments in life, but I never knew that this would be how difficult cheating on a partner could be. Nothing had ever come close to this. Tears began to gather up heavily in my eyes. Since I didn’t want to burst out crying, I turned and headed for the door. Just when I touched the handle and tried to get the door open, I heard someone call my name, shouting. “Jeez, what the f**k!” Pierce shouted. “Nicole, is. . . is that you? Holy f**k! Holy f**k!”
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