Chapter 2: Rejected apologies

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I sighed. I had already touched the door handle but froze immediately after he called my name. I decided to turn around slowly so he would know that it was me that entered the room and perhaps, look at him for at least the last time. I turned around and saw Pierce quickly wearing his trouser. Pierce was 32 and could boast a height of 6’2ft. He had a slim body build that made him appear as though he was a senior high school student. He had short, black, jet hair which he had just dyed into a greying color. I must confess, he had grown into a finer man than my eyes had been convincingly telling me over social media. But now, he looked more like an A-hole to me than the once responsible Pierce I used to look up to as a mentor and my only boyfriend. The blondie lay naked, playing with her hair as she saw me. It was as though she didn’t even care that someone just walked in the middle of her having s*x. How could she be this shameless? Even if I had grown such balls, I couldn't display them like that. If I were the girl, the first thing I would have done was to wear my clothes or at least cover myself quickly with his mattress— but that was not the case. I ran off the room, weeping. I headed for the elevator. Pierce ran after me quickly. “Wait up Nicole,” he said, shouting. “It’s not what you think.” I could hear his footsteps approaching behind me. I quickly pressed the button on the elevator, the bell rang and the door opened. I entered immediately and closed it quickly. I paced back a little and sank back into the elevator wall behind me. I squatted down on my knees crying. I couldn’t believe that someone who I had tried to convince myself that I would spend the rest of my life with was cheating on me. And the worst was, I had no idea how long he had been cheating on me or how many women he had been cheating on me with. This sounded so humiliating to the extent that it would be impossible for me to tell someone the story. The bell rang again and the elevator door opened. I remained on the floor for a while. I didn’t feel like coming out. I tried to stand up but my feet felt numb. I inhaled a deep breath, mustered enough strength. Finally, I made it. I stood up. I came out of the elevator and headed to the main exit door. The second elevator door beeped behind me and Pierce ran out like a mad man from there. “Hey sweetheart,” he stuttered out loud. “Please wait. I have something to tell you.” I heard him but I didn’t wait. I ignored him and headed for the exit door. I felt a touch on my back and then his grip around my shoulder. I spun around—thanks to the way he dragged me by force, I almost found myself on the floor. “Please, listen to me, Nicole,” he begged. “I am sorry for what you just saw. It wasn’t part of the plan and besides, she just came around today. This was really her first time—” I raised my right arm which was by the way still free and slapped him right on his left cheek. “Shut the hell up, Pierce,” I declared, shouting. “Don’t you dare lie to me in my face. Don’t you dare.” He left my shoulder and held his cheek where I had just slapped him. “Nick,” he called me softly. “I can explain, please. All I need is just a minute.” Anger flushed through me like an adrenaline, almost blurring my vision. It gave me a slight headache. Of course, no sane human would wish to listen to whatever rubbish he had to say. But for the sake of old times, I decided to listen to him. “And what in the world are you planning to explain that has not been explained, Pierce? I saw everything.” “I know but you didn’t hear everything, Nicole. I do love you and that’s a lot but as a guy who had dated you for close to two years now and does not even see you or touch you for more than three times a year nor have s*x with you, what do you expect?” he looked at me in between knitted eyebrows. “So this is all about s*x?” I asked him. “I am a guy for God’s sake and you know what men need s*x from women. I have always tried to stay away from all these flirty lifestyles since you were away but recently, I just couldn’t handle it. I have tried Nicole, believe me. I have tried.” I brushed a quick laugh. I didn’t know why I laughed or why I found what he said funny even when it wasn’t. “You would have tried harder, Pierce. You would have tried harder,” I said. “Do you think that you are the only one who has stayed away from flirty lifestyles? Huh? Oh c’mon, spare me that gibberish and leave it up for the swamps. You just should have chosen principles over immorality but you didn’t. You decided to slay it out with a random bitch.” “Oh, you are judging me now?” “Of course, I am judging you now,” I said angrily. “You deserve nothing better than what you will be getting from me from now on. I don’t even know why you are apologizing to me. DO you want to be eating two or more p*****s at the same time while you lay claim or pretend that you don’t know what is going on?” “Oh easy with that accusation, Nicole,” he said. “You ain’t better.” “Easy you say? Now I know you are an unrepentant bastard.” “You know what Nicole?” he said. “I think you can go f**k yourself. I am done and tired of your bossy attitude. You always sound as though you are the only one who knows how to do things right.” Pierce turned around and left. Tears gathered up in my eyes and my eye sacks became very heavy. I eyed him as he carelessly walked away from me, it was embarrassing. I started a mournful cry. I didn’t want anyone to know that I was crying. What would I even have told someone if I was asked why I was crying? Instead of crying, I thought of what to do. I wanted to punish myself for being a fool. Since I wasn’t a club type, I decided to take myself out and attend one and possibly drink the s**t out of myself. I came outside the building, threw the rose flower away, and stopped a taxi. I asked the cab driver of a well-known area that is known for expensive and lavish parties and clubs. He said it was somewhere in Crossville. I asked him to take me there.
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