Setting A Date

889 Words
    “Can you give the kid a break, he didn’t even learn how to read a file,” Harry began to defend me, which was a nice gesture from him. “Really? If so then why did you select him as your junior?” Sara smirked as she said to her brother. “Do you doubt me?” Harry calmly asked. “No, but I know you better than you think brother, besides,” she then turned to look at me as she said with a sneer, “He might be interested in Monica, I’m just doing him a favor.” I was about to say no thanks, however I didn’t. I knew they were joking, but if I crossed the line and spoke rudely to her, I would dig my own grave then. This was a trap covered by a fake cover of play. I had to be careful in dealing with this sister, I was lucky to be away from her domain. That made me wonder, was Emma too this ferocious with her juniors? I recalled how she was treating her juniors, the three chicks I found with her at the beginning of this day. She wasn’t like this tigress, my sweet Emma couldn’t be this hard, she was so soft. That was something I dreamt of checking out personally one day. “Why are you daydreaming here? this isn’t your bedroom.” Suddenly the crisp voice of Sara rang in my ears. She seemed to have fun playing with me, however I just looked solemnly to Harry and then to the ground without saying anything. I had to be careful and alert here. “Don’t stress more over him, can’t you see how pale he is.” Harry moved to stand beside me then he said to his sister: “Just wait for my call tonight, I hope we can find something that could lead us.” Harry then moved towards the exit of the room, and I followed him. I didn’t need any order of him to follow, as I wanted to leave this place as soon as possible. Once we exited the corridor and entered the wide hall, Harry said to me while walking: “You need to adapt and get used to this.” “Get used to what?!” I asked with doubt. “Here your mistakes won’t be tolerated at all. So, the best way out for you is not to do any mistake, got it?” I looked to him with more disbelief. Was he asking me to become perfect and not make any mistakes at all? “Don’t look at me this way, in time you will learn how to not fall in mistakes,” he added without even turning for once to look at me. We were at the door to leave the unit, when I muttered: “I’m human, and sure I will make mistakes.” Just before we exited he turned to look at me, as he said while patting on my shoulder: “Then try to minimize the scale of your mistakes, do smaller not big ones. Try to make mistakes that could be fixed, otherwise that treatment you got there from my sister would look like a joke to what you will really face.” I didn’t know why the talk suddenly took this sharp turn, however my instincts told me to just nod and say nothing. Just I did that he smiled as he added: “You are good, I believe you can be a good doctor one day. Just don’t screw up in your first steps, you will be able to survive.” His expression about being a doctor wasn’t exactly the thing I expected. I thought being a doctor was a cool thing, however it seemed now I was walking in a mine land. Any single mishap and BOOM, I would lose everything. That wasn’t a reassuring feeling, and as I was so down I went straight to her, Monica. She was still standing outside the main door organizing patients. I didn’t know why, but my depressed soul seemed to feel refreshed. My eyes fell over her face. She was like an angel, a hot one in fact. Harry passed by her like she was invisible, was he gay? How come I pass by her and not stop to salute this beauty? I just stopped beside her and faked I was trying to let the way for a middle aged male patient who was going to enter the department. And I selected the side Monica was standing at. In these few moments while the patient entered the department I leaned towards Monica as I whispered: “When will you end your shift?” My question came so sudden to her as she was startled at first then she chuckled as she put her hand over her mouth while saying with a tone that tried to be low however she failed: “You have balls to do that, but I like the try. Dear, I already have a boyfriend.” I chuckled as if I didn’t hear what she just said as I whispered again: “Sure, a hottie like you must have a long line of admirers. Anyway my shift would end after six hours, bye.” I winked as I left her and rushed to follow Harry. Before I turned to leave this hall, I stole a glance at her, to find her alluring eyes looking at me without looking anywhere else. Our eyes were met at this brief moment, and I knew that I got a date tonight. But where should I take her? I have no money, what a loser I was to take such a move without prior planning first.
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