Chapter 18: Checkpoint

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"By the Gods of light and chaos, you stink!" Tracker complained as he covered his nose. "Gosh, even a broken clock is right twice a day!" Fluff mind-linked everyone sarcastically. Jamie did not know what the fuss was about. To her, she smelt like roses and lavender. She was about to say something when she remembered that pleasant smells in the mortal world were considered vile here. Dressed in peasant clothes with a practical leather apron. Well, it was a skin of some sort, and Jamie did not want to contemplate it any further. "It is supposed to! Anyway, you have not told us how you are getting in. " Jamie asked. "Ahh, trade secret. But rest assured, I would take you if you weren’t so big!" Tracker said. "Well, that is a shame. Never mind, shall we move on? " Fluff snorted dismissively. "The furball is right, we need to get going as the servants are normally let in before the first city change of the morning," Barbaous said as Jamie nodded. Jamie had discreetly kept out of the way last night and even shifted to block her ears. Vanth deserved time with her fated mate, just as much as anyone did. Jamie had not asked what had gone on that night, though she could tell they hadn't fully mated. However, by the way, that Vanth purred when she rejoined with her, Jamie could tell it had gone very well. Images flashed through Jamie’s mind of how Barbaous had gone all out to impress Vanth. He had brought Vanth her favourite flowers (Venus flytraps, complete with buzzing and dying insects), had cooked her favourite meal, brought her favourite wine, and had even bathed her. Even though Vanth had bathed beforehand, being washed by your mate was a completely different experience. In short, Barbaous had treated his mate like a queen and had been at pains to demonstrate how he could provide for her. Jamie knew Vanth was secretly thrilled and she was happy for them both. Enoch and Iya walked them back through the tunnel and waterfall. "This is where we must part ways for now. Barbaous and Enoch will guide you into Kyronus. " Iya said. "Thank you for your help and keeping my companion safe," Jamie said, and Iya smiled as Barbaous opened a portal. "She needs more than a thank you for looking after that grumpy hairball!" Tracker commented, causing Jamie to sigh. It looked like those two had still not come to terms. Fluff had warned her t to be careful and to never, ever say thank you to the Sisters of Sin. "If you do, they will take that as you are indebted to them. It goes without saying, that you do not eat or drink anything from them. " Fluff had warned in private. "Be careful, Enoch, and I love you with every fibre of my being," Iya said as she hugged her husband.  "As I do you, my beautiful mate," Enoch said. "It is the time!" Barbaous said as the three of them walked through the portal and found themselves back in Adenaphia. Tracker quickly clicked his tongue and sped off in a westerly direction. "I still don't trust him!" Jamie said through her mindlink with Vanth. "You are wise not to, he is a cunning creature." Vanth replied. Adenaphia was even more spectacular in the light. No two buildings were the same. One was made out of bones, whilst another seemed to be a living creature. Jamie was sure that she saw the windows blink like they would with a creature. Some of the buildings shone brightly in the light, filling the streets with a cascade of rainbow lights. "This place is truly beautiful!" "Jamie said, as she looked around in amazement. Barbaous chuckled and said, "Contrary to popular opinion, chaos creatures are not savages, not all of us. Before this era, chaos beings were at the forefront of art, literature, architecture, and magic. We were in balance with light and there were no borders. "  "It is best not to talk about such things in public, master!" Enoch warned. "Alas, he is right, and it is here I must leave you, as past those gates is the servant's entrance. Just beyond those gates, you will find a dem-faun who will take you past the guards. Follow his lead, as hard as it may be for you! " Barbaous said, with a sad tone in his voice. "Do not worry, I will do what is needed," Jamie said firmly. "Good, Enoch will wait for you at the Tavern over there called the Dragon Scale. Please, please be careful! " Barbaous said. "Tell him not to worry and not to forget our second arrangement!" Vanth said. Jamie repeated the message and thought for a minute that Barbaous would scoop Jamie up in his arms and lock them away somewhere safe. Barbaous took a deep sigh and managed to get his instincts under control. "Well, make sure you don't return without money today, you useless piece of chaos scum! If you dare return without money, I will sell you at the slavers' market with all the other hybrid scum! " Barbaous exclaimed loudly. Jamie understood what Barbaous was doing, he was making sure that anyone overhearing or spying would think he was speaking to a servant. "Yes, Master, I will get a coin today, I swears it!" Jamie said, bowing her head as she played along. "Good now, go, or I will see your blood boil in your pathetically small veins!" Barbaous said, and for good measure, he kicked her towards the gate. "Oww, that hurt!" Jamie muttered. "What a demon! Did you see how he had to fight the urge to sweep us up and take us somewhere safe? " Vanth purred. "Take you somewhere safe, you are his mate, not mine!" Jamie muttered as she rubbed her arse where she had been kicked. As soon as they passed the gate, they saw a demon faun. He had the lower half of a goat and the top half of a yellow demon. He had a long yellow beard that was crawling with creatures. He had on a simple brown cloak and was carrying two wooden buckets. "Merry chaos to you! I am Faust, and I suppose you are the demon who wants to get in?" Faust said. "Yes, I am.." Jamie said. "I need not know your name. Just your strong arms and obedience. Come, we are late already. " Faust said as he gave her a bucket and walked towards a checkpoint.  "Charming!" Vanth mindlinked and Jamie could tell she had become refocused on the task at hand. Eventually, Faust and Jamie got to the checkpoint and were stopped by two troll demons. They had huge tusks, which made them look like they were constantly snarling. Their smooth, grey mottled skin did nothing to improve their appearance. Jamie tried not to gag at the horrendous smell that was emanating from the two guards. Even with the horrendous smells, she had to endure in the chaos realm, this smell was something special. "Faust, you are late! Do you want me to doc your pay? " One of the troll guards said. "No, gracious lord. I apologise most profusely and beg the Empress, in all her glory, to bestow upon you the grace to forgive such a miserable and snivelling being as I!" Faust said as he got on his knees and touched the ground with his forehead. Jamie quickly did the same. "And who is this with you?" The other guard asked as Jamie felt a strong kick to the stomach. Jamie's natural reaction was to fight, but Vanth screamed in her mind, "Don’t!" "Oh, great one! My cousin's daughter is filling in for the normal wretched scum! " Faust said. "She doesn't look like a hybrid!" The troll demon remarked as he kicked Jamie harder to make her flip over.  "Don't look into his eyes, be subservient!" Vanth ordered, and Jamie looked away.  " oh great one...I am..a hybrid....of a cherry tree and a demon!" Jamie pretended to stutter nervously. "Who said you could speak scum? Besides, I don't see any branches from your filthy head! " A troll guard snapped as he put one of his large, smelly feet on her face, "Please forgive my stupid, snivelling wretch of a family member. No matter how many times we tell her, she forgets her place. She is overcome by your greatness! Her mother was a lowly demon, and her father was a cherry tree. Because of the greatness of the Empress, she favoured her mother more. " Faust quickly said, hoping the demon trolls would not ask more questions. "Fine, but I am not paying full pay! She looks weak!" The troll guard said, removing his foot. "You are immensely wise. May the Empress smile upon you now, and on all your days! " Faust said. "Go and do not disturb us anymore!" The troll guard said as Jamie got up with Faust and grabbed their buckets. They hurried away, and the last thing Jamie heard was, "So, how would you go about mating with a cherry tree?"  Jamie did not care, though; she was in!
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