Chapter 7: Adenaphia

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Kyronus Prison, outskirts of Adenaphia, Chaos Realm. “For chaosing sake!” Raoul snapped as he snatched his hand back from Eric. Raoul had gone in for a punch, but he was met by a very powerful force field that stopped him. Even Raoul’s demon Hannya could not break through the barrier, much to Raoul’s frustration. Raoul had thought he would be able to at least hurt Eric a little bit! “This meeting is not going as expected, is it, Raoul?” Eric said dryly. Seeing Raoul and the other guards frustrated was the silver lining in this otherwise dark cloud.  “You f*****g Arsehole! When I find a way of getting past this barrier, I will make you pay!” Raoul spat. “Good luck with that! These runes are from a high Goddess and by the time you find a way around them I will be out of here!” Eric said calmly. Eric had to admit that he was impressed. Richard had said previously that their mating marks were powerful and how no one would be hurting them soon, but Eric did not realise they were this powerful! Raoul laughed and said, “The Empress can break them easily!” “Then why hasn’t she?” Eric said inspecting his nails. Raoul looked like he was going to explode in anger, which made Eric smile. His guess had been right, even the Empress did not have the power to break the runes. “It does not matter anyway!” Raoul said dismissively. “Doesn’t it? Then why are you so angry Raoul? Are you still angry that Jamie left you for me?” Eric said. Raoul exploded with rage and roared, “Jamie was mine, she was my mate first! You stole her with trrrrickkkks!”  “Technically, she was Richard’s mate first, but that is a technicality. Fire Sprite is not your mate anymore, your bond has been broken!” Eric said as he watched Raoul’s body turn into the lime green, a bloated demon that was Hannya. “Ssssstuuuuupid mooortal! The moooonchiiild wiilll be hisss!” Hannya hissed. “Ah, so we get down to it now! I am finally speaking to the organ grinder, not the monkey!” Eric said, suddenly paying attention. Raoul was easy to manipulate, but Eric would have to be on his guard when it comes to Hannya. Hannya chuckled and said, “Thhhhat isssss onnnne waaaay offff puttting iiit!”  “So, why am I here?” Eric demanded. “Issssn’t oooobvious, you aaaarrrre bait!” Hannya said. “Well, you are wasting your time, Jamie won’t come!” Eric said firmly. Eric knew that Richard would keep his oath and keep Jamie safe. “Yooooou thhhink thaat Amon can keeep her awaaay? Yoou saaaaid sooo yooourself, sheee is a hiiigh Goddess!” Hannya pointed out. “And Amon is a high demon!” Eric said with a shrug. “Ahhhh buuuut yoooou underestimate theeeee power ooooffff yooour mate bond. Shhhhhe will not resist!” Hannya said gleefully. Eric didn’t say anything for a minute. What Hannya said was true, the mate bond was powerful and Worked both ways. He could feel Jamie’s distress and rage. Eric had felt her begin to destroy the mortal realm in a desperate attempt to find him and it had broken his heart. Eric also was sure that she was consciously transferring her power to him, to make sure that he was ok. Eric suspected that because he had not felt hunger, thirst or any discomfort since he got to this realm. This went against all the legends and information that the mortal realm had. However, Hannya was right, Jamie would come without a doubt. “You knooooow what I saaaaay is true! Wheeeeeen sheeeee issssss caught sheeee will be myyyy hoooostsss whoooore! Thhhheeeey wiiiillll staaart a neeeew blooodline!” Hannya said. “That will never happen!” Eric snapped. “Oooooooh and whhhy nnooot?” Hannya asked. “Because she is my Trickster Queen and the best damn Rogue I ever trained! You immortals always forget that she lived as a human and mortality makes you learn how to survive!” Eric said firmly as he folded his arms.  “Weeeee wiiiiillll seeee!” Hannya said with a smile. “We shall and I for one can’t wait to see her kick the Empress arse!” Eric said confidently. Eric knew when he saw his wife, he would never let her out of his sight again! ================. Market Quarter, Adenaphia “Well, this is not what I expected at all!” Jamie said as she began walking on the cobbled streets of Adenaphia’s market quarter. It was unlike anything Jamie had ever seen! As a mortal, she had visited the weekly markets in the capital city, but it was nothing compared to this!  There were stalls of every size and colour that displayed their wares. There was every item possible on sale. Jamie stopped at a stall where they had spy jewellery for sale. This included a pair of earrings which were made from a pair of eyeballs that moved side to side. There were also black beetles that had a green shine to them. “They are informant bugs, they hear what a person is saying and can mind link it to the owner!” Tracker said. “Really?” Jamie asked. Normally creatures of that type could not mindlink unless they were direct descendent of the creature’s God. “Yes, come let’s visit the stink store!” Tracker ordered. “Stink Store?” Jamie asked, confused. “He means perfume store” Fluff mind linked in a peeved tone. Fluff had taken an instant dislike to Tracker. Jamie secretly thought that is because he didn’t like a chaos creature being her guardian, though Fluff would not admit it. Fluff was a cat after all and he felt he was above such feelings as feeling jealousy over a pet. “Oh, OK! But why?” Jamie said as she was guided to a store with a myriad of different coloured bottles and boxes. They were all different sizes and had labels such as Mooncow Dung Allure and Cockatrice Scale Illuminating powder. “Because you stink, obviously!” Tracker said. “I hate to agree with him, but he is right. You don’t smell of demon and it will give you away!” Fluff mind linked. Jamie was about to reply when a store holder came to the front. The stallholder was a lower demon called Echidna. Her lower half of the body was that of a green serpent, which the upper half was a women’s torso, arms and head. She was dressed in a silk tunic and had her long black hair in a top knot. The Echidna’s face was covered with a veil. “Can I help you, Miss?” The Echidna's asked. “Ummm,” Jamie said, not sure what to say. “Ask for Amorphophallus titanum perfume!” Vanth ordered through their mind link. “Umm could I have Amorphophallus titanum please!” Jamie said. “Amorphophallus titanum? What excellent taste you have Miss!” The Echidna said as she went around the back of the stall. After a few moments, she came back around with a small black bottle. “That will be 10 chaos heads please!” “Say you will only pay 5!” Vanth directed. “What? I don’t want to haggle!” Jamie replied. “If you don’t, she will know something is up…now do it!” Vanth said sharply. “That is too much, I  only want to pay 5!” Jamie said out loud.  The Echidna did not bat an eyelid, she was obviously used to this game. “I can do nine!” “I can do six, at a stretch!” Jamie replied. “I understand, I will do eight!” Echidna said  “Why don’t we split it down the middle and say seven?” Jamie asked. “Deal!” The Echidna said and Jamie got out the coins. “Thank you!” Jamie said as she handed over the coins and received the black bottle. “May the Empress bless you this day and all of the ones in your life!” The Echidna said with a bow. “The Empress can shove her blessings where Father Light does not shine!” Vanth retorted, making Jamie smile. Jamie walked away and curiously unstopped the bottle. Jamie took a sniff and incidentally regretted it as it stank of rotting meat! “By the Goddess, that is awful!” Jamie moaned. “We will make a demon out of you yet!” Vanth mind linked wickedly.
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