Chapter 5

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I think back to my sudden outburst of agreeing to allow Eric to take us home. Why was I so eager? I repeat his words in my head – I’d feel better knowing you got home safely. The way his eyes pulled me in as if he was drawing my soul to him. Pulling me… and I couldn’t deny the urge I felt inside, he wanted me to get home safely. Besides his rather hard appearance, he cares more than he wants to show. Now sitting in the seat next to him in his luxurious Aston Martin, feeling the seats snug me in as I adore the smell of leather which finds its way to my nostrils – the car which I easily recognized because my Father is quite the car collecting. I own the club – this whole time I thought he was just a normal student in college trying to find himself, like me. I felt this sudden interest in him arose from inside of me – I want to know more. I want to know him, and why he gives me this warm tingling feeling inside. I want to uncover what lies beneath this thick layer that he doesn’t allow people to get under. Every moment spent with him made me feel alive and awake, from him zapping the guy earlier the evening and nearly killing him, the only thing that stopped him was the sight of the blood oozing from the guy's nose. He showed me protection and that allowed me to fall into his arms and pass out – somehow and somewhere inside me, I knew deep down he’d catch me, the concern in his eyes mixed with lust, maybe it was lust that only I wanted to see, maybe he just cared about a drunk girl who got sexually assaulted and once he saw it was me – his roommate – he felt obligated. Even so, I did not sense that it was just an obligation, his eyes spoke to me, it was something way different – his eyes spoke words he wouldn’t dare utter. My eyes fixed on the side of his face, I notice how he bites his teeth making his jaw flex. “So you own that club? As in you’re the owner of Outlaws?” Mandi exclaims, visibly as shocked as I am. Eric ran his hands through his jet black hair, which seems a bit longer than when I first met him. “It’s a family business.” He always keeps his words suspiciously short. Why did he try keeping that a secret, if Mandi and I didn’t panic about driving in a stolen car there’s no way he would’ve shared that information with us. The more time spent with him the more I realize that he prefers his own privacy. Too many questions and talking doesn’t sit well with him. He wants to be mysterious and private, but why? After a silent drive other than the loud noise of the engine accelerating, we reach our campus and the car came to a standstill. I grabbed my bag from under my feet and lean to open up the door. I felt his warm rough hand touch my sweaty wrist only realizing now how hot I was sitting in the seat next to him, flushed to be exact. Mandi already jolting up the stone stairs ready to get to bed. I glanced down at his hand in contact with my wrist and I couldn’t help but close my eyes as I felt my stomach tumble at his touch. s**t, what now? What is he going to do? “You didn’t tell me if you are okay, you know after what happened in the bathroom?” I noticed the same concerned gaze he shared earlier. I wasn’t okay, and he probably knew that. “I’m fine,” I tried putting my most confident face forward. If only he knew deep down how violated I felt, like a used doll. “What’s done is done I suppose.” He nodded his head while accepting my answer. “Well, sleep well and I’ll see you soon.” His statement sounding more like a question. “Yeah, “ I smiled at his concern. “ I’ll see you soon.” I answered while opening the door and watching him drive away, the further he went I started missing his presence. I plopped myself on my bed and reached for my cozy pillow bring it into my arms to cover my naked legs creating some warmth after changing into my pajamas. “What the f**k Em! That guy is your roommate and you didn’t care to tell me how hot he is? What are friends for, girl!” her voice high pitched. I let out a slight laugh too tired to laugh any harder. “I didn’t think it mattered. He’s hardly here anyway.” “You know he’s into you.” She gave the most ridiculous comment while looking for a reaction from me. “What? Are you joking, guys like that are not into geeks like me. You read it wrong.” I brushed off her statement. “Bullshit, he likes you. “ she’s convinced. “So what’s the deal with you and Travis?” Travis is Mandi’s boyfriend, he has been for the last three years. They must love each other because they constantly disagree on things yet they’ve made it for three years. Mandi is always complaining about how they are too different and she keeps considering ending it. Until he sweeps her off her feet with romantic getaways that his father pays for. “It’s the same old s**t with Travis, I think maybe I’m just too afraid to start over again then regret leaving him. But I have to admit to myself that I am quite unhappy in this relationship. My Mom keeps pressurizing me to make it work with him but I don’t know, I mean I do love him and all but the fights and arguing are getting worst. I really need to make a decision with this.” she blasts out as if she rehearsed it. “I think, if you’re unhappy then your decision is already made for you,” I say sensitively. “Yeah…” she lets a long yawn out and I decide enough boy talk it’s time for our beauty rest. I lift up from my bed and walk over to her. “The decision is yours, take your time deciding there’s no rush, I think we should get to bed. “ I lean in to give her a tight hug to let her know that I’ll support any choice she makes. “Thanks, Em, I am quite tired now.” She says with her face over my shoulder. “Goodnight.” I climb into bed, enjoying the heaviness of my blanket on my skin and turn my side lamp off. My mind drifts off to thoughts of Eric, thinking over Mandi’s comment. Who knows if he likes me, but one thing I do know is that for some reason I’m drawn to him. My mind drifts off as I fall asleep.
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