Chapter 7

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Grabbing my bag from the leather seat next to me; I take one last look in my rear view mirror – making sure I’ve got no lipstick on my teeth and double checking my makeup until I’m happy with how I look. Makeup always gives me an extra boost of confidence – I hop out of my car and walk towards the club. I nod to the bouncer who remembers me from last week and he gives off a slight smirk letting me inside. The club is much different from last Friday – there are no flashing lights and the music is much fainter. It’s not full just some drunk college kids sitting around. I scan the area looking for Daniel until I see the back of his blonde head talking to the bartender while taking a seat at the bar –feeling relieved that he just got here too. I waltz over and take a seat on the bar stool and wait for him to notice me. “Hi cutie, waiting for someone?” he starts roleplaying. s**t, what do I do? I don’t have an answer to that. I need to sound cute and flirty, f**k how do you do this? “Well, I am – but you could buy me a drink in the meantime.” I give of my sexiest voice, hoping that it sticks. “Done.” He states as the bartender places a cocktail glass containing clear liquid and a stick holding three olives. “Dry Martini for the lovely lady.” The dark-haired bartender says while winking at me – obviously expecting a good tip for being flirtatious. I nod my thanks and turn to Daniel. “Well I have to say, you’re quite prepared.” My voice impressed. He looks deep into my eyes. “the only American invention as perfect as the sonnet.” He quotes H.L Mencken while referring to my martini. I smile at him. “I know it to be, the elixir of quietude,” I say, knowing he didn’t expect my response. His face brightens up at my quotation. “So you’re obviously a beauty with brains.” He states. Feeling my face burn up at his comment I break eye contact as I begin to get shy then taking a sip of my drink. “So, as perfect as the sonnet? You must love literature then?” I ask. He c***s his head to the side and answers. “No, you’re as perfect as the sonnet.” He moves his hand over mine allowing our fingers to touch. I’m suddenly so lost in the moment with him, drowning in his presence and for the first time I haven’t thought about Eric for more than five minutes. He moves closer to me making me realize that he’s leaning in for a kiss, I have a decision to make. Do I kiss him and show that I am interested in him – or do I ruin this perfect moment? Without making the decision I lose all control over my actions and begin to lean closer awaiting this kiss. My heart pounds in my ears while my stomach begins to twist in a knot – nerves flush over me due to my actions. I try brushing it away by closing my eyes and letting the moment fill me. Until the bartender places a glass of brown liquids down in front of me, and my attention leaves Daniel. I frowned at the bartender indicating that I didn’t order this drink. “It’s on the house, from the owner.” He points upstairs to the VIP section. My eyes follow to where the bartender is pointing until my eyes fall onto Eric standing behind the railing bar lifting the exact glass I have in front of me. His broad build and confident demeanor say I own this place. What is it with him? Giving me one worded answers earlier then showing up here knowing I have a date just to through me off balance. I shouldn’t have told him about my date. What must Daniel be thinking? “You know the owner of this place?” I hear Daniels’ confidence leaving his voice. I suppose I could act like I don’t know Eric at all. The longer I think about it the more honest I want to be. “Yeah, we share a dorm room.” I hear the frustration in my voice. What possessed Eric to come here? Sure this is his club but he was at home and now his suddenly dressed up and here. What is going on? I make a conscious note to ask him what that whole stunt was about after my date. Daniel glances up at Eric giving off an arrogant look. “I guess I’m not your only admirer.” Daniel states. He’s upset – probably saw the reaction Daniel got from me. Am I that obvious, s**t! Seconds later Daniel grabs his wallet from his pocket – pays for our drinks and storms off without saying anything. What the f**k just happened? My face warms up at the humiliation of Daniel walking out on me and my first instinct is to chase after him. He needs to know nothing is going on with Eric and I. Jumping out of my stool I sprint after him. “Daniel? Hold on…” he stops just before the exit of the club. “Emily… I can’t compete with your roommate. He lives with you. This will just be way too complicated.” He sounds sad, rejected. My heart falls for him and I’m immediately pissed off at Eric for the stunt he pulled. “It’s not like that Daniel. Nothing is going on with us.” My arms sway, in the direction of upstairs. I yearn for him to believe me. He does that thing where he looks deep into my eyes – like before he kissed me, or wanted to kiss me. He takes my hand while moving closer and uses the other one to caress the side of my face. My eyes close at the touch of his hand against my skin. And there it was, his lips finally touch mine after our misunderstanding. His scent manly and clean – filled with a sharp fragrance that my nose seems to like. Giving him access to the inside of my mouth our tongues slide against each other. Harmoniously. I feel his hand leaving mine as he grabs my waist pulling me closer allowing our kiss to get deeper. Seconds later he pulls away and looks at me. “I’d just have to up my game against your roommate if I want to get the girl then.” He winks and walks away. “I’ll call you.” He protests before walking through the exit. My lips swelled after the intense kiss - I turn around knowing exactly what to do now. I have to tell my hot roommate to back the f**k off.
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