Do not run away

1707 Words

Beginning my story right at the start where my desire to steal first manifested, I slowly narrated everything to Arisa-senpai. At each turn of my story, Arisa-senpai’s feeling of disgust towards me gradually swelled to the point that she’s now finding it hard to look straight at me. Everything I did and every despicable plot I hatched to steal someone, all of it was retold to her. Naturally, it was all from my perspective. Whether she’ll be like Shizu who would try to get the perspective from the girls, was still unclear. Either way, from how much I made myself out to be a selfish bastard whose only goal was to steal girls to satisfy my desire, my standing in her eyes had surely sunk to the bottom. By the time I finished narrating my story up to the point of graduating from middle scho

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