
1687 Words

When I left Shio's room, she's already cheered up enough that I'm confident that she will be fine upon meeting that guy once again. Perhaps it's for closure or perhaps she will try to see if she still has lingering feelings for him. Nonetheless, her decision to divorce him was already set in stone. Otherwise, she wouldn't go to trouble the Administration by changing her name back to her maiden name. When I reached the classroom to get my bag, Satsuki, Aya and Nami were still there. These three wanted to see me first before they go to their respective mentors. Shizu-senpai for Satsuki, Otsuka-senpai for Aya and Haruko for Nami. After picking it up, I looked at the three alternately before going out first. When I left the door, I waited right before it to see the three coming out one by

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