The Story Continues

2324 Words

"Loverboy, good morning." Akane's face greeted me first thing in the morning. Loverboy? This girl… "What time is it, wife?" "Muu. Don't just brush that off. I thought a lot to confuse you this early in the morning." "It's true so I didn't react. I love you, silly girl." Faced with my counterattack, she got flustered and hit me with her pillow. Eh? Why are you turning violent? "You're bullying me again." "How is that bullying?" "Shut up! I love you too, i***t husband!" "Come give me a kiss." Feeling wronged, she eventually gave up and kissed me like I asked. It's not a dream or anything. Last night, I really remembered my forgotten feelings for her. Now I'm sure. This is real. Just listening to the beating of my heart. I love Akane. I love that silly girl so much. It didn't ju

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