Distant Relative

1646 Words

I messaged Akane that I will be a little late at going home. Well, stopping at the faculty for Shio and then to Kana, it took up at least an hour. It's already dark when I got out of the station. I looked up at the sky and saw that it was starting to clear up. It's already Spring season so clouds started to disperse a bit.  The stars are looking so beautiful today. Err. Why did I suddenly think of staring at the stars? Ah. I suddenly felt a premonition. I remember someone related to that. Could it be? I hurried my footsteps and arrived in front of my house. Still feeling that sort of premonition, I readied myself. Honestly, if I didn't see the stars, I wouldn't remember her. That woman who kept bragging about how stars align because of her. That stars move for her just because her s

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