Back to the Gym Storehouse

1773 Words

"Next activity, can I ask you to observe it again and if you feel like I'm going overboard again, tell me." After that few minutes wherein they asked for my opinion, Eguchi-sensei and Orimura-sensei finally let me go. Leaving those words before I left, I ended up being their lookout for the activity they concocted. Well, they're both troubled that they always tire out their students and they are constantly being reprimanded by the higher-ups of the school because of that. The way they talked to me, especially Eguchi-sensei, was far too different than how she carried herself in front of the class. Now that reminds me of how Shio carried herself at first until she revealed that fantasy-seeking part of hers. As I left the Gymnasium, my feet led me to one of the Gym Storehouses, the one I

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