Akane's Monthly Visit

1682 Words

"Here. I prepared the two of you a lunchbox." Before we left the house, Miwa-nee chased after us with two packed lunches in her hand. I remembered her taking her time in the kitchen. So these lunchboxes were the reason for it. I took one and put it in my bag, after that my arms, as if it's already a habit, circled around her waist and pulled her in an embrace. "Thank you Miwa-nee." If before she will at least put up a little resistance, today, Miwa-nee accepted my embrace without fuss anymore. Akane, whose slight jealousy was roused, took her lunchbox and pulled me away from Miwa-nee before telling her gratitude as well. Although normally that would spark a serious situation, Miwa-nee just laughed it off as if she's satisfied to see Akane being jealous at how I openly showed her my a

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