Melody of Our Past, Present and Future

1310 Words

Although we hurried ourselves on doing it as if we’re running out of time, Miho and I thoroughly savored each other. Much better than when we were in that small room and we had to make do with only the table. I even brought us near the piano where I had her face it without pulling out from her. Adding a little spice to our tryst for today, I asked Miho to play a song while I followed the rhythm that she would make with my hips. Although reluctant at first, she eventually succumbed to it when she noticed how I stopped moving. Because my movements were limited while sitting, we both stood up where I took her from behind. At each key she would push, my hips would follow its melody, turning our i*********e something like a performance. By the time Miho finished a piece, a puddle had already

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