Instructor Ruki (2)

1303 Words

“Are you okay, miss?” Although I was holding Elizabeth closely after catching her, I didn’t react to her whisper and acted as if we’re not that close. Upon hearing that, instead of being baffled, Elizabeth’s eyes glowed dazzlingly and her lips arced into a mischievous grin. Before everyone’s eyes, she innocently hooked her arm to the back of my neck while acting as if she’s having trouble getting up. And although she’s slowly moving, her act was believable enough that the parents and enrollees who were witnessing it had worry filling their faces. That’s not the case for Sena though, she slowly shook her head while having a wry smile. She naturally saw through Elizabeth’s act. Nonetheless, I still played along with Elizabeth's act to satisfy her. “I knew my dark prince would not fail

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