Meeting Ishida-senpai

1466 Words

The meeting place Ishida-senpai picked was our city’s public library. It’s located near the City Hall as well as the middle school she attended before. It’s the same middle school where the students of our high school attended. Naturally, that included my girls. Nonetheless, it’s quite a few bus stops away from Nami, Hina, Saki and Shizu’s neighborhood. Still, the possibility of being seen by someone from our class was fairly high. On my walk from the station, I’d already spotted people at the same or close to my age walking around. I don’t know them… I never make it a task to know or remember anyone unless it’s necessary after all. As it was Sunday, the middle school and the City Hall that I passed by were closed. However, the number of people on their day off piled up on the street

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