Confrontation (2)

2305 Words

Opening the unlocked hobby room of Shio, I urged Nao to enter it with me. "How do you even know this room? I've already been to this house a lot of times and I've never been inside here." Nao commented as she entered the room and saw the state it's in. "Because this is Shio's, err, his wife's hobby room. Only she have access here." I noticed what she said about being here a lot of times already. So, it's not only that one time where Shio caught them. He's already bringing her here regularly without Shio being aware of it. "I see. So where's the proof?" She also didn't comment about the room full of otaku materials. She's also like this in my memory, she even defended the anime otaku girl in her class before. Even if she's somehow rough with her words, she's kind, maybe a bit too kind

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