Blame it on me (1)

1210 Words

"W-wait, Ono--" Before Arisa-senpai could finish uttering my name, I chased after her lips and locked them with another kiss. This time, it's not just pressing our lips together. To prevent her from pulling away again, my right hand crawled upwards to hold her head still. Following that, my left hand holding onto her right side slipped to her back and arrived at her left, firmly enclosing her by her waist. With this, even when she squirmed her lower body to slide out of my lap, my arm was preventing her from doing so. And because of her position, Arisa-senpai ended up sitting above that part. Even if her skirt was on the way, I could feel the warmth that was gathering at that point. While Arisa-senpai's eyes continued to shake, attempting to find more reason to stop this, her body's

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