One called Pamel

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Chapter 3. One called Pamel  The light from the sun grew stronger and brighter. Pamel's skin was perspiring, his heart racing and his leg were almost numb. The sight of Orion was disgusting and the idea of his cousin Kera becoming a w***e to all the sentries should he fail to rescue her with this one chance he's been given, was torture.  The entire crowd looked astonished. They wondered why Orion became numb suddenly.  Sekani stood from the bench, he paced front and back, his fingers ravaging and scavenging through his bushy hair. He was youthful and imperially thin. He had a pointed nose and a pensive look.  "Valerie"  "Valerie!" A young and beautiful damsel in light green archers uniform, ran swiftly to Sekani, from the far end of the bleacher. She was pretty and sassy.  "My lord" she curtseys. Sekani whispers to her ears, she bows and walks away.  The duelists remained calm and still in the field of the arena...  'what are they up to mom?' a young lad in the bleacher asked.  'are they gonna fight?' another lad asked rhetorically.  'am not sure  this is part of the show don't you think?' a woman in white asked her partner next to her. 'sweeewweeewws'  A tiny arrow passes between the narrow space of the duelists. It made Pamel j******f a bit and moved a few irregular steps backwards.  Orion however, remained motionless.  Pamel did a quick scan around the arena of great revolt, until his eyes met Valerie.  "Next one goes into your skull if you two don't begin fighting already. Fools!"  "Huh?"  'Swosh!' 'Swwooosh….' With great haste, Pamel jumped to his side, a near escape from two arrows fired by Valerie.  'clankkk' 'Puinnnnkkk' The sounds of metal arrow heads brushing and striking against the walls and metal parts of the surrounding were they stood.  Orion got struck with one arrow on his shoulder.  "Death is the penalty for rebellion here at Rieo" she yelled. Aiming another shot for the head of Orion. Orion's blood dripped from the arrow pierced on his flesh. Aggressively, he pulls it out of his shoulder, and roars.  "Arrh" he yells and advances vehemently towards Pamel. "Good boys" Valerie smirked, returning elegantly to her position at the bleacher.  "Who's your betting on?" Sekani frowned.  "You should know the answer already" Medard smiled.  Pamel raced around for as long as he could. He didn't foresee Orion to look half as terrifying.  The spacious circle where duelists fought was filled with sand, making walking or running, quite difficult or tiresome. 'one, two, three... sixteen'  Pamel did a quick math in his head. He calculated the approximate distance from Orion the monstrous duelist, to small pieces of arrows head and sticks on the sandy floor.  Since no weapons were given, he had to improvise. "Gotcha!"  Pamel swiftly dived on the piece of metal and rolled over immediately. He cupped a hand full of sand, squeezed it tightly as he rolled on the sand with a heart racing, he turned around, swhiping and emptying his hand cupped with a hand full of sand on Orion's face.  Immediately, Orion stumbled and was blinded by the impurities. He squeezed and thumbed his eyes, attempting to remove the sand.  Pamel sees an opportunity to strike and immediately seizes it. He advanced towards Orion, brutally hitting and sinking the sharp arrow head into his thick war skin. Repeatedly, Pamel stabbed Orion's chests, his shoulders, his belly, here, there, everywhere his hands found that moment.  "Arrrggggghh…arrrggggghh!"  "Noooooo…. ouuuuchhhh  no!"  It was too late now, Pamel's weapon had sank deep into his heart. Orion bled profusely. The crowd that cheered with rage, became silent. Those who stood to cheer, sat back and murmured. Pamel couldn't hear their murmur of cause, but he could tell they were not only shocked or astonished by his victory, they were bitter at it.  A good chunk of nobles and chiefs had placed their bets against Pamel, in favour of Orion, but Pamel had changed the ball game altogether.  "You did what you had to cuz. It's what anyone with skin and human make up would."  Kera hissed.  She sat on the floor lazily as she made tea. Pamel walks inside the tiny chamber, it was their little lair. The lair and Kera who now stayed and worked in the capital city, was simply a reflection of his victory at the arena of great revolt.  "No sentry was killed the other day at the arena." Kera say as she serves Pamel a cup of tea.   "What?" His eyes went dark.  "The two sentries were peasants dressed in uniforms. Some was Castillo, our friend. They threatened them, so they had to fight. There wasn't any sentry dueling that day. It was only peasant killing peasants."  "How could you tell?" "I saw them threatened and dressed while I cleaned the locker room, this not the worst part." Her eyes were wide and static now. Focused solely and solidly on Pamel's face.  "The supposed sentries were Apollo and Castillo. Two close friends from Dreg." Here, she passed him a cup of tea. Pamel took it with delight, but his hands kept vibrating. He raised it to his lip, took a long sip and lowered it but the cup dropped to the floor before it got to the wooden table, spilling it's hot content.  Apollo and Castillo helped Pamel learn to swim when they were all young, now one was no more.  "Peasants would rule this malicious world, and all these Chiefs, lords, and nobles of villages and cities, of towns and hamlets, would be sanitized from the planet. Then the people shall witness true leadership. Kera didn't really see what he was saying, but she knew Pamel was no small minded being.  Market at Rieo was extremely vast. Everything one needs or would later need was largely available. Unless of course one didn't have the currency to purchase items. This was rarely the case for citizens of Rieo, and chiefs, but was the core problem of Peasants taken from dreg to Rieo for service and s*****y.  "Thief, Stop him, thief!" An average man, with a protruding belly and rough skin yelled from his table. He sold maps and artistic works of art.  Pamel had grabbed a few of his products and was getting away with them in a great haste.  Cedar the map seller pursued with all his strength and might, but his large protruding tummy, made him way too slow for such cunning and ambitious peasant.  He decided to follow the old fashioned way.  He ran to the nearest sentry station, reported his plight and offered a token and two horses for the chase.  Other sellers in the market, gave way as Pamel advanced in great haste and fury on his face. It appears the map Pamel stole, was a very tangible commodity. A map cedar sold illegally to only highly Sophisticated criminals, assassins, elite politicians, architects or royals.   It has the exact structure of the castle. The hidden nooks and crannies, the underground structure and hidden chambers in the castle.  If Pamel was going to revolt against a great city as Rieo, he needed more than tools. He needs vision. He needs maps.
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