Archers Academy

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The news of a peasant stealing an illegal map that painted the exact structure and building pattern of a Sophisticated castle as the one erected in Rieo, wasn't taken lightly by the chiefs. The sentries Cedar hired and paid to chase and apprehend Pamel, caught and exposed him when they couldn't arrest Pamel. According to them, Cedar took a Sophisticated tool that had great potential in the city, and sold to complete strangers and criminals. Thus, he was aiding a treasonable crime and acting as a middleman, or a bridge, between criminals and the great city. A few nobles had picked interest in the Pamel's subject. Cedar, in a bid to defend himself and save his head, claimed he knew who the criminal was, and if the nobles were serious about getting and prosecuting these persons, he was more than ready to aid. "Say the word then" one of the nobles said. "One called Pamel." "Pamel? the nobles widened their eyes, and rubbed them gently with their thumbs. "Yes Pamel." Cedar was surprised himself that he could recall Pamel's name and remember how he got to know him. "Let him go, but confiscate all his maps" The nobles ordered the sentries. Cedar was glad he didn't hear words like 'throw him in the crocodile's pool' or 'dump him in the dungeon' Instead, all his worries now was how he could make a luxurious living selling legal items, for it was easier and faster to get rich doing illegal trades and taking shortcuts, than it was practicing legal ones. The nobles had a grand residence like the chiefs, but they didn't reside in the castle. They had their royal base, but the castle where the chiefs settled, was the peak of power and authority. "Write to chief Dylan, tell him there's one called Pamel, who intends to take over the castle. His a peasant, thus, he must have confessed his intentions to other notable peasants." The sentry bowed his head, with one hand to his heart, and the other stretched forward, he walked backwards slowly, humbly and respectfully until he had departed from their presence. "You should know no one goes against the constituted authorities in Rieo and goes free." "You should work on getting your things ready and save your pep talks for some other time." "What?" Kera frowned "Kera, we don't have the time for this, some other _" 'bbbanngg' The wooden door of the small room swinged open. Pamel, you've got to hurry up, you don't have all the time. A sentry yelled at Pamel. The sentry was dressed casually, but Pamel could recognize his face. He was the sentry who stationed at the entrance door to the royal halls of Rieo chiefs castle. He was a youth like Pamel, tho slightly taller and maybe a year or two older. Pamel however, had a better body build up, and a stronger sense of humour. "It's time you quit playing and run back to your masters like a dog whose lost it's way back to his kennel." "Alright good try but it would only be humourous if I was dishonest." "Dylan is going to pick you from this lair, like humans pick their nose and wrinkle it till the dryness bring forth a rush of blood." Jon the peasant, slammed the room's door and departed hastily after that. Pamel turned to the window, then back to his cousin Kera. Her month made a round circle like she was going to say 'oh, see! I told you!' But the stern on his face made her decide otherwise and instead, keep her cool. He moved forward, backward, side ways and in circles. Pamel wondered what a chief as fierce as Dylan would do to him if he finds him at his current location. Kera couldn't hold it any longer. "What are you gonna do now cuz. Your the only one I've got. I can't go any further in life here on Zeth without you, you've got to run while you still can cause_ " "Enough!" "But Pam" "Don't Pam me, I've heard you, let me think of something." Kera was highly emotional, she was the exact opposite of Pamel, whom she often described as emotionless. "Kera" "Pam" "Kera!…" he yelled with a face that appeared to be both bitter and blank. "Pamel, stop yelling your gonna make me cry, am scared." He walks over to her, brushed the tear trying to roll down her eyelids aside and embraced her. "Am gonna lead peasants to glory, they would come to limelight. They are the true heroes this city ever saw and would ever see." "Pam _ " "Shhhhhsssshshshshs… It's okay, your safe with me." "I know I am, but…" Kera's voice drifted away. Archers Academy, Rieo division "What are you made of?" (Cried an archeress clothed and distinguished in light pink archers uniform. While the others light green) "Flesh!" (chorused hundreds of archers.) "What do you stand on?" "Bones!" "What do you fight for?" "The greatness of Rieo!!" "Chest out!" ( The hundreds of archers had their chests out.) "Chin up!" (They followed) "Stamp your feet!" ( They did accordingly ) "Bows up" she cried. (hundred of bows were raised to the air) "Aim" ( they pointed to a palm tree about two hundred feets away.) "Arrows" They fastened their arrows to the rope firmly positioned on either side of the bow. "Pull" they did. "Harder" they pulled harder. 'crrrrrrrrrrkkkkk' the bow made a piercing sound. "Release!" 'swwiiiippppl' 'swooshh' 'swwwiiieeeeewwwwww' Hundreds of arrows flew across the sky, like birds. 'paaaannnggg' 'dwooooog' 'swooogggg' 'kkkkkk…bong' The arrow made different eerie sounds, as it met it's target. A good number of archers missed, but those who manages to hit the hole drawn on the body of the palm, did just perfect. A young lad, most likely a Peasant from dreg, ran to the other end of the road, to count the number of arrows whose shots, made it to the palm. "Sixty nine" he cried. "Not impressed, at all. We have been given the resources, the time, the manpower and even the trees to train, prepare and take Rieo to the next level, and yet of two hundred and fifty archers, sixty nine alone hit their targets." She frowned. "Call out the best three lad!" "Valerie, Casara and Jen" "All three of you, come with me, the rest return to your base." The archers began to unbuckle their belts and walked to pick back their arrows. "And oh, the sixty six others, whose arrows met the target, you dine with Her majesty today by eight." The distinguished archeress on pink said. They cheered and hastened their steps.
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