Chapter 33: Midnight Project...

1054 Words
After training a bit with Mashura... I decided to go back to the Forgery to do some work myself... Mashura still has a lot of adjusting to do with her new equipment. She's rocking the Prototype Wind Walker with Prototype Kylus in the Dojo... While she's training... I want to get some work in the forgery... I told her that I will be making the shoes for her... And I guess that's going to be a great experiment for me to do... "Chreation. Bring the Monolith into the Forgery." 'Understood Captain.' The monolith appear right in the middle of the Forgery... Now. Rhea Absolut... Is a beast of a ship / home. You can have anything in here... But of course, you're not being provided with everything... Every room has something you can upgrade... And the way you upgrade it is with this Monolith... You can even make the ship bigger if you have the material. "Hmmm... Forgery... Forgery..." I scroll the Monolith down and found the Forgery room. It's right on top Kitchen and Engine Room... I touch the Forgery section and then a lot of catalogue of stuff appear in the Forgery. Right now, I owned quite a lot of equipment. I have Laser Cutter, Smelter, A Forge Table, And Enchanting Table, and many more beginner stuff... But now, I take a look at more intermediate stuff... This is what I want to bring to the Forgery... The Three Dimensional Printer. It's an all around great tool to have in the Forgery because you can feed information into the printer and the printer will print it out for you! Great! But this Three Dimensional Printer is even more advanced. It's not like a normal 3d printer that took hours upon hours of manual creation with the stuff we want it to make... It's an Advanced Three Dimensional Printer... You feed it anything you want, and it will perfectly make anything you want... You can make a replica of Gyzus with any material you want... That's why I call all my project so far, 'Prototype.' Since I will be using this to my advantage... I look at the Material Needed to make this thing and it's pretty simple. You need Energy Conductor, Two Chunks of Mithril Block, Two chunks of Orichalcum Block, a needle sized Rheanite, and Four Chunks of Copper blocks. Now... Rheanite is pretty easy to be found in Rhea Absolut. Since we only need a needle size of  it... I can actually use the needle that was made from Rheanite in my bedroom to sew, for this project... Now... That sewing needle is important for Mashura. Because she loves to sew my clothes that she rip when training. But we have a lot of needles. So it's fine... And that's it! The only thing that I need to make is the Energy Conductor. And that's pretty simple to make... I run upstairs and grab everything that I needed... I have a lot of copper because copper is an essential for me. All my past project uses Copper because it's my plaything... And now, it's coming handy to make the Three Dimensional Printer... After grabbing everything... I look at the clock and it's Already Twelve AM... A little longer and Mashura will finished working out... Let's finished our job before she finished working out so that we can sleep together. I go to the Engine Room and then go to the corner of the room... I grab a spare Energy Conductor and then put it near the Monolith. Now that it's all there... I press the monolith once again and then the Forgery map appear on the monolith. Showing me where everything are and where the perfect spot for this Three Dimensional Printer... It's on the corner of the room right near the Door to the Engine Room... Of course, I know what this mean... It need its own Energy Source... It can't be share with other stuff... And knowing that, I put it there just like how the Monolith wants me to put it... This room is going to be filled with all stuff of sorts when I have all the resources... But for now, little step is fine... Let's fill each room little by little... And then it dawns on me... As the monolith started making the Three Dimensional Printer at it designated place. Something struck my mind in wonders... In the Dojo... There's a Screen... A Massive one for us to use so that we can use to watch some training video from Rhea's... Then... Shouldn't it be possible for us to make another screen to be put in the bed room so that we can see an entertainment from the past? ... I need to check it tomorrow... This thing need another three hours before finishing the Three Dimensional Printer... If I try to make another thing... The Robot would be confused and started to split up... Making it take a lot longer than it should... Anyway... That's my Project done for today... Literally... And now, I immediately rush upstairs and then notices that the Dojo is still closed... And gust of wind is going out of the ventilation system... Good gosh... She's still training huh... Well, good though... I go to the bedroom alone and take a quick shower... Because she will be taking a shower after me as well... You know, the two of us are quite a bit of a clean freak regarding our body... We don't like to be drenched in a sweat when it's not training or working... Even a little bit of sweat will force us to take off our clothes and dry ourselves up... Anyway... I take a quick shower just to drench the sweats off and then I dry myself pretty fast... And then, I link myself to the Intercom and then call Mashura up. "Mashura. It's already midnight. Let's go to sleep. Tomorrow, we're going to go and chase the Nobles and the Orc Lord." After that, I cut the intercom and then tuck myself in the bed... I get to watch her sweaty figure running toward me and then take her clothes from the closet. Before running straight to the shower... She's fast... She wants to cuddle that bad huh... Okay then... And with everything... We sleep..
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