Chapter 24: Orc Elimination.

1064 Words
Mashura quietly enjoys her free fall... She's laying out in all four with her Kylus on her right hand... She's ready to attack as soon as she falls down... But while she has time... She plans to perfection with her Infinity. She only see the Orcs. In her vision, The orcs are the only thing that is glowing in. While other things around it is a bit darkened... With that, she can produce her Phantom Movement to perfection... This time around. Her Phantom Movement is only producing one Phantom. And that's is right below her... An Orc has been waiting for her... And she's ready to attack... She take her position. She's standing up now... She waited for the orc to swing his hand toward her... And the moment comes... The orc try to smash her like a volleyball... But she has other plan... Instead... She spiraled down with her Kylus... Her Kylus was guiding her down the Orc arm and then when she finally touch the ground... The Orc arm was cut into spiral... "Only Alfredo can touch me. Whether you're monster or human. I won't let you touch me!" Mashura said her piece... She jumped up toward the Orc that she just attack... She arrived right on his Shoulder... Mashura swing her Kylus on the base of the orc neck... Cutting it easily in half. Shocking her. 'That's... Smooth as butter... Holy... This Kylus sword is good! The bone of an Orc has no problem being cut in half!' It made Mashura happy knowing the fact that she doesn't need to worry to go all out... And with that... A Phantom appear right behind the Orc severed head as it's falling... And just like she teleported, she appear right on that Phantom... Her Kylus is pointing straight on the Orc head... And in front of that orc head, is another Orc running toward her with his club. 'Shoot.' A Simple command was made... And that is to shoot... And then, a rough blue energy just shot out of Kylus tip. The radius of that Energy is pretty big. And the power that it creates is really big... It pushes the Severed Orc head straight to the other orc in front of him... "Buga?!" And that shocks the living hell out of the orc... Seeing his brother head flying straight at him at high speed... It headbutted him... Staggering his movement slightly... And then... Phantom Appear right in front of him... The Phantom is indicating that she's doing a vertical s***h down. And that's exactly what she did... She appear on the bottom Phantom and then swing her Kylus down... That orc was split in half without much fight at all... But then... From behind the orc that was split in half... Another orc just bodied that severed body and then head straight toward Mashura... 'This pattern of movement is complex. Not something normal orc would do...' More Phantom appear. And they're surrounding the Orc... And then... Mashura appear at the back. At the last Phantom... The Orc was cut into pieces by Mashura... "Normal Orc is a really sympathetic creatures... Seeing other orcs die attacks their mental... Just like human... But this particular one doesn't care at all when the orcs around him died... Strange..." Of course... There's another orc behind Mashura... Her Phantom suggested that she kills it immediately... But quickly, that Phantom disappear... Because suddenly, A rod of steel appear right beside her. Covered in blood... Mashura just dashed forward and then stab the ground with her Kylus. The orc had been killed from the top... Of course, Alfredo is there to cover her... "Hmm? Why has she stopped moving all of the sudden?" I notices that Mashura stopped moving after she cut the orc into tiny pieces... She put her hand on her chin when that happened. Thinking about something... It's definitely not something that she usually do in battlefield... She killed everything before she think about what happened... "Well, I guess she trust me to the point she's willing to bet on me when her life is in danger... And I need to proof to her that I'm there for her..." I just comes down from Rhea Absolut from the ramp. I'm not a physical genius like Mashura does. If I jump from this high up. My bones would have been shattered by the impact. Anyway... I approach Mashura. While I'm approaching Mashura. Other orcs runs away. Because it makes sense... Their rage is useless now... Because even if they try to hit Mashura... I can make their head explode upon impact. "Mashura. What's wrong?" I asked her who still look like she's thinking about something really complex... I stand right in front of her and she's thinking really hard... Seeing that... I just sigh and then lean on Gyzus. "You find something weird again from the orc?" "... Yup... It's their feeling..." "Feeling you said? You mean their Sympathetic Attitude?" "Yes... You saw the fight Alfredo... The Orc just slam into his own brothers... And from my observation... His eyes doesn't even have any sad emotion..." I see.... So that's definitely confirm our suspicion... Orc Lord has been awoken... And that Awakening is not from something normal... I look at the running orcs. They're really slow when it comes to movement... And I've decided... I put another Rod into the Gyzus and then Shot them. I shot them all and it just cost Three Rod... "Is it really necessary for you to kill them all like that? They practically has no will to fight anymore. That's why I didn't chase them." Mashura call me out on the slaughter that I've just done... I shouldered my Gyzus and then said. "I have my own reason. And for that reason, let's go back to the Rhea Absolut. And I will tell you the reason why I kill those Orcs..." "Alright then. I hope it's not something crazy like for experiment or something." Of course not... The two of us ride the Ramp back to the lobby of the Rhea Absolut... The Orc camp is an absolute menace... It smells like trash... So I don't really want to stay there any longer... But... Before we can talk about it... We decided to change our clothes and let our clothes dry out in the terrace... Because it stinks like the orcs...
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