Chapter 67: The Land of the Dead.

1057 Words
After arriving at the Land of the Dead... We look out of Rhea Absolut and wait... We stalk the night stalker... We waited patiently until something shows up... During that time... "Hey Alfredo... This Land of the Dead... Is not really that dead huh... It's filled with life..." What Mashura said now has a point... Right now, the Land of the Dead is a city of outcast. Criminals and many more lower class people lived here as a community... Of course, they already changed their way of living. But sometimes... They can't help but tease those who are going through the city... Just like the old days. When I was here, they tease me. Mostly the Woman. They tease me like crazy but I just ignore them and act like one of their own... And with that, I manage to not get mugged or anything... "It has changed a lot. For sure... And I think it's for the better... But still... They're pretty rude when it comes to their greetings... I don't like it." "Agreed... But the Night Stalker though... What would happen if they approach the city? Wouldn't it be dangerous?" "Yeah. It would be dangerous... But the Night Stalker won't attack the city immediately... Since they are a Stalker... But of course... We don't know how long the Night Stalker has stalk the city for... If they've stalk the city for a while... Then, the attack will come tonight... And since Night Stalker is an Assassin type monster... We need to stop him when he's hiding..." "I see... Well then... I trust your judgement Alfredo... Tell me when to move." "Okay. I will scout the area with my Drone." Mashura prepared herself by equipping her prototype... While I prepare myself with gathering information... I use Two drone and use Serene Mind to improve my brain function... And of course... I easily cruise through the air with my Drone... I check every single area around this city of dead... And in the corner of the area... I saw it... Two Creatures with red eyes and blue colored shell... Sharp Claws that is sharp enough to cut through a cement... So it's really dangerous... The mouth is actually closed right now. But when its hunting time... It would open and then tons of sharp teeth would appear... Night Stalker also have a dark wing that look perfectly hidden when put under shadow... So if they want to hide, they can cover themselves with their wings and they would've been invisible in the shadow... And of course, that's the dangerous part of them... City of the dead is pretty dark... Only little electricity flow through here... "Mashura... I found Two of them... Can you quickly get to position?" "Okay... I'll kill one and then you kill one okay? We can squeeze at least Six Bottles of the Breath of the Night Stalker... Giving us extra Breaths if we want to use it for other project." "Yeah... I'll prepare my Sniper..."  Rather than Using my Gyzus in a Railgun mode... It would be safer for me to use it in Sniper Mode... Because it won't pierce the building... So we can move safely without making much sound... Mashura started dashing through the air straight to the position I told her to go... Since she's fast and careful... No wind noises can be heard from her movement... Which is perfect for killing the Night Stalker... Because they a pretty silent creature... They won't scream when they were killed... 'Alfredo... I've reached my position and ready to kill my target with Kylus...' 'Alright. I'm also ready to pull my trigger... Use your Infinity to match the movement of my Bullet.' 'Got it... Go on then. I'm waiting.' With that, I take aim with my Gyzus Sniper Mode and then make sure that I aim it right on his head... After lining up my shot, I immediately pull my trigger... And then, In fast and quick motion... Mashura move right to her Target and then she stab the head of her prey, which is the other Night Stalker at the same time as my Sniper Bullet pierces through my target... Both of the Night Stalker slumped down and then Mashura quickly Link the Chain of the Garage Two and Three to the Night Crawler Body... And of course... She started making her way back... While she's making her way back. I make my way down the stairs to the garage and take a look at the Night Crawler body... I grab Six Bottles from my Backpack. And then using a normal Knife, I stab the throat of the Night stalker and then reach into their throat... I feel the Spit bag and then Grab it out... I started pouring the Breath of the Night Stalker into it... With two corpse, I manage to get Six whole bottles worth of Breath... So I can at least make something else with it... Which is something always good... Anyway... After harvesting all the breath that I can take... I quickly stand back up and then go to the Storage Room and store all the Corpse there. I still have the Dragon Corpse intact. And they're not rotting at all... So, this storage room is keeping everything fresh... There's not even a single speck of dust in here... Which is great... Anyway... I have a theory... That Night Stalker Corpse can be made into a bait for Living Slime just like Sea Crawler... Because it's pretty similar... But then... As I'm taking my time lightly... 'Uuuh... Alfredo. Things get a little bit hairy down here... Swarm of Night Stalker has appeared from the forest.... What should I do? Should I go down and help them?' 'No. Just stay. We have no obligation to help anyone in here... So let's just go back.' '... Alright then...' So they're going to attack the city huh... Truth be told, it would be fun for us to join in... But we don't need to do it. Anyway... I quickly rush up to the Deck and meet up with Mashura who seems to be in a bad mood... and the moment I see it... The moment I see her face... I know that she want to join in on the fight... Oh gosh... You want to get more fight in huh...
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