Chapter 48: Talk with the King.

1102 Words
We all kneeled down to the King... With the exception of me preparing Flashbang and Sound Bomb on my leg. If things goes south, I can touch the button and throw it immediately... Preparation is man's bestfriend... I don't trust anyone other than Mashura. So I need to count the possibility of Betrayal. The King stand up and then started talking. "Stand up brave savior. You don't need to kneel in front of me..." Hearing that... Everyone stand up... I put my hand on my pocket and then touch another pair of Flashbang and Sound Bomb... Always prepared multiple stuff... "First of all, Thank you so much for eliminating the Orc Lord and the Nobles that Betrayed the Kingdom. We're always very grateful for those who keep the peace in our kingdom. For that, I thank you for that." Everyone just nodded quietly... The King is hoping for an answer, but no answer come from us. I don't want to answer because I'm gathering information. Same goes to Mashura... While the twin blades of Guild is too scared and respectful. "I see... So that's what your answer huh... Very well! Let's get down to the main business... By my decree! I offer Mister Alfredo Hagane! The City of Aligh to be his territory. As the reward of killing the Orc Lord. What's your answer, Mister Alfredo?" Everyone was a bit shock when they hear that offer. Mashura look at me in disbelief. She didn't believe what just got offered to me... And of course, I know this would happen... "Your Highness, I appreciate the offer. But I'm scared to say that I will be declining your offer and instead... Give that title to someone else... And for that someone else, is Talia Alkem. Your First Daughter Sir..." "... Very well! That decision shall be made! Talia! The Savior has said that. What are your answer?" "Yes Father! I shall take over the role in Aligh!" Of course, I kind of know what's going on... This is just all an act... They know that this would happen, but  because there's other nobles here, they just want to make it look like I'm the one giving her the spot... Well, I too, are helping them with their act... "But that's not all. You four, will be given a Public Title due to your service of killing the Orc Lord. And that Public Title is Hero! The four of you will be known as the Four Heroes that save the Alkem Kingdom! Do you accept?!" "We accept!" The Twin Blades accepted. While Mashura and I. "We're sorry once more, but we decline.  We want to live our life leisurely without any title or anything. If we were given something, we just want freedom. Please do not take our freedom by trying to put title on us." The two of us said the exact same thing respectfully. Everyone was shock by our answer. The Guards take their position. "I see... Is that so..." "Insolent Fool who cut his Majesty word and rejecting his Majesty offer... Shall be executed!" The Guards scream... The Twin Blades of Guild was a bit scared... But at this stage... It's not good anymore... We know full well why they want to give us the Hero title... It's to shackles our power down. By giving us that title, they're going to use that to shackle us to them.. Making us their dogs... And of course, Mashura and I are not feeling respected when people think of us as a dog... "It's a shame... But you got to be executed now... If you don't want the Hero title... Then you're considered a traitor..." I look at Talia and she close her eyes regretfully. I immediately sigh and then turn around... Mashura use her Infinity and her Phantom movement show me that she's ready to make everyone pass out cold... 'Alfredo... I will give you a minute to tell them what's going to happen. The moment that's done... They're going to fall down." 'Okay Mashura...' "Hey King. It's useless you know? Trying to shackles us both to your Kingdom. Because shortly after this, we're going to go somewhere far away... Somewhere that you won't be able to reach. Even if you try to eliminate us. You can't. Keep that in mind..." "Haah?" I look at Talia and she nodded. She waved at me and then I immediately take my Flashbang out... "Good bye." I throw the flashbang to the air... But didn't activate it... 'Do it, Mashura.' 'Got it!' Immediately. Mashura disappear from her position and appear right beside me... We walk toward the gate and then all the guards fall down. They pass out in an instant... I snap my finger and put my Flashbang back to my pocket. "Raemond, Hinata, Talia. See you guys again sometimes in the future... And for Raemond and Hinata... Accept the title. I believe you're going to become Talia personal guards... And I will see you guys again in Aligh." "Take care. Alfredo and Miss Mashura." We waved our hand toward them and then quickly go out of the castle... It's easy for us to kill everyone in the castle, because they forget who they're messing with... But hey, we're not here to m******e the Royal Family. We're here just for the reward... And the Set up for our reward has been completed... 'With Talia being the  head of Aligh... It's going to be easy for us to gather the raw mineral in the wilderness...' 'I see... That's really 'You' move huh Alfredo... Good job.'  Both of us hold hand and immediately retreat straight into our Rhea Absolut... We go to the Captain's Deck and Mashura stay there with me... I open the map and set the Destination straight to Rhea... I activate the Propulsion Jet and immediately boosted straight to Rhea... 'Captain, Vice Captain. The Journey would take at least a day and a half. What would you like to do today?' Chreation asked me and Mashura. I look at Mashura to see what she wanted to do... But she's too captivated at the Monolith... She is looking at the Upgrade section... Ah... Okay then. If she's busy with that... "Chreation. Can you notify us if there's any monster that worth a lot of money." 'Yes Captain. I will tell you if something is worth a lot of money. And it's not going to be just money. If I detected other stuff such an abandoned mine or anything like that. I will also notify you.' Thank you... With that, we quietly make our way to Rhea...
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