Chapter 44: The Night Approaches.

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After taking a bath with Mashura. She decided to stay a little bit longer because she truly want to rest her body... While she's doing that... I immediately go back to the Forgery. I have a bit more preparation to make... I just notices that Mashura... Wears a nice and slick silver earrings... It's just a small earrings... I want to make a pair for her using Mithril and Sea Dragon Stone... Just a small one though. I don't want it to dangle like the expensive one. I just want it to have a bit of Sea Dragon stone so that she thinks that's her main present. Anyway... I quickly made one... Just a simple one... Sea Dragon Magic stone is the main piece though.  Both of the Earring has three Small sized Sea Dragon Magic Stone put to it... And with that, It's completed... I'm going to give this straight to her so that she doesn't expect anything while the date is commencing... And then, I will surprise her with something... Similar to an Engagement Ring... Give this, Confess to her and then the date started. When the Date is almost ended, Give her the Necklace. The Ring can come later down the road when she's ready to let the world know that she's engaged... But technically, when I give her the necklace, she's engaged with me. So, let's do that! I leave the Forgery and turn off the Light. I go up the Lift to the Captain deck and then do some work there... Or should I say it a Cockpit now? Because it's not really a ship. It's more like a plane that shape like a ship. I don't know... For now, Let's call it Captain's Deck still... Anyway... I make sure that there's nothing is wrong with Rhea Absolut. The Energy is still green, the Engine room is still keeping up with the energy that we spend. Or even, the Energy that Rhea Created is more than enough to keep the ship running without any problem... There's a lot of extra power that Rhea Absolut create. "Alfredo. Come here for a bit!" Mashura call me out from the lobby. Of course. I walk to the lobby with the Earrings on my hand... I hide it on my palm until I can actually find the perfect timing... Shit... I should be the one calling her first so that I can give her this. "What is it, Mashura?" "Come here! Sit down here and then try this!" I sit down beside her and see what she's offering me. And it's also... An earring... Just one Earring though... W-Wait... W-What are you going to do? No... You're not planning on piercing my ear right? "This is called the Telepathy Earrings. It's made for groups if they want to talk from afar. And seeing how we hardly communicate when in a fight because of distance. I thought this is the perfect stuff for us! But... It does mean that you need... To pierce your ear though..." I was silenced... This put a hole through my plan... You see, I'm planning to give her the Earrings first... But now, she want to give me a Telepathy Earring. Meaning, I'm going to wear one, and she's going to wear one... That means that I only give her one of the Earring... And then probably, the other Earring would be used by me... I NEED TO PIERCE BOTH EARS!!! HELP!!! "... Y-You see... I also... Planned on giving you this..." I just stay true to myself and her... I open my palm and then show her the pair of earrings... She was happy. "Y-You really made this beautiful thing for me?!" She's really excited and happy... She grab an earring and then trade it for her Telepathy Earring... She immediately change the Earring on her Right ear with the Sea Dragon Earring... "H-How does it looks?" "It... Looks absolutely perfect... That deep blue stone is from Sea Dragon... It's perfect for you." "I see... Hehehe~ Thank you for your gift~" She take off her left earring and then put the Telepathy Earring on... It's a bit wonky, but hey, I'm going to wear the other pair... "P-Please be gentle when piercing my Ears..." "... Don't worry Alfredo. It's going to bleed a bit... But you have a big pain tolerance anyway..." Right... But that doesn't mean I'm not going to feel pain... And when she pierce my ears... I can only feel the sharp pain goes through my ear and I can do nothing other than accept the pain... "And with this~ We look match!" Yeah... We look matched... It's worth the pain... 'Hello Alfredo! Can you hear me?' 'Eh? Aaah. Yeah, I can. The Telepathy Earring works.' 'Good then! Anyway... Thank you for your gift. I really like it.' "Thank you for your Gift as well... It's painful. But worth it." I decided to talk instead of Telepathy and then I hug her with all of the love I can give her... She hug me back and then we sit down on the Sofa... Waiting as the Sun goes down slowly... I'm still holding in the pain... I'm grinding my teeth against each other trying to disperse the pain... "Ahahaha... Sorry for that Alfredo..." She apologize... Well... Pain is Temporary, Love is eternity. For MASHURA!!! Wait, stop a damn minute Alfredo. You're acting weird. Just enjoy her embrace as you embrace her as well... Anyway... We continue to have a normal generic conversation regarding what the plan for tonight moon festival... "So, The plan for tonight is pretty generic date stuff... We're going to eat dinner in a nice restaurant to start the night.... And then, we're going to enjoy all the thing that the citizen had prepared. Street snacks, drinks and also, some entertainment... We're going to approximately spend Four hours in the Festival... And then we're going to stay in Rhea Absolut to flirt to our heart content. How does that sound?" "Absolutely Perfect! I can't wait for the last part of the  event! Flirting with you is going to be nice. Especially knowing we can't flirt publicly. Because... You know... We need to keep our status a secret..." Okay then... If that's what you want, I respect it... And I too, want to keep this sweet Mashura for myself... Keep on your cold mask outside, Mashura. And melt down to sweet caramels just in front of me...
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