2. Set up

1781 Words
  Nike's p.o.v I woke up with a headache, when I looked at the window I frowned and slowly sat upright. "Vicky!, Vicky!," I called loudly. I heard footsteps on the stairs then the door burst opened and Vicky entered while panting. "Finally you are awake you, you scared us yesterday," she said with forming tears in her eyes. "What do you mean yesterday, what happened to me?," I asked  "You don't remember?" Vicky asked back in concern. "Not really, all I remember is faking to talk on the phone then it dropped and this man came and picked it up, that's all I could remember" I answered while touching my head. "Nike you were unconscious the whole day, luckily the man called me while driving you back home, I called doctor Martin immediately he hang up, I was so scared while I booked a taxi to drive me here" she whispered with tears. "I'm sorry," I answered sadly. Dr. Martin did some tests on you and found that you have been taking a lot of sleeping pills at once, thank God he gave you an injection to revive you," she said then sniffed. I felt very bad over my actions, there at times I felt like I deserved to die, I took more medication than I had been told too, but then when I thought of my little sister being all alone in the world, I got scared and drunk a lot of water to flash out all the medication I took. "I  couldn't sleep at night, that's why I took more pills than the prescription," I said feeling a little dizzy "I understand sis, I just want you to know I'm always here when you need someone to talk to, and what matters the most is that you're now awake," she said honestly "Thanks, little sis," I whispered. "Anyway Dr. Martin is still downstairs, should I call him up?" She asked. "Yes please," I answered then sat down. She quickly went downstairs with a smile. I was scared, deep down I could feel that something wasn't right, the fact that Dr. Martin was still around made me a little restless. The door opened and he walked in. "Dr. Martin how are you," I greeted  "It's Martin," he answered then closed the door behind him. Martin was a bit older than me, his father was our family doctor, when he retired Martin took over and continued taking care of our health, he knew our family secrets and vowed to die with them. He was very serious with work and he was also kind, on top of that he was tall and handsome, many ladies threw themselves on him but for some reason, he acted like they were invisible. "Nike what you did wasn't right," he said seriously. Everytime he spoke to me informally I knew that he was no longer acting as my doctor but my childhood friend. "What did I do?" I asked calmly. "How can you be taking more medication than I had prescribed for you, not to mention how you ignored my advice, you are not ready to interact with people, mostly men so please don't go anywhere without informing me," he said as I frowned. "It's my life so stop acting like my husband," I answered loudly. "You don't understand how I felt when I saw you unconscious," he said sadly. "Martin I appreciate what you doing but it doesn't give you the right to come at my house and start spitting crap about my life," I said angrily. "You are wrong,  I care because I'm in...," "In what? Let me be frank and tell you this, yes we might have gone to the same school and college, you might have known my parents too well, you know some things about my past but that doesn't give you the right to call yourself my friend, you are a doctor to me and that's all I see, so if there is nothing else to discuss I suggest you leave," I said cutting him off. He kept quiet for a few minutes then sighed. "Have a nice day Nike," he said then turned and walked out of my room. I stood up and walked out too, my heart was aching badly as I went downstairs, I didn't mean any of the words I had said to him, it's just that he usually pissed me off for some reason.   "How are you feeling?" Victoria asked when I walked into the living room. "Call Lucy and tell her to cancel her schedule, because we all are going out from a drink," I said seriously. "I don't think that's a good idea," she answered. "Vicky, do you want me to drink a lot of pills again just so I could sleep?" I asked as she quickly shook her head. "Then drive me to a decent place where I can get drunk," I said loudly. She stood from the couch and went upstairs. I went outside and got in the car, after a few minutes she came out with the car keys and got in. "Shall we go already?" I asked then pressed the button that opened the gate. "Yeah, and Lucy will meet us in the next 15 minutes" she answered then started the car and drove off. I closed my eyes and relaxed, I didn't want to show anyone how I felt, I was going to act cheerful and drink myself to forget, a few minutes went by then the car stopped moving. "We are here," Victoria whispered. I opened my eyes and looked at the pub ahead, it was painted black and looked small. "Don't worry, the place is very good and the staff is friendly, if you want privacy then this place is made for you" she said then came out. I smiled and came out too, we walked in and found a few people drinking at the counter. "I have reserved the last table on your right, all you have to do is walk straight and make a left corner," she said. "Where are you going?" I asked. "To get us some shots," she whispered then walked to the counter. I followed her Instructions and walked to the last table, I quickly stood frozen when I saw the man who sat there, he looked very familiar. "Hi, remember me?" He asked. I stared at him with a crazy beating heart. "It's me, the guy that took you home that time you weren't feeling well," he said softly. "How did you find me?" I asked seriously. He frowned then smiled. "Your sister called me, she invited me here for a drink" he answered. I cursed under my breath then moved and sat down opposite him, he sat down then cleared his throat. "I'm sorry,"  he whispered. "Why?" I asked seriously. "It seems you weren't expecting me," he answered. I kept quiet and looked at him carefully. He was tall, taller than me, my guess was that he was six feet tall if not seven, he was really well built with rich short hair and mesmerizing dark brown eyes, he was in a grey trousers and a black shirt that looked good on him, he was very handsome. "It's fine, how old are you," I asked without thinking then bite my lower lip. He looked at me with shock written all over his face.  "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to ask that, it just slipped out," I said honestly. "No, it's fine I don't mind, you just caught me off guard, I'm 32, and you?"  he asked seriously. "I'm 27,"  I answered. "I wouldn't have guessed, you look very...young, anyway never mind that, so how are you feeling?" He asked. "I'm fine and thank you for helping me then," I said with a smile. "It's fine, there is no need to thank me, I just did what any good person out there would do, so what do you do for a living," he asked seriously. I kept quiet debating whether to tell him the truth or not. "I run my own car manufacturing company called Trinity," I answered honestly. "I'm sorry but, you aren't Joking right?"  he asked. "No, I rarely joke about things" I answered. "Wow, your parents must be proud of you," he said as I tensed. "I'm sorry, I just thought of telling you that" he whispered. "It's fine, I'm just happy that you think that way because I would love them to be happy where ever they are" I answered. "Where ever they are?" He asked. "They passed away a long time ago, the only family I'm left with is my little sister and my uncle who is usually abroad" I answered honestly. "I'm sorry," he said. I faked a smile and glanced behind, I hated the fact that Vicky had the guts to set me up with a stranger. "No it's fine, I have come to understand that everything happens for a reason," I said then faced him. "So what do you do for a living?" I asked. "It's not really a fancy job and I don't like to talk about it," he answered.  I took in a deep breath then released it, I was getting uncomfortable. "I understand, we have just met and I have no right to ask you about your personal life," I said softly. "No, it's not that," he answered then brushed his hand through his hair. "Anyway let's forget about that, I just want to thank you for taking me home safely once again," I said seriously. He smiled then laughed softly, his smile was very genuine that it made me forget all my discomfort. "What?" I asked a little surprised that he was laughing. "We have been sitting here for nearly an hour but we don't know each other's names," he said as I gasped then laughed softly too. "Gosh I didn't even think of that, I'm Nike," I said while still laughing. "Nike, it suits you, I'm Marshal although at work they call me Max," he said. "Marshal huh, I don't know anyone by that name" I whispered then put my hands on the table. "Well I also thought Nike was a man's name or clothing line label," he said as I looked at him coldly. "I'm joking, don't get upset please, I seriously didn't mean to make fun of your name or anything like that," he said then held my hands in his on the table. I tensed then relaxed, there was something about him that made me comfortable. "No it's fine, but once you get used to me, it will sound like a lady's name," I said. "That makes me happy, I thought this was going to be our last encounter"  he answered. I frowned deeply when I realized what I had said. "You know, my mother always told me about Greek myth stories, she said my name was special and powerful," I said quickly trying to change the topic. "Really, how special?"  he asked. "Very special, you see Nike in Greek mythology is believed to be the goddess of victory," I said then pulled back my hands from his. "I once believed in them," he said sadly then faced the other side. I couldn't tell what he was thinking and that made me feel bad.
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