Thinking about him

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What happened Amara? Why did you left so early yesterday? Rose and I were both looking for you and we've tried calling you but it went straight to voicemail and you left us no message. We had to call your roommate.We were worried about you. Damnit... say something, I was worried sick about you. You never pulled that kind of stunt on us. You always messaged if something happened. I thought about everything worse that could have happened, I was scared for you. Will you say something. I am sorry. Really Amara.... really....  a f*****g sorry. You almost gave me a panic attack. If it wasn't for your roommate that received the call and fucking.. if she wouldn't have than we were thinking about calling the cops. Hey.. enough... please.... I am sorry and I really mean it. I  was looking for you but you were dancing and kinda looking busy... if you know what I mean and I couldn't find Rose. I wanted to call you but my battery died. I was not feeling well, maybe I drank too much or the dance, I really couldn't remember it. I took a cab last night. Are you alright now Amara. I sorry weren't there for you when you needed us and I am sorry you had to see that... I mean her... and I ... It doesn't not mean anything... It was just that.... I got wasted and pretty much didn't think about it. Nathan I must tell you if you are telling about make out session, then it's fine. You are your own person and can do as you please. You don't have to explain yourself to me. It's not like we are in a relationship or something like that. We are friends and I must say best friend because you really are. You mean a lot to me. Rose and you are my family. We understand each other and respect each others space. I love you Amara. Like I seriously love you. No one understands me more than you do. You are the best friend of all time. I wouldn't know what to do without you. So Rose went to college. You coming.... and I must say she is more angry than me. You have to be ready for her because she was much more scared for you. At a point she was blaming herself for forcing you to come to the club. I know.. she pretends to be tough and badass but actually she is a sweetheart. I will call her. You not coming to college Amara ? Umm.. actually I wanted to take a break today. I had some other assignments and projects and had to prepare for the Internship and all. So I will be doing it today. I would've completed it yesterday but I was not feeling well. "Ok. I will be leaving you. Call me if you are not well and take some medicine" said Nathan while kissing my head. See you tomorrow. I lied to him. I couldn't tell him what happened yesterday. I couldn't even tell Rose about it. I was really out of control and what happened shook me. It upset me to see Nathan making out with someone. I know I shouldn't have been jealous and flirt with guys. It was the alcohol making me loose senses. It wasn't even much but what happened afterwards and my reaction to it made me scared. Some stranger.. No some arrogant, rude and cocky stranger though he very handsome just like some model out of a magazine but really an asshole. He held me so close and sensually to him and he f*****g was turned on and top of that he f*****g kissed me without my permission. The kiss was absolutely out of the world, it blew my mind, I was stuck in my body. I couldn't even move. His eyes were enchanting and held me captive. I don't know but some how I wanted it, wanted him, all of it. It must have been the alcohol and seeing Nathan with someone else that made me so edgy and made me loose control but his f*****g reaction, when I splashed  the wine on him, I can tell he was totally not expecting that. It was hilarious to his expression but I couldn't wait because I was scared of him. He could easily break me with huge body and he seemed really dark kind of person. I don't know but the kind with the word "problem" written all over his face. **** Finally the projects and assignments are done with and I talked to Rose over the phone or else she would've killed me for not informing her about what happened yesterday. She would've caught my lies and would've been able to twist my words and make me say about reason I left early yesterday. She really is a good friend. But she is a f*****g Sherlock Holmes when it comes to interrogating people. I being me would've said something stupid. A whole day went by and I couldn't forget about him. He just didn't leave my mind. I couldn't help but think about the kiss and the sparks and the intensity in his eyes the depth of those blue orbs and the warm lips that were so ravaging. All of it hooked me to him. There was something about him that makes you feel intimidated and makes you excited at the same time. He must've been drawing attention everywhere he goes with his charms and sexy smile. It wasn't a smile actually, it was a way him appraising   himself for what he had done and the affect it had on me. He must have some kind of spell on women. I was thinking about him when I heard my phone ring. "Hey Dad", how are you ? I am fine, came his cheerful voice on the other end. How is Angela ? She is my step mom. My parents separated  a few years ago, it was a mutual decision because they both weren't happy and used to fight all the time an the silliest thing. It was not like they were not a good parent, they were but they weren't meant to be. It was tough for me but it was for the best. Now dad had remarried Angela and he seems really happy. My mom on the other hand is enjoying her time alone being single having boyfriends and roaming the world. She is good and was asking you to come on dinner sometime. Maybe next time I am really busy with college and projects and all the internship thing going on so I would take a raincheck, maybe some other time. I will surely come and tell her I would love to take some books from her. She has an amazing collection Ok.. Take care. Yeah dad, you too and I miss you. Miss you too princess, with that he hung up. I am so happy for my dad. He is really happy and Angela is wonderful. She is my dad's long time friend. I would always think, what if dad and Angela would have married? They were good friends, knew each other and are comfortable with each other would've saved a lot of time they wasted over the years. I would not repeat the same mistakes that my parents made. I will confess my feelings to Nathan and if he feels the same, if he feels the connection I feel between us than we would surely give us a chance. We would be the best friends and the best lovers because we have so much in common and we understand each other, we respect and trust each other. Life would be beautiful and happy.
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