Time to work

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Amara The weekend had already passed. I can't believe the time flies so fast. Here I am getting ready for the internship program that I had applied. Projects and Assignments are finally completed. I can't believe that took me so much time to complete. It is only because of him and that stupid kiss. It totally distracted me. Finally I am on the right track, work is completed, talked to mom and dad, went shopping with Rose, Nathan and I are finally back to normal, so the confession plan on the birthday is still on. Life is back to normal and the wait is over, finally I can start achieving my dreams, starting with one of the top companies and one of my personal favourites. I've always wanted a simple life where I have settled job which would earn me decently, I always wanted a family that is a good and caring husband who would make me pancakes in bed and who would pamper me and spoil me to no ends. I wanted kids yeah not one but three and four as I was a single child to my parents and I always wished for a sibling either brother or a sister. So yeah... I want  kids who would play in our backyard and tease each other, make fun of each other but would love each other with their lives. I want my family to have healthy relationships and the one where we go on family picnics together. Yeah, I know it's a lot but I would have those one day. So coming back to the present, today is the first day of my Internship and I must say as excited I was earlier, I am a bit nervous too. I've heard a lot about the company and as they say the bigger the company the more pressure of works, deadlines and targets. I hope I will be able to manage all of it. But it's going to be all fine. After all it is all I wanted, corporate love. I don't know but I've always wanted to be a part of a company, to contribute something and to be a part of something huge. To be able to belong to something and some place. I have always been good in studies specially numbers and finances. I wanted to work in finance department and see how it goes. This internship will prove to be beneficial to not only work with one of the best companies but also to learn and acquire knowledge from the best to help me guide in a right direction. I was preparing for the first day of my first official job, I've worked part-time before but this is the first official thing and just as if on cue I received a message from Rose giving me best wishes on the first day and trying to boost my confidence and before I could even reply I received a call from Nathan, being Nathan and cheering me up as trying ease the state of panic in which I am. "You know they'll love you Amara, you the best person in the whole of world and the most hardworking person I've ever known. You are determined and focused and intelligent. I know you will rock this thing" Thank you so much Nathan, I so much needed to hear this. You know you are the best, I said while going for shower. I know. You always remind me. Now get ready or else you will be late on the first day. Yeah bye.. Bye Amara. He offered me to give a ride to the office but I wanted to be on my own, so I declined him politely. It is a start to my first independent project and I wanted to do it independently. *** After a long argument with myself I finally decided on the clothes to wear with matching heels. I had already applied and interviewed while I was in college and I got selected for this program. So I don't have to prepare for the interview or anything else. They would teach us the basics and we will be given work and tasks to perform on the basis of which a few selected candidates would get a job.  I have opted for a formal white buttoned down shirt with trousers as white shirts never disappoints. I found a pair of matching black heels, though it is not too high but good enough for a first day and some jewellery to complete the look, hair tied up in a high ponytail with minimal make up and blush, I am ready. I always like to apply a little blush as it makes me look good. I always preferred it more than any other make up and yes, I like mascara too. On any regular day just a blush and mascara are fine by me if I need to go anywhere. I don't like to over do things when simple things make you look decent and professional. After looking a last time my reflection in the mirror, I feel I did good after so much time. I am ready to go. **** I'm outside Scott's Incorp and the view is just amazing. It is a beautifully designed structure with marvellous exteriors and the gate, it is no less than movie perfect. It looks surreal and amazing. Tall glass building with huge walls with stone architecture carved in marvelous walls and plants around it. It looks beautiful. I am in love with the amount of work and thoughts that went into building this office. I went to the reception area and asked the receptionist there for Mrs. Sarah as she is the one I was supposed to meet. "You can wait in the waiting area, I will give the message to her." After a few minutes, the receptionist came to me asked me to meet Mrs. Sarah on the 18th floor. I reached to the 18th floor, I went in the direction, the receptionist guided me and soon reached outside her cabin. I knocked before entering. "Come in" came a reply from inside. I went in and greeted her and sat down in front of her when she asked me to sit down. So Ms. Davis, as you know you are selected for the internship program, I'd like to congratulate you and welcome you to our office. "Thank you." I said. I'd like you to know a few rules that we have in our office and we are very strict towards it. Your work will be allotted to you and there will be a senior staff member guiding you all interns. We have strict policies regarding the work we do and the confidentiality of it. You would have to sign a Non Disclosure Agreement before you start the work. You will be given the agreement copy shortly and can check all the details and submit it by tomorrow. Today you will be given a brief about the work we do and the work you will be given. Make sure to take note of the same and you can continue the work for the rest of the day. Thank you, Mrs... "You can call me Sarah, Ms. Davis" Sure. Call me Amara. Good luck then, Amara. See you around. **** After the tour and details of the work given, we were allotted our place and the work we were supposed to do. There were a lot of work that was given, I had to read the instructions manual and all the policies of the company before starting any work. It was important to listen to the instructions given and a small speech was made on the etiquettes of working. After all the procedures and the initial introduction we were shown our places and was given the work to study the finances of the company and that of the industry. We had to make a comparison sheet and point out the difference and reason it accordingly. Once the work started I got really comfortable doing it as our senior, explained everything in detail and offered us help if we are not able to get it. It has started with just the basics that we were taught so it wasn't a big deal. After a long day finally the day was over and I am really tired. It was a good day but it was exhausting too.. We had to do a lot of paperwork and settle into it. It might take some time to adjust and I am really willing to make it work. **** As I reached my apartment in the evening Rose was already there and greeted me. She hugged me and asked me about my day. It was a good start. Everything there was perfect, it was perfectly organised and worked interdependently like a well oiled machine. "Great, I am happy for you. It is time we start on we our careers and achieve our dreams to live the life we always dreamt of" Yes. I am so excited. Amara, I need to leave as tomorrow there is a design submission and a presentation that I have make. I just stopped by to ask you about your day. No issues and thanks for coming by. It means a lot to me. "Bye. We will meet on the weekend and chat." See you Rose. I was tired and exhausted by the end of the day and I just managed to take a shower and ordered a pizza because I didn't had the energy to cook. After every thing done as soon as I slept on the bed, sleep greeted me as a long lost friend and I dozed off in a slumber.
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