34 - Natalie

2464 Words
"Careful." Brian reminded as he assisted me slowly out of the car. "Welcome back, Mr. and Mrs. O'Donnell!" Rita cheerfully greeted before she turned around to help pick up our luggage in the trunk of the car. I sighed as I stared at Brian's mansion. I can't believe we're now back. I felt like I've been away from this house for many weeks of staying London if it was just a week because of all the things that happened. "What's wrong? Is there a problem? Are you in pain somewhere?" Brian asked attentively when he saw me sigh. He's been that way ever since the car incident happened which ended up in the hospital. We actually stayed there for 2 more days before the doctor finally said that I can safely travel. So Brian immediately arranged a private plane for us and made sure that I was comfortable all through out the flight and on our ride going here. With all these care he is showing, sometimes I still have this surreal feeling and I didn't wanna sleep because it might end up to be just a dream. "I'm fine. I just can't believe that we're back. I kinda miss the bed." I replied as I reached out for the crutches placed beside me. "No need for that, Natz." Brian said and smiled at me thoughtfully. Before I can even process what he meant, he already scooped me in and I yelped in surprise as he carried me inside all the way to the stairs going up until we reached our bedroom. All I could do was put my hands around his neck for extra support. "There you go." He finally declared as he carefully placed me on the bed, putting in pillows on my back to make me more comfortable. "Thank you." I replied shyly and looked at him. "You actually didn't need to do that. I'm heavy." "Nah. You're actually light and so you have to eat more." He replied nonchalantly before walking towards the walk in closet. Taking a set of fresh clothes, he went out of the closet and turned to me. "Besides, do you really think I would allow you to walk with those crutches from the car all the way up here? No way, Natz." With that, I nodded and smiled in understanding. He has a good point. I got bruises on my hips and back because of the fall and thankfully, I didn't break any of my bones. However, I sprained my ankle in the process and it is still swollen up to now. The doctor carefully reminded that I shouldn't move it as much until it is fully healed. And if I push myself to walk from the car all the way up here, I'm sure my ankle would burst in pain. "Penny for your thoughts?" I heard him ask when I remained silent. "Nothing. Maybe I'm just feeling a bit jetlagged." I replied and he nodded. "That's what I thought. So I got my own clothes and I'll be using the bathroom of the other rooms so Rita can come in here and assist you. She will help you freshen up so you could have a proper rest after our long travel." He informed me and smiled a little before going out of the room. Do I have to get used to this thoughtful and caring side of Brian? I also smiled and giggled inside at the thought. *** "Hey. You're finally up." Brian spoke softly when he saw me slowly sit up. Then he took a glass of water from the bedside table and gave it to me. "Drink this. I'm sure you are thirsty. You hibernated." "I hibernated?" My voice croaked and he nodded while I drank the water. Then I looked around and saw a little light from the open balcony. Yesterday, we reached the mansion around 5 in the afternoon. But now, I'm not really sure what time is it. "What time is it?" "7 in the morning." He replied and took a sip of his coffee. "7 in the morning?“ I reacted unbelievably. That's when the aroma reached my nose and as if on cue, my stomach moved and growled, like it is complaining. "Yes. And hearing that sound, you must be hungry too." Brian responded. "After you fell asleep yesterday, you didn't wake up until now. That's why I said you hibernated." "Wow." I blurted out, amazed at my ability to sleep for that long without waking up. He gave me throaty laugh after seeing my reaction. "Silly. Well, do you want to eat breakfast now? You didn't eat dinner too. I wanted wake you up so you can eat and also take your medicine but Mom said it's fine not to and just let you rest well." "Mommy Lorie called?“ I asked and he shook his head with a hint of smile. " She here with dad. They're in the guest room." He answered which widened my eyes. "Oh my. They're here and I hadn't greeted them." I reacted. "You should have-" "It's fine, Natz. Besides you are the patient here. They understood that resting is what you needed most. Plus, I didn't let them go home and they're just in the other room. You can greet them anytime today." He then said. "Thank you." I replied. "You're still not fine and your ankle is still swollen so I will ask Rita to bring our breakfast here." Brian informed me. "But what about Mommy Lorie and Daddy Philip? No one will eat with them downstairs." I expressed and Brian's corner lip went upwards. "Like I said, they know you are a patient and it's fine if we don't eat with them." He said before calling Rita and asking her to bring up our breakfast now. "Mom and Dad were worried about you and so they came yesterday to see how you were doing. And so they know that your ankle is still very swollen. Not appropriate for you to go up and down the staircase." "Fine." I surrendered my case before planning to get up. However, I couldn't find the crutches anywhere. "Where's my crutches?" "Oh, I asked Rita to keep it in the store room." He replied and turned to his laptop in front of him. "Store room? But I need it Brian. It's harder to move without it." I slightly complained, confused as to why he got rid of my crutches. "Well, you have me here. I can bring you where ever you want. Do you need to use the toilet?" He asked nonchalantly. My eyes widened in confusion. "But why? I would be perfectly fine with those crutches. You don't need to do this." "But I want to. Let's just say, it's my apology for yelling at you even after the accident happened, hmm?" He reasoned with me, his voice laced with sweetness. "But we're back here now. You have to go to work soon. So I'm going to need my crutches back." I said and he shook his head slightly. "Nope. I will be working here today so I can assist you." Brian replied before standing up and walking around to my side. Then he knelt down and checked on my swollen ankle before looking up at me. I pressed my lips together to suppress my gasp. He looks so beautiful in the morning, messy hair, thick brows, tall nose, kissable lips. "Not going to the office until you are fully okay." "But why?“ I still managed to ask, studying his handsome form. I know that we have already agreed to be friends but since we're back here, I thought he'd go back to becoming busy with work and stuff. I didn't think he'd still give me this kind of attention. "Mom would kill me if she knew that I will still go to work and leave you here alone when we all knew that you are not yet okay." Brian replied. Oh. Yeah. Of course. Mommy Lorie and Daddy Philip is here. I mentally slapped myself for thinking ahead again. "O-okay then." I replied shortly. "So, do you wanna use the toilet now?" He asked and I just nodded before he easily lifted me up. *** "Iha, oh my goodness! Thank God you're alright!" Mommy Lorie immediately exclaimed as soon as she entered the room and saw me on the bed. She hurriedly walked to my side and hugged me tightly, expressing her worry and concern for what happened. "Thank you, Mommy. And I am doing fine now." I said and shyly smiled at Brian who was just there, looking at us, standing next to Daddy Philip. "We were really worried when we heard you pass out, Iha. I'm also glad that you're okay." Daddy Philip also commented and smiled at me. Mommy Lori's arms are still wrapped around me while she gently brushed my hair with her fingers. "You should be more careful next time, okay?“ “There is more next time, Ma. I will make sure she will never be near a street again." Brian interjected. "As if." I just blurted out when Mommy Lorrie pulled away. "Oh, dear. Look at that." She sadly said as she checked on the scabbed wound and scratches that I got in my arm and elbow. "I brought a very good ointment that you can use so there will be no scarring." "Thanks, Mommy." I said as she passed a small bag of products to me. I saw that she included some moisturizers and face masks inside. She's really very thoughtful ever since. "Gosh, have you been eating well? You look skinnier and paler now." Mommy Lorie fussed over as she continues to check on me. "Mommy, I'm doing fine. No need to worry. Okay?“ I replied and gave her a smile. She just shrugged her shoulders and nodded. "Don't mind her, iha. She just think you and Brian are still babies." Daddy Philip teased and laughed heartily. "Dad's right, Ma. Worrying adds up stress to you. You should avoid stress to stay young." Brian interjected. "Besides, I'll make sure to take good care of Natalie." "Are you sure?" She asked as she squinted her eyes at him. "Of course." Brian replied right away. "Lorie, let them be. I think now that you have seen that Natalie is doing fine, we should get back home and let the couple spend more time together. We might have disturbed them enough already." Daddy Philip commented which instantly made me blush. "Right. You're right. We shouldn't disturb them for too long." Mommy Lorie said while happily clapping her hands. "I am so glad to see you both are doing well together. So, we'll go ahead then and you two can just enjoy your time. But be careful, Brian. You have to let Natalie fully heal first before you think about making our grandchildren." "Ma." Brian stopped her with widened eyes, there's also a hint of blush on his cheeks. "Alright. Alright. We'll go now." Mommy just said after she was dismissed and winked at me before giving me a tight hug. "Get well soon and visit me back home in the estate. Okay?“ “Yes mommy. You both take care." I replied. "Call me." She even added just before they left the room. "I'll be back soon." Brian said before following his parents. I smiled to myself as soon as he left. The feeling is really so nice. I am so glad to have been blessed with a family like them. *** The next day... "Are you going to the office now?" I asked as soon as he walked out of the closet. He shook his head slightly before going in front of the vanity table to get his comb. "I told you, you are stuck with me until you've fully recovered." He replied while combing his hair. I checked the time and it's already almost 9 in the morning. Maybe I was thinking so much because he took a bath early right after we ate our breakfast. "Oh. I actually thought you will." I said honestly and took my phone and played with it. "No. I will continue to work here until you're fine. However, I would need to go somewhere for lunch. I have this important client that I needed to meet urgently. So we decided to discuss things over lunch." He said and I nodded, still playing on my phone. "Just the two of you?“ I queried without much thinking. "I think his bringing his daughter with him." He answered and that caught my attention. I then stopped what I was doing and looked up at him. "Daughter? Why should his daughter go with you for lunch?“ I asked right away and pouted a little. "Why not? What we'll discuss is urgent but not top secret." He responded. He looked amused as he stared at me, waiting for my response. "Even though. Business should be just business." I commented without much thought and I saw him chuckle. "What's funny?" "Nothing. Nothing." He said as he walked towards where I sat on the bed. Brian lowered his head to match my eye level, planting his hands on the side of the mattress trapping me. "Don't be jealous. It's pure business." I was immediately captivated by the way he looked at me. I felt conscious and so I looked down as I felt heat spreading on my cheeks and ears despite my effort to suppress it. Then I calmed my nerves but failed. "I...I'm not jealous." I muttered a little breathlessly, not able to meet his intense stare. "Then why are you avoiding my eyes?" He asked softly before lifting my chin up to meet my eyes. Brian was now so far too close for my comfort and I can smell his minty breathe. "I'm not..." I whispered and a corner of his lips lifted into a smirk. "Liar." He said while catching my gaze, not letting me escape his intense stare this time. "His daughter is coming to learn the business as the person I'm meeting is planning to retire soon. Plus, the daughter is already married and has 3 kids." "Oh." I reacted and blushed more profusely this time. He then laughed in front of me, obviously amused. Then he stood up and patted the top of my head. "You are always thinking so much." He then said before walking back to the vanity table to return his comb. Then he turned to me. "I will just go and tell Rita some reminders before I leave later." "Okay." I replied. "Tsk." I heard him react before I was left alone again. GEEZ. Am I too obvious? ***
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