7 - Natalie

2103 Words
My eyes fluttered open as I began to wake up. I blinked my eyes a couple of times more before my eyes began to search around the room I was in.  It was all white and my senses have just started to slip back in. The view from the window surely tells me it’s nighttime as it’s dark outside. Where am I? I then tried to move my hand which made look at the IV connected on it. This made me realize that I’m actually in the hospital and so I closed my eyes as I tried to recall what actually happened. Why am I here? I tried to get up but felt a slight weight on my other side which made me see Brian’s sleeping face. My confusion then started to clear up as I began to recall the events from the previous night. It was a perfect dinner night and it should have ended that way if not for the storm and car battery which forced us to stay inside the car as it surges. Then I remembered how careless I was to go after the other car that drove past us even after seeing me waving in the rain. I also remembered Brian’s annoyed face when I did so and I couldn’t debate on it because he was right. We cannot really say what’s in other people’s mind and it was dangerous for me to do that. Then my last memory was us talking from time to time. How did I end up here? My eyes fell on Brian who’s still handsomely sleeping on my other side. He’s the only one who can give me the answers but looking at him, the answers can wait. He was seated right next to me, holding my hand with his and his head was carefully resting on the little space by my side. I felt elated seeing him here beside me, just like this. My heart was walloping so fast I can feel and hear it. I was stunned at the moment and all I wanted to do was just watch him. Pulled by my overwhelmed feelings, I can’t help but move my other hand and slightly brush his hair, careful not to wake him up. For 4 years, I really thought I was over with my feelings for this man. Not even a month back here, I realized that it was never really over. I might have pushed it back but the moment I saw him again, it resurfaced and was now even growing. Especially now that we’ve paved our way to friendship. Friendship. Though I know it’s all we have now, I can’t help but feel a little hope deep within that maybe one day it can be more. But then, I shook my head to shrug it the idea off. No, Natalie. You’ve already been through that. Don’t let yourself go through that pain anymore. I sighed and closed my eyes to calm down my nerves. I should just be happy that we’re okay now. And all these is for Tita Lorie’s sake. Besides, I’ll be leaving next week and all these illusions should be over by then. Brian moved a bit and I got startled, pulling away my hand quickly. I then closed my eyes and pretended to be asleep. I felt him move a bit more. Then he let go my hand and I just felt his big warm hand on my forehead, feeling my temperature. That made me open my eyes slowly and his eyes instantly met mine. In a spur of a moment, he withdrew his hand and stood up straightly, slightly scratching his neck. “You’re awake.” He said awkwardly and sighed while I gulped down the lump on my throat. “How are you feeling now?” “I…I’m feeling good.” I answered, my voice hoarse for some reason which made me clear my throat. “I’m fine.” He immediately grabbed a glass with a straw and poured some warm water on it. “Here. Drink this.” “Thanks.” I answered before taking a sip, looking down. “You were burning with fever since this morning.” He finally said which made me look at him. “Sorry.” I automatically said knowing that it was my fault for letting myself get wet when I knew myself that I easily get sick. “It’s already done and it’s not like you wanted to get fever anyway. I just hope that you are more careful the next time.” He said with finality and his expression looked annoyed. Maybe he’s annoyed with me for being careless then getting sick and taking too much of his time? “I will.” I just said in a low voice and sipped on my water again. He was about to say something when the door burst open and Tita Lorie with Tito Philip came in. “Oh, you’re finally awake. You made us so worried, dear.” Tita Lorie immediately said before walking towards me and carefully hugging me, checking up on me. “I’m sorry. It was an awful storm and we ourselves were stuck in the middle of the flood. Plus, the bridge collapsed and so we had to go through the other long way so we can find you both. If only we were there a bit earlier, then you wouldn’t have ended up here.” “Tita, it’s not your fault and I’m okay now. I’m sorry to make you guys worry. I was careless. But I’m fine so please don’t blame yourself.” I said immediately. “Your father called a lot of times checking up on you so maybe you also should give him a call. But I already informed him that you were getting better earlier.” Tito Philip said and I nodded. “Thank you, Tito.” I replied. “I’m so glad you’re fine.” Tita Lorie said once more and brushed my hair. “Thanks, Tita.” I replied and looked the other to find Brian but he was no longer there. Where did he go? *** It was already a few days after the fever incident and I haven’t seen Brian ever since that day. Tita Lorie said he had to go to Spain for a business trip and even thought I wanted to know more, I stopped myself from prying. Instead of sulking because of my unrequited love, I decided to just make the most out of my last days here in the country side before finally flying back to LA. “Thanks so much, Tita.” I said and embraced her tightly. “Are you sure you don’t want anyone to accompany you?” Tita Lorie asked once more and I nodded my head right away. “It’s okay, Tita. I’ll be fine. Belle and I have been friends ever since we met in school and I’m sure you have nothing to worry about.” I replied and Tita Lorie smiled. “I’m so happy to see you finally going out with friends your age and the likes.” She said which also made me smile. Growing up with them in the estate, she knew very well how introverted I was before to the point of having zero social life, except for some friends here in the estate who are much older than I am. “I’m so proud of you. You’re truly a very much independent woman now.” “Thanks, Tita.” I replied and kissed her goodbye before hugging Tito Philip who also just came out. “You take care and if you need anything, just ring us up.” Tito Philip added. “Aye, Tito. You both too. I’ll call you when I get there.” I saluted before excitedly entering the car. Belle and I have planned to visit each other’s hometown for a long time and I can’t help but feel overjoyed that we’re finally doing it. Seems like yesterday when we were just talking about it while doing our research before. “On my way to the airport.” I texted. “See yah, girl!” Belle replied and I smiled. This should be fun. *** I just boarded on the private plane of Belle’s father which will bring me to their hacienda when I heard my phone rang. I was actually checking the plane out for it’s awesome interior and didn’t even notice my phone for a while. It had about 10 missed calls when it rang once more. “Hello.” I answered and I just heard I deep sigh. It was an unregistered number which made my face crease. “Who is this?” “What took you so long to answer the damn phone?” A quite annoyed voice asked back and I was a bit taken a back. I knew exactly who he is and was shocked to receive his call. “Sorry, I just boarded the plane and saw my phone just now.” I replied. Why does he sound mad? Because I didn’t answer the phone? “What? Where the hell are you? What plane? Where are GOING?” He blurted out with a slight panic in his voice, if I was not mistaken. “Are you going back to LA now? Where are you now?” I was about to answer when a flight attendant approached me to fasten my seatbelt and turn off the phone as the plane’s about to go. “Natalie? NATZ? WHERE ARE YOU? WHAT PLANE ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?” I heard Brian’s frantic voice over the phone while I briefly chat with the flight attendant. “Brian, the plane just started and we’re about to go. I’ll talk to you when we land.” I replied quickly. “WHAT?! Where are –“ He continued to pry. “Bye.” I answered and ended the call quickly because the attendant nodded at me again. I smiled back shyly when my phone began ringing again and so I immediately put it on an airplane mode and mouthed ‘sorry’. The flight going to the hacienda was about 2 hours and just by looking at the trees down below, I couldn’t imagine how vast it was. I mean, the estate was already big enough but I think this one’s even more. The fasten seatbelt sign then turned on as we entered their private runway. I was at awe when realization hit me that my friend is really a billionaire’s daughter. “Natalie!!” An almost fainting voice called out but was immediately taken over by the sounds of the plane’s engine. Good thing, I wore my contacts and saw her right away, waving at me. “Belle!” I yelled back as we excitedly hugged each other. “Oh my gosh. I missed you so much.” “I missed you too, girl.” She replied then she pulled away and turned to the pretty girl next to her. “Oh, geez. Don’t tell me you’re bi and that she’s your girlfriend.” I joked and we all laughed heartily. “I like you.” The girl beside her said cheekily. “Silly.” Belle blurted out. “She’s the one I was telling you about. My best friend, remember?” “I knew you’re Arya. Nice to finally meet you in person.” I said cheerfully and offered my hand. “I’m Natalie.” “Me too. We finally meet. I’m Arya.” She said and accepted my hand before hugging me. “Oh my gosh. I knew you both will like each other.” Belle said excitedly and clapped her hands. “Right. Right.” I said before we went our way. ***
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