8 - Brian

2125 Words
I sighed as I finally sat back on the car which will bring me home from the airport. It’s been a stressful few days in Spain and I kinda hated every minute of it which was new. I got the deal closed but for some reason, I felt annoyed the whole time and I don’t understand why. I then massaged my temple as I laid my back on the car seat and closed my eyes. Images of Natalie flashed all over my mind and my eyes sprung open once more. “Sh*t!” I cursed out loud which made Bernard turn to me. “Is there a problem sir?” He asked politely. “No. Just keep driving. Don’t mind me.” I replied and he just nodded. He’s used to my mood swings anyway. And me, I was not used to this. I haven’t had a good night sleep for the last few days because of Natalie. Every time I close my eyes, all I see and think of is her and I don’t understand why. I get it that I got so worried the last time we met to the point of not wanting to leave her side until I was sure she’s really okay. But why is it that her face shows up even when all I wanted now is to work. Damn it! I cursed inwardly for being so out of my mind. “Sir Brian, Mrs. O’Donnell asked me to stop by the market to pick up some weed killer because she needed it for the lawn tomorrow.” Bernard started and I slightly raised my brow. “Ask Carlito to go and pick it up instead. I want to go straight back home.” I replied right away. “Sorry sir. Carlito drove for Ms. Natalie so he can’t do it.” He responded. “Drove for Natalie? To where?” I asked nonchalantly and checked on my phone emails. “Ms. Natalie said goodbye and left earlier. He was going to drive her to the airport.” Bernard answered and my ears trembled as I felt like it echoed Bernard’s voice. Said goodbye. Left earlier. Drive her to the airport. Airport? Why airport? My heart sunk immediately after realizing that she might have left for good again. Just like how she left 4 years ago. I thought we’re already friends. Did she really leave even without saying goodbye to me? Just like how she left without saying goodbye the last time? No. She can’t. She can’t just leave without saying anything this time. Not again. Sh*t! “Airport?” I blurted out in a hurry and Bernard nodded. “Do you have her number?” Bernard then gave me her number and I immediately called her but it just kept ringing and ringing. I tried calling her a couple of times more. “Are you sure this is her number?” I demanded. “Yes, sir. That’s what she uses to call me when she needs someone to drive for her.” Bernard answered and nodded for reassurance. What if she already left this number because she wouldn’t be using it in LA anyway? Damn me. I should have gone home sooner. Sh*t! I sighed and tried to call her one last time. Please. Please. Pick up. Pick up. “Hello.” A voice finally answered and I sighed deeply knowing it was really her. “Who is this?” “What took you so long to answer the damn phone?” I then answered quite annoyed that she only answered my call now. Or more likely, annoyed that she had to leave again without saying goodbye to me. “Sorry, I just boarded the plane and saw my phone just now.” She replied. So it’s true. She’s leaving. I thought but I just couldn’t take it in. “What? Where the hell are you? What plane? Where are GOING?” I blurted out, panic overpowered me and I became anxious. “Are you going back to LA now? Where are you now?” But then instead of hearing her answer, I heard some announcement in the background and I distant voice of someone talking to her.  “Natalie? NATZ? WHERE ARE YOU? WHAT PLANE ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?” I asked with a frantic voice and at that time, I didn’t care anymore of what she’ll think of my reaction. I just really want to know where she is. I wanted to go to her right then and there and ask her not to leave. Why would you asked her not to leave? I thought in response. “Brian, the plane just started and we’re about to go. I’ll talk to you when we land.” She replied in a hurry. “WHAT?! Where are –“ I continued to pry. “Bye.” She answered and ended the call which made me curse loudly once more. “Sh*t! Sh*t! Sh*t!” I cursed and cursed and I knew Bernard was being cautious of me as he tried not to react to me and looked at the mirror awkwardly. I tried calling her once more for a couple of times but I was only led to her voicemail. *** “Mom, why didn’t I know that Natalie’s leaving today?” I asked right away as soon as I reached home. She went to meet us as soon as we parked because of the weed killers she asked Bernard to get. She looked at me with bewilderment as soon as the words left my mouth. “I didn’t know you were interested to know.” She answered and cheekily smiled as she walked carrying the spray. I took it and carried it for her as we walked to the open garden where some other house helps are. She then gave them the spray and asked them to be careful while using it so as not to kill the healthy grass. “But we’re already friends. I should have at least known.” I uttered which made her turn to me. “But you didn’t ask, iho. And you were even so eager to go to your business trip in Spain even though Natalie was still in the hospital. So I didn’t think you were that interested about her business.” Mom added which made me more frustrated. “Fine then.” I finally said. “Have a good day, mom. Lemme just go and rest.” Then I start to walk away when I heard my mom chuckling heartily. I looked back and she was already walking towards me. She pinched my cheek so hard I almost screamed in pain. “Ouch! What’s that for?” I blurted out after she released it. “For being so grumpy.” Mom replied and her smile widened. “Don’t worry son. She hasn’t left the country yet. She just went to spend the weekend with her friends. She’ll be back here first thing in the morning, Monday.” Then she patted my cheek once more while giving me an all knowing look which she used to give all the time before and walked back to where the house helps are. I was a bit stunned and embarrassed at the same time. But over it all, I was relieved. At least she hasn’t left the country yet. I thought. *** “Brian, I was talking to you.” Mom said over dinner and I blinked once before I turned to her. “Sorry, I was thinking about something.” I replied before taking in a spoonful of food. “Clearly. You were out of your mind since earlier. Is something wrong?” She asked with a hint of concern in her voice and I shook my head. “Nah. Just a bit tired of work and stuff.” I responded and my dad nodded. “Yeah. Company matters can really be tough but I hope you can manage more of your time.” He then said. “You’re still young, son. You should be enjoying life while working at the same time.” “Sure thing, dad.” I responded and my mom smiled at him lovingly. “You know when I was you age, I am already married to your mom and we couldn’t be happier. So even if work was stressful, at least when I go home, seeing your mom makes all my stress go away.” Dad started and I simply rolled my eyes. He’d always start that thing about ‘when I was your age thing’ and the rest will be a long story he’s told me so many times now. I think mom saw my reaction which made her chuckle. “I think he’s had a rough day, Philip. Let him go up early to rest.” She finally said which made me feel relieved. I thanked my mom inwardly before wiping my mouth with the napkin. “Thanks for the dinner.” I said politely as I made my way to my room. I looked at my phone for the nth time since I got home and was still eagerly waiting for her call. She clearly said she’ll talk to me once she landed and it’s been freaking 10 hours since then. Why hasn’t she called yet? Did something happen? Do I just call her instead? I then rubbed my hands over my face once more. I must be going out of my mind. Why would I even bother? It’s not like she has an obligation to call me or anything, right? I sighed and laid down on the bed. I felt tired but my mind wouldn’t let me rest. I should just call her to stop this once and for all. And so I sat back up and dialed her phone number totally ignoring all the whys and ifs and consequences once I do so. The phone rang thrice before I heard a deep baritone voice on the other line. I immediately pulled away to check my phone to check if I dialed the wrong number. But it was clear that it was Natalie’s. “Hello? Hello?” I heard the voice on the other line said when I put it back on my ear. “Where is Natalie?” I asked right away in a serious tone of voice. My gut twisted right away knowing it was a man who answered her phone. Why would a man answer her phone? Then I recalled what mom said earlier. ‘She just went to spend the weekend with her friends.’ She didn’t say if the friends were girls or boys. “Natalie? The pretty lady’s totally knocked down at the moment.” The guy answered with a bit of amusement on his tone. Knocked down? “What? What knocked down? Where is she? Where’s Natalie?” I blurted out mindlessly. “Well, who’s this?” The guy asked back instead. “You don’t have to know who the hell I am. Just tell me where she is now. I’m coming to pick her up.” I said right away and I heard a bit of a chuckled on the other line. “Dude, she’s safe here. She’s safe with me. No need to come pick her up.” He answered bluntly. “I’ll personally tell her about you call, whoever you may be. And just call her back in the morning.” And with that he cut off the line which made me curse out loud again, almost crushing my own phone. “Damn it!” I growled as I stood up with much frustration and paced around my room. I tried calling the number again but it was routed over to voicemail. I pulled my hair as I went to my rooms balcony to get some fresh air. I checked the time and it was already almost midnight. I couldn’t disturb mom so I can get the information as to where she is now, right? Geez. I’m really going crazy. ***
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