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Third Person's Point of View Vampires and werewolves have been at war ever since. They are one of the creatures that have existed in the world for a long time, and their existence was unknown to mortals not until the vampires became aggressive. Their silence has been broken because a modern king has been appointed, a vampire king who is ruthless with power and human blood. Werewolves, on the other hand, have a reputation for protecting humans. They are the ones who prevent vampires from drinking blood and killing people. Werewolves, like humans, can look and act like humans, which is why mortals frequently interact with them. “Cecelia,” a man said as he walked into a room, smiling as he faced a pregnant woman. “I’m glad you’re back, Edward.” Edward walked up to his wife and kissed her. Edward smiled sweetly, but concern appeared on his face after a few seconds. “How are you feeling? Are you no longer ill?” Cecelia hugged her husband, and when she let go, she shook her head. “I feel good. I’m not too weak anymore,” Edward bowed as Cecelia observed her husband’s reaction. She stroked Edward’s cheek, causing him to look up. “Are you worried?” Edward nodded without hesitation, and Cecelia exhaled deeply. “Don’t worry, I and our child will be safe,” Cecelia said. Edward took a small step back and turned to face the window. “You can’t blame me, Cecelia; this is the first time a baby of our race has been born.” “I know, even I am a mystery to this grace. We are vampires, and as vampires, we do not have the ability to have children; you may be able to, but I am not.” Both were silent. The woman was correct; no female vampire can bear children. Female vampires are known to be incapable of bearing children; vampire men, on the other hand, can conceive, but only with a mortal. Vampires are not born vampires; they only become vampires after being bitten on the neck and consuming their human blood as well as the blood of the vampire who bit them. So, in the case of Cecelia and Edward, it appeared to them as a puzzle what happened; they had a child, but despite their concern, they were happy because their child would be born in a few days. “Even if it’s a mystery to us, I’ll be happy because we have a child, and I can’t afford to have a child with someone else, Cecelia. I love you, and even if you can’t have a baby, I will never look for a mortal." Cecelia’s heart seemed to be touched because of what Edward had said. “Although we should not be complacent, we should be wary of the possibilities," Edward nodded and kissed Cecelia on the forehead. “Come on, let’s go to town because the show is starting in a few hours," Cecelia nodded at what Edward had said. Cecelia and Edward live near mortals in the mountains. They are far from their fellow vampires' territory because the new king expelled them and considered them traitors to their race three years ago, so they chose to stay away and live as humans. The couple, on the other hand, hugged tightly while happily watching a stage performance. There is a festival in town called Twilight, and Allayna’s husband, Aiden, is one of the most respected people in town; their family is known as the richest and most respected in town, but what they don’t know is that the Fustrios family is a family of werewolves. The Fustrios are a powerful group of werewolves who guard and protect humans from vampires who try to prey on them. “I call Mr. Aiden Fustrios to our stage for a wonderful speech.” Allayna applauded when her husband took the stage. Shouts and applause filled the area because of the people who were happy to see the Fustrios family. “Wow! Is this how it always is in your town?” Ayeen nodded and looked at her brother’s wife for a moment. Allayna is from Manila, but like Aiden, she is also a werewolf. They met in an accident, got married recently, and their child will be born in a few days. “Get used to it, because you’ll be experiencing it a lot from now on.” Ayeen said, causing Allayna to frown. “What exactly do you mean?” “Didn’t my brother tell you you’d be living here?” Allayna was taken aback by its response and shook her head; she is opposed to living here because her life is in Manila; she has a business that she should concentrate on rather than staying in Twilight. Allayna was about to speak when she felt a pain in her stomach. As the pain worsened, she shouted loudly, attracting the attention of those around her. Aiden was stunned to give the speech when he saw his wife’s condition, so he immediately approached her and feared what might happen to his son and wife. “What happened?” “I don’t know, she suddenly shouted.” Ayeen replied worriedly. They were in such a scene when an old man approached them and suddenly touched Allayna’s stomach, causing the pain she was experiencing to vanish. Everyone present sighed as a result of what they had witnessed, and the old man’s eyes widened, and he abruptly backed away. “The destined werewolf.” It murmured in the air, squeezing the people until it vanished from sight. Aiden and Allayna both frowned as a result of what had happened, but they chose to ignore what they saw and heard despite their confusion. On the other hand, the couple is currently in town. Cecelia, on the other hand, stopped walking when she felt a sudden pain in her stomach, and at the same time, the strong wind. She shouted. Edward was taken aback and immediately rallied behind his wife. “What’s going on?” Edward was perplexed, but Cecelia only responded when she yelled, and it clung so tightly to Edward that Edward’s arm bruised when Cecelia’s nails fell out and her fangs protruded slightly. Edward was worried that someone might notice them because of his wife’s appearance. Fortunately, they were alone because almost everyone else was already in the plaza. “Ah!” at Cecelia’s loud shout, an old man appeared and touched Cecelia’s stomach without hesitation, and the pain she felt vanished in a flash. The couple both frowned as a result of what the old man had done; this old man was also the same old man who had recently appeared in front of Aiden and Allayna. When he removed his hand from the woman’s stomach, the old man, like before, took a step back and looked at the two. “Who are you?” Edward obstructed the body’s path to his wife, and an evil sneer was directed at the old man. Instead of responding to Edward’s question, the old man shook his head, and his eyes widened, saying, “I can’t believe what I found out today.” “The destined vampire...” His voice grew weaker and weaker as he released those words. Edward and Cecelia exchanged puzzled glances. "A destined vampire? What are you saying, old man?” Edward asked, but Cecelia abruptly spoke, surprising Edward. “You are not an ordinary human. Are you the guide?” The old man applauded and then nodded. “Yes I am. You seem to be aware of what I am, and if I am not mistaken, you two are known as traitors to your race. Am I right?” Edward averted his gaze, and Cecelia noticed that, so she gently patted his back. “We are not traitors!” “I know,” the old man said as he looked at the cloud, which was about to rain. “I know you are not a traitor. You are not what I thought you were,” The old man said as he turned around and began to walk, but suddenly stopped and tilted his head slightly. Someday, that child will clear your name. That child will be one of the reasons for the change in the two races. The couple frowned because they didn’t understand what the old man meant. When Edward and Cecelia looked at each other again, they were surprised that the old man was no longer in front of them, as if he had vanished like a bubble. At the same time, the two shook their heads and continued walking, paying no attention to what the old man said but believing him on the inside. They know there is a good plan for the good of the world, just like the unexpected arrival of a baby in Cecelia’s womb. To be continued...
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