That One Bizarre Cab

673 Words
My mom bought me a pretty nice mask and I am currently wearing it while walking. She's right, it looks pretty nice. I am now a Second Year College Engineering student. I thought this course was hard for me but I was wrong. It was very much hard for me. Okay that wasn't funny at all. Luckily, my school was not that far from our house, but I need to take a cab to go there. I can't walk for too long, I easily feel tired whenever I do so. 2 years ago, a pandemic occur. But thankfully, it's all back to normal now. Universities have rules to follow, a lot of schools are still requiring students to wear mask and the same goes for us. I signaled the cab passing by. "Get in" said the cab driver. I got in the car still wearing the mask, it's necessary for assuring my safety. Suddenly I felt chills all over my body, I keep getting this feeling that there is someone sitting beside me, even though, there is no one but me, here in the back seat. I looked at beside me slowly. From the moment I got in this car, I really have this unexplainable feeling. But still, there's no one in here but me. The driver keeps on looking at me from his mirror in the front, but I don't want to mind it. I'm feeling uneasy enough to mind such things around me. "You have such a nice mask young lady" the cab driver said. Oh, so that's why he keeps on looking at me. He keeps on looking at the mask. "Yeah thanks, my mom gave it to me" I said. I suddenly remember what mom said when she handed me the mask. "I didn't even know how the mask vendor lady knew that I have a daughter" Well people are being weird these days. One of them is that lady from yesterday, she asked how I've been doing since the accident. Weird right? I don't know what accident she was talking about, I just did my business and get my attention to other things. I don't have time to hink such crazy ideas. I am near the school now, I really miss them so much, I am talking about my friends. "We're here" said the driver. "Be careful" he added while looking at me. I just gave him a question face and get out of the car. I was about to walk when suddenly, I heard something screeching. I looked at where the sound is then I saw a car went out of control. "Wait, why here? hold on" I said because it was about to hit and crash on me but- "Young lady, we're here" said the driver while looking at me. "You're staring at your reflection from the window for too long" he added. I was sweating. What was I thinking? I thought I already got out of the car and then I got hi- Maybe I'm just overthinking or something. But it really feels weird. I was about to get out of the car when.. "Be careful" said the driver. He said that earlier too. So strange. I didn't mind him and got out of the car, then I walk faster to reach the gate. "walk faster, walk faster, faster, keep your eyes straight ahead" I whispered while walking. I sighed heavily when I reached the gate then suddenly, I heard a tire screeching behind me. I was so shocked to see- A car crashed, right before my eyes, to the exact same spot where I've been less than a minute ago. My heart is beating so fast . "Hooo" I breathe heavily then I entered the school gate. I was so scared. "Thanks to you, my guardian angel" I whispered in the air while holding my chest. My heart beat is still beating fast. Everything just happened so sudden. I know that if I got a little short while walking. I could've been really hit.
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