The Royal Senior High Academy

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Kimberly POV About three months after… Alice and I had arrived in our new school, the Royal Senior High Academy, and started off with a tour of the grounds. This was the most elite school probably in the whole world. The huge structure of the place was like a palace itself. It was like a letter U with the front building containing the offices, library, science lab, lecture, and dining halls, while the side buildings as the dormitories. Other smaller buildings were scattered at the sides - such as the gym, the pool, the garden, and some other empty buildings. The center was a big field, which was probably used for training or probably for games. Coming to the palace was intimidating enough. But being with people who were of royalty? I felt like fainting. How I wish I could keep up with them! They all looked glamorous wearing designer and well-known brands. They all looked like models and superstars. The people who worked in the school were also fashionable. “Could you stop staring? You are embarrassing me.” Alice hissed at me from the side. A few people looked at us, who probably are werewolves. Werewolves and vampires have powerful hearing that they can even hear a water drop miles away. I could probably be exaggerating, but still, their hearing is unimaginable. Dad had wanted to come with us; however, he had an emergency meeting with the security of the kingdom. A man was found dead in the woods by a werewolf. It was odd because the man was not from the kingdom and we never had such incidents of killings for a long time now. Anyway, Dad had to stay put and it was only Mom who went with us to school. Mom was sad but it didn’t take away the excitement from her. When we stepped in at the registrar’s office, the middle-aged lady behind the desk smiled brightly at us. She stood up and did a curtsy, probably in respect to my Mom as a queen. I still find it hard to believe that we were already royals. If it was me and Mom only, we would have waved the courtesy away. But we had to uphold our status as Alice was with us. When we had greeted her, the lady stood straight and then ushered us to sit in front of her desk. After the pleasantries, asking how our trip was, she introduced herself as Ms. Blaire. “Here are your schedules. We all cater to basic subjects in the first term. We wouldn’t want to rush you as you adjust to the environment. However, come the second term, in addition to the basic subjects, you may choose two or three more subjects of your own liking.” She gave each of us a folder. “The first document is your schedule. While the rest are the map, locker, and student manuals.” Then she took a deep breath. We all looked up at her giving us a sweet smile. It seemed like she was waiting for this moment to tell us something. “There is one concern though. The room that was supposedly for Kimberly was still being renovated. The bathroom is being fixed. We were not able to finish everything in time for the school opening.” “That’s okay, Ms. Blaire.” I smiled at her. “You could place me anywhere. I’m not really choosy.” I could see Alice roll her eyes. “Your substitute room will be in the boy’s dormitory.” Ms. Blaire had an unsure smile on her face. She was probably waiting for me and/or my Mom to lash out. But she did not hear anything from us. Mom only nodded but then took a deep breath before talking. I knew she was concerned about my security being in the boy’s dormitory. “There aren’t any available rooms at the girl’s dormitory?” “I apologize, Ma’am. It looks like there are more female royal members compared to males.” I saw Ms. Blaire gulped. “And when do we expect the room to be finished?” Mom looked stern. She may be kind but she was not a push-over. How I wish I could be like her. Or my real parents. Fighting for myself and for others. “It could take a month, Madam. We had to do a complete renovation. All things were handmade and matched with the princess’ character.” I wonder what was that all about – matched with my character. “Everything had to be fire-proof or magic-proof. We wouldn’t want to find the room in flames or things missing…” She looked at me with a knowing smile and with a gleam in her eye. “We understand.” Mom abruptly cut her. I understood too. They knew that I was a witch and had to match the room with my powers. Otherwise, I could put the whole school in flames, or probably I could make things disappear. It could be possible that Ms. Blaire is a witch herself. But I was not entirely sure. My witch radar was not powerful enough. “Breakfast is scheduled from seven to eight-thirty at the dining hall. There will be a student orientation tomorrow morning in the auditorium at exactly nine. Classes to officially start on Monday.” She paused to check if we had followed what she had said. Alice and I both nodded. “Anyway, we know that you have traveled from afar and might be tired, so shall I have one of our teachers take you to your rooms?” “Perfect.” That was Alice. A few seconds after a tall and willowy younger lady went in and did a curtsy before us. We all stood up as Miss Blaire introduced us. “This is Miss Hazel, our science teacher.” In a minute, we were out of the registrar’s office. “This way please.” We made small talk with Miss Hazel. Actually, just me and her. I was asking about the subject that she teaches. Science was one of my weaknesses. Though I got pretty good grades in all my science subjects, it was a struggle for me. “I am sure you will love science, especially in the second term.” She winked at me. Is she another witch? Alice was silent throughout the walk towards her room. We have decided to go to hers first. She may be quiet but I can see her eyes roam around and observe each student, sizing them up. It was hard for me not to judge her but I was only stating a fact. Her movements made her obvious. When we got to her room, the three of us gasped at how beautiful it was. It was like not being away from home. It was huge and looked comfortable. You know, the usual princess room. “I love it already!” I was glad that she was happy with her room. Her room is on the second floor of the four-story building. We all checked everything, including the bathroom and the walk-in closet. So far, there were no concerns as per Alice. Her bags were already there. I just hoped that she could unpack herself. There were no maids to help her with that. Alice was already lying on her back on her king-sized bed, most likely wanting to have her rest, when Miss Hazel prompted us to go outside. “So, shall we move on to your room?” “Yes, please.” I nodded. “I’ll go with you!” She immediately stood and fixed her hair and clothes. “I should know where you are staying just in case of emergency.” If I know, she didn’t really care where I sleep. She wanted me far away from her because I was an embarrassment to her. But on the other hand, she may have wanted to come only to compare my room with hers. Or probably scout boys, since I will be in that area. We eventually got to my room. It was located on the fourth floor and had a great view of the campus. I immediately like it. It looked boyish because of the grey and blue tones, but it calmed my nerves. I was not really the pink type of a princess. Red is okay with me though. “I like it. Thank you.” I said as I turned to Miss Hazel. She was ecstatic at my response. “The last tenant of this room was a wizard. I’m glad you liked it.” So that was the reason I was placed in this room in the meantime. Miss Hazel soon left after reminding us of the breakfast and student orientation the following day. She had also informed us that dinner will be served from six up to seven-thirty in the evening. Mom wanted to go ahead too because the travel would take time and she didn’t want to leave our dad alone for a long time. We went with her out in front of the school to bid her farewell. Of course, she did not go without some motherly reminders. And before I knew it, she was gone. It was only me and Alicia. Without waiting for me, she went back to the entrance of the building but only to stand frozen in the middle of the doorway. “Alice?” I looked at her. She was looking ahead with her mouth hanging open. I followed her line of vision and had to control myself not to gasp. In front of us were two of the most gorgeous boys I have ever seen in my life.  
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