The Beginning

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    Well hell how should I start it like once upon a time?  Nah that s**t it's to cliche so I'll just tell you how it is.... it all started with this family the mother Janet is a total b***h with a capital B and her 3 children who she treats like their slaves a waist of name it she probably did that to them, she talks to them like there worthless pieces …you know lets get back to the story.     Well her oldest son Tom is a big big big boy well built for a little 12 yr. old and well her daughter Claire is fair looking people will probably mistaken her for a china doll with her porcelain skin and jet black wavy hair and her beautiful hazel - ish brown eyes with green n' little gold specks and well for her youngest son Samuel the baby (4 months) of the three round pudgy little thing well what you'll expect from a baby, but a cute adorable baby if you ever seen him you want to pinch his cheeks, and his Carmel skin and his jet black hair and his chocolatey color eyes....her kids were exceptional beautiful children n' gifted that any parent will be proud to have them as their own child.      But don't get me wrong they had received love (but not that much that a child should receive from their own parent) and a little bit of what we all call a childhood well if you call it that they played with other kids when they were aloud to go outside and play.       Most of the time they stayed inside until they were done with their homework and after they were done with their chores like any other kids...yal probably know what I mean when yal  were kids yal probably had chores you had and plus you  know also help out around the house  well if you didn't have to do anything like this well f*****g Whoppie Doo for your lucky ass, well they did so suck it lucky bitches (lol) ;p anyways like I was saying before I kinda got off topic :D they played with other kids they were well fed they slept well in there own rooms went to school except for the baby (Aww) :( well like in pretty much good times it comes to an end it never last unless you were like some f*****g billionaire where you have money to spend every freaking day!!      Well s**t there not that lucky (Boo) :( well to say the truth that would be f*****g awesome in my point of view. Well s**t moving on back to the story sorry my mind kinda wanders alot (lol) :P well if u haven't noticed ;) well one day Claire decided to chill outside with her mom kinda her mom was busy talking to the neighbors to even notice that Claire wandered off on her own...well Claire saw something on the ground that she didn't know what it was so she picked it up well being a kid well what you expect there curious by nature like that curious little monkey.. you know that show they used to show on PBS kids in the morning if you don't know what I mean then s**t that means l'm getting old (lol).     Not there yet but I'm getting there anyways it wasn't closed right it splashed on her it hurt her really really bad bottom line is it f****d her up she dropped the bottle went screaming like I mean screaming like Life N' Death situation, so her mom frantically ran to see what was going on, she saw her daughter screaming trying to wipe stuff off herself that wasn't there by  pulling on her clothes Janet saw it had blood spots forming on her clothes, her clothes were shredding away she didn't no what the f**k was going on so like any other sane mother out there she picked her daughter and carried her to the bathroom put her gently in the tub turned on the cold water cause whatever spilled on her was eating away at her skin and her clothes but what Janet didn't understand that made it worse Claire began screaming louder when the water hit her skin like I mean loud.     Loud like bloody murder loud after all that screaming and hollering the little girl Claire couldn't take it anymore the pain was so intense that she blacked out. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------           When she awoken (Not fully awake mostly her eye's were closed but she can hear) the next morning that's what she thinks she woke up hearing machines beeping she tried and tried her best to open her eyes but to no use her eyelids were so heavy they couldn't open she couldn't see but she could hear people calling for her to open her eye's she wanted to speak really really bad because she was feeling this burning sensation in her throat then down on her left side mostly on the bottom side I guess you can say on her left leg but she also couldn't pin point another sensation she felt but it wasn't a burning feeling it feels like a cool soothing sensation in a way... With that cool sensation she gladly slipped away into Dreamland. Tom's P.O.V I remember coming back from my friends house (he lives like a block away from my house) when I was going back home I can hear screaming Idk what it was from or who was screaming until I got closer to the house it was my little sister Claire screaming like someone was killing her, so I ran no asking me twice I ran until I got near the door well I almost tripped getting up the stairs on to the porch (haha laugh it up) then I remember hearing my mom screaming for someone to help her well I came inside I went (I BASICALLY RAN) over to were I had heard the screaming coming from it was coming from the bathroom when I got there what I saw I froze right then in there.   Well I usually don't freeze well this time I did I saw my little sister passed out in the tub with running water in my mom's arms IDK what my mom was saying at the time but when I snapped out of it I rushed into the restroom yelling at my mom asking what happened she wouldn't tell me all she was doing is yelling telling me to go call 911 or go get help or someone  something like that basically I would've snapped at her for yelling at me and not telling me What The f**k (WTF) is going on when she has my little sister in her arms in a tub full of running water yelling like a f*****g Banshee What The f**k!     What would you think if you were me walking I mean running in and seeing this s**t!! Anyways I ran to our phone and Dammit it was f*****g Up!! So I ran next door started banging on the door so someone can hear me finally someone came to the door I told them to call 911 as fast as I can so I can go back and help my little sister Claire but my words came out like I was a mad person you know like in those movies... like there's that evil dude discussing his evil plan to you and your like What!!    So basically that was me at the time so my neighbor was like looking at me like WTF!?! are you on kid so I was really tyring hard to calm down at the time and try to explain myself and so I can get back so then I did...Now this time the neighbor is freaking out like yelling out O My God!!! CLAIRE CLAIRE BABY CLAIRE I'm all SHUT THE f**k UP!!   Can you please call? She's looked shocked at first then she gave that look like "You better watch that mouth of yours I'm not afraid to cut a b***h!!"  but then this is what came out of her mouth "Excuse Me What Did You Say?" (She's Yelling Talking you know nice but mean at the same time) Thank God the grandma heard what I said from the next room and said Shut UP Gina and call 911 Claire Needs Help!! So Gina called and told them what I told her and when she was done she looked at me like you better watch it boy or I'm gonna "Beat Yo Ass" so I did the smart thing ever I say in my part I thanked them and I ran like a bat outta hell (sorta speak) I ran back told my mom that helps coming I didn't see that the witch Gina was right behind me until I turned around I was all Ugh! Yes people I screamed but manly I think (Not!) Hey I thought you were on my side?  N- Kid I'm on noone side unless I feel like it.  K-.. Ok Fine whatever just hurry up with the help ok?  N-We'll see   K- WHAT! Do you mean we'll see?!!!!  N-..... (Silence)   K- Hey answer me that's my sister down there!! HEY HEY...…..  N- ..................Well moving on with the story before I go in there and punch that kid well if I could I would and plus if this wasn't a story I know that'll be mean and cruel... but it'll feel right somehow. Well anyways moving on were in the hospital now cause the kid kept on and on and he was annoying me well s**t older brothers are annoying but over protective of their sibiling's especially there little sister's ....anyways moving on.....beep were in the room he's looking at his sister there in on a hospital bed with bandages all over her and she's hooked on mechines.      
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