1•|Abigail’s Pov

1120 Words
Get over it — Curling myself up into a ball I pulled the covers back on me. “Uhmm, you hate me.” Riley had been at it for minutes now trying to wake me, I don’t get what she couldn’t I just wanted to sleep. The covers came flying off my body again after a little tag of war with my roommate. It had really began being frustrating, I groaned still keeping my eyes shut. “I don’t hate you baby. I’m loving you right now, can’t you see.” No I couldn’t see the light was slowly blinding me, I wish I took karate lesson just for this moment. With the little strength I had left in my useless body I turned facing my roommate. Closing my eyes for a bit I rubbed my eye balls, the sun was blinding me that’s what staying in the dark does. Riley had a wide grin on her face, it was too early for this pouting I whined. “Nop hate, pure pure hate. Can’t I just call in sick, Riley please.” I flapped my eye lids adding more drama to it. She laughed at my childishness, “No, that ass hole will now just fire you this time around. It’s been four days since you last went to work, manuscripts are probably piling up your desk.” I slapped my face in frustration, how could just forget the tiresome job I had, I was so screwed. Riley sat down beside me on the bed patting me on the back before it rested there. “Just forget about her. It’s her loss anyway.” I wish it were that simple then I would not have gone through all this hell. “I’m pretty sure she didn’t lose a thing, she isn’t the spending days in bed crying over a piece of shit.” f**k break ups those things always came when you least expect them, such bitches. Riley nudged my side side lightly winking at me, or what it seemed like she needed winking lessons. “Never say never, how sure are you that she isn’t in the same state of being in bed.” Looking at her in full shock I ran my fingers through my hair trying to recollect my thoughts. “You didn’t do s**t, did you?” I asked, I knew her all too well her silence screamed she did the obvious, s**t. “What did you do and when did you do it.” I needed answers damn woman. Riley raised her arms cupping her face, “What so ever are you talking about, I wouldn’t even harm a fly.” that there was a while lie she would harm more than a fly. I raised my eye brow at her, figuring I wasn’t going to fall for it she crossed her arms. “You caught me red handed, literally.” a smirk came over her lips. I slapped my mouth, “Did you beat her up!” I squealed a little too happy for my broken heart. Riley looked to the other side of the room, embracing her in a tight hug I placed kisses all over her face. “Thank you, thank you so so much.” I mumbled the words after each kiss. Riley escaped my embrace with a face of horror, “I thought you would have killed me for doing that.” she confessed. On normal days I would have but this wasn’t like those days, that girl played me. “Yeah but she disrespected me, she deserved that and so much more.” Riley gave me an approving nod with a wide smile. Jumping out of bed I stood on the cold floor, turning back to Riley I winked. “I need to get going being a Friday and all, I’ll be back earlier.” and the date with my bed would continue. Riley cleared her throat gaining my attention again, I looked at her with a puzzled face what did she want. She smiled brightly, “You won’t be getting that fantasy remember you have four days worth of work on your desk right now.” Burying my face in my palms I growled why did the universe have to hate poor old me. I carried my feet once again towards the direction of the bathroom. Gripping on the door knob I suddenly remembered a certain someone wasn’t supposed to be here. I looked at Riley over my shoulder, “Wait shouldn’t you be at work or something, like thirty minutes ago?” Riley kicked her feet back laying herself gracefully on the bed, her arms behind her head. “Not today sweetheart, it’s a free day for some.” she wiggled her eyebrows, she was so very annoying. Unlike my job hers was rather more fun and freeing, full time DJ and a part time boxer, she had the body for it too. I slammed the door with returning her smile, it was bath time for me. Hoping I had seen the last of my roommates face I walker back into the room with a wide smile on my face, my body fully covered with the towel. Hoping was for the naive I should have wished, Riley was laying on my bed while on her tummy. My eyes kept scanning and I big bright smile came on my face when I saw the tray of food beside her. “You spoil me.” I spoke with full delight, breakfast in bed I could get used to this. Riley smiled softly, “I try. I’ll be leaving you now before I see all that.” and out the door she went. Seeing the time I hurried over to my closet, throwing on a red pencil skirt and a sleeved white shirt. Seated on my messy bed I chewed down my breakfast as fast I could allow. Walking out the room with a half eaten sandwich and a bag in the other, I placed the plate down into the sink. Riley studied my outfit for a few seconds giving me two thumbs up, “You’re going to knock someone off their feet, might this be for your boss.” I faked gagged, “Hell no not that pervert never. And if I was going to knock someone off their feet it would be Amanda or you.” rushing out the door I left Riley speechless always enjoyed that. Riding down the elevator I felt a bit panicked, the lack of room and the quietness was deadly, I continuosly tapped my left foot on the elevator floor. Untill that heavenly ding was heard I rushed out the little motional coffin. The city air hit my skin as soon as my foot took a step on the pavement. My baby just a few feet from me I smiled literally jumping to it. Four days with this was a heartbreak, stepping on the breaks I was off to work.
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