Chapter 2

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Dola POV "Dola. Come on, wake up." Ma's voice cut through my sleep. I barely cracked my eyes open to see her lying across from me. I quickly shut them again before burrowing under the comforter. "I don't want to wake up. It is a Saturday." "I know it is, but I have something I want to show you. Okay?" Ma's soft tone gets me to poke my head back out. She smiles at me, which causes me to whine before throwing the covers off of me. I sit up in bed only to let out a little scream when I see Pa lying on the floor. Ma lets out a chuckle. "You passed out in my arms, so I just stayed with you. Well, big guy down there can't spend a night away from me, no matter how far." "Big guy can hear you." Pa lets out in a growly voice before groaning. Ma rolls her eyes. "Big guy could've gone one night without me beside him or in the same room." I couldn't even hold back the laugh as I watched Pa become highly offended at Ma's words. "Now, wait a damn minute.." "You know it is true, Pa," I say, cutting Pa off. Now, he looks at me like I offended him. Climbing off the floor, he pretends to brush dirt off of his pants before heading towards my room. "I will not stay here when the two of you are ganging up on me." This causes Ma to laugh. I just smile and shake my head. My Pa may be this big bad guy that rules over Hell, but he is just a big ole softy when it comes to Ma or any of us. Especially Ma. "Now, get up, get dressed, and come downstairs. I am going to tell you where I am taking you then." Pretty cryptic, but I don't question Ma. I head to my bathroom, where I take a shower… where I scrub at my skin for about 15 minutes. I cannot help it. I finally get out and dry off my body and hair before heading over to my closet. I throw on a simple T-shirt, I have taken a liking to baggy shirts that are really long, and then I slip on some leggings. I don't even bother with my hair, as I just throw it up into a messy bun. I then hurry up with the finishing touches like deodorant, perfume, some rings, and then my slip-on shoes. Feeling comfy, I finally head downstairs, where I can hear everyone talking. "Ah," Ma says once I step foot into the kitchen. This causes everyone to stop what they are doing. "I just wanted to let everyone know that I am taking Dola somewhere today. I am not telling anyone where it is as she will be there for a month." This causes my jaw to drop along with everyone else's. "I will make sure to send a note to her school to excuse all this, but she needs this. Do not ask questions as I will not answer them, and be sure to give Dola love, for you will not see her for a month." Of course, Mom and my two dads quickly spring into asking questions. I can tell my Mom is shocked but also sad? I am not sure because two bodies slam into me, knocking the breath out of me. "Gah, Jacob, and Lucas. You don't have to kill me when you go to give me a hug." I quickly squeeze them to me, making sure to ignore the feeling of my skin beginning to crawl. "We'll miss you, sis." They whisper out in their tiny voices. This only makes me squeeze them tighter. "Okay! Our turns." Nora and Cora proudly demand of Jacob and Lucas. They pull away with frowns before they turn to face them. "Jerks." They proudly tell them before sticking their tongues out. I laugh as they quickly make sure to run away before Nora or Cora and get them. I am sure that they will be paying for that later. "Ugh." Nora and Cora basically slam into me with more force as they hug me. Tears begin to form in my eyes as I squeeze them really tight. Although they let go pretty quickly before they run up the stairs. Mom will have to visit them when I leave because I know they are going to be missing me since I always hang out with them on Saturday. It is like a sister hangout; no boys allowed. "I wish we knew where you were going." Peanuts' soft voice reaches my ears. Looking his way, I let out a little smile before I slam him into a hug. "Me too," I whisper out as we both have a little moment. We have grown really close ever since I was first kidnapped because he thought it was his fault. I made sure he knew it wasn't. This is also the reason I never told him about what really happened to me. I couldn't. He already blamed himself, and I couldn't have him feeling guilty about what those bastards did to me. After a few seconds, I let him go with a small smile. "Bring it in, twin," Andrei says to me with his arms stretched out. Now, the tears fall as I collapse into his arms. Andrei and I have always been close, although I am pretty sure that he could tell I was pushing myself away from him a little bit. He is my other half. We shared a womb where he shielded me. He has always been there for me, and now he is finally happy. He had Peanut, his mate. I couldn't tell him my secret when he was so happy. So, I started to pull away because I knew if I didn't, then I would've ended up spilling my secret to him. "I'll miss you," I whisper out just before letting go. "I'll miss you more, sis." He says to me before walking over to Peanut. Next, I am running to my Mom, who is standing in the kitchen with tears in her eyes. She engulfs me in her arms as she rocks us back and forth. "I may not know what is going on or where you are going, but I trust Ma. I trust that you need this, even if I have no idea why. I will miss you, and I love you so so much." Tears fall from my eyes as we just embrace each other. Soon, our hug was cut a little short when one of my little brothers yelled out for her help, probably against Nora or Cora. We pull apart, and she gives me a little smile before kissing my forehead. I smile at my Mom as she walks off to deal with the chaos. Next thing I know, I am being pulled into my two dads' arms. I just let them hold me for a minute before they finally hug me separately. They don't say anything as they just hold me within their embrace, and honestly, this is just what I need. I don't need words as I can feel their love for me within the hug. They kiss me on the forehead before they go after Mom, who is trying to stop Nora and Cora from chasing Jacob and Lucas. "Come on," Ma says, which has me snapping my attention to her. I quickly walk over to her and place my hand in her outstretched one. Before I could even blink, we portaled to somewhere in the pack woods. I could tell it was the pack woods because I just felt the safety within my surroundings. "Now, I know you do not have a wolf and that you barely have any demon blood, but you do possess the ability to go to Hell." "WHAT?" I just about yell at Ma. She smiles softly. "Yes. Pa and I found that out one night when we were doing some research, but you will need my help. You will have to drink a bit of my blood while I recite a spell to help you withstand Hell and to be able to stay there for a month." "I'm going to be staying in Hell for a month?!" "Yes, you are. With Pa and I, of course. I think that this will be healing for you. Staying at home in Hell. I don't know how to tell you that I just know it will, but it will. Okay?" "Okay, I trust you." Next thing I know, I am drinking a bit of Ma's blood while she recites some spell that I have never heard of. Then she snaps her fingers and portals us to Hell.
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