
My Roommate's Dad

age gap

"Nolan Mitchell's world has been turned upside down by his recent break-up with his girlfriend. Lucky for Nolan, his best friend and roommate Cam has a plan to cheer him up -- a weekend away from the pressures of college helping Cam's dad Rick with a building project.

Handsome and charming Rick Monroe is like no man Nolan has ever met. Nolan is drawn to Rick with an undeniable pull he never bothers to question until Cam jealously accuses Rick of wanting more from Nolan than just friendship.

Nolan finds himself thinking thoughts he never considered before and he's flattered a charismatic older man is paying him attention, regardless of the reason. Can Nolan put the opposite s*x behind him and embrace the love of an older man? Maybe, but not if Cam has anything to say about it."

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Chapter 1
Chapter 1 Damn, what’s wrong with me? Sitting at the edge of his bed, Nolan Mitchell stared down at his half-hard c**k. He had been jerking off for the last several minutes, but he couldn’t keep his mind on the task at hand. He leaned backward and adjusted his pillow beneath his head. His left hand went from cupping his shaved balls to travel up his lean stomach to pinch his sensitive left n****e. He also repositioned his right hand, changing its motion from sliding up and down his seven-inch length to working the head of his c**k into his fist as if it were a pool cue he was chalking. “Mmm,” he moaned as he felt his prick once again stiffening. The fan he kept always kept running was gently blowing his trimmed, light brown chest hair, creating a pleasant tingle. He felt his balls drawing up as he neared his much-needed release. Nolan’s mind wandered off task to thoughts of his high school sweetheart who had just broken up with him after five years and how she had always complimented him on the size of his balls. He thought that was such a strange thing for a girl to say about her boyfriend. He could understand her praising the size of his d**k, but balls? He shook his head and realized his c**k wasn’t even half hard anymore. He sighed and released his grip, flopping his arms off to the sides and lay there nude and confused. Nolan heard keys jingling outside the apartment’s front door. He only had enough time to pull his comforter over his lap and sit up before the door opened and he had a clear view of his roommate and best friend Cam. Nolan wished he remembered to close his bedroom door. Cam wasted no time heading straight for Nolan’s room. “What are you doing still in bed? It’s, like, noon.” Cam took a good look at Nolan for the first time, seeing his naked chest damp with perspiration and the hastily gathered cover. “Oh. Oh! Sorry, man. I’ll…Let me…I’ll go.” “No, you’re good,” Nolan said, pulling his legs up under the comforter to sit up. “You’re not interrupting anything—believe me. I have no life.” “What’s with the pity party? Still bummed about Ashley?” “Still bummed?” Nolan asked. “It’s been like three weeks! We dated since we were fifteen. You don’t get over someone you were with for five years in three weeks.” “I guess you’re right. I wouldn’t know.” “Oh, please,” Nolan said. “You’ve got women all over you.” Cam was well known on campus as a guaranteed good time. “I can f**k whoever I want,” Cam said. “But I’ve never, like, dated anyone. Two months is my record.” “Yeah, being ‘s****l Dynamite’ is such a curse.” Sexual Dynamite was a nickname Cam had gotten the first week Nolan had met him. Standing six feet even, Cam was two inches shorter than Nolan, but where Nolan had the long, lean build of a swimmer Cam was solid and muscular. Girls were powerless to resist his charming personality. His smooth, dark skin and bright smile didn’t hurt things either. “I’m just a piece of meat. You’re boyfriend material.” “Ugh. I don’t even want to think about dating.” Nolan covered his face with his hands. “So, you’re just going to lay here jerking off for the rest of your life?” “I can’t even do that right,” sighed Nolan. “Whoa there, buddy. TMI. When’s the last time you did anything besides go to class and come straight back to your bedroom? That changes today. Right now. The weather is way too awesome to waste. Meet me outside in five minutes or I’m coming back up here and kicking your ass.” “Ugh,” Nolan said. “What do you want to do outside?” “I dunno. Let’s toss the ball around. Maybe catch the eye of some nubile young women looking to breed?” Nolan shivered. “You say the most disgusting things. No wonder you’re single.” After Cam located a baseball and two mitts, he exited the apartment. Nolan took a minute to sift through the laundry basket full of clean clothes that never seemed to make it into the closet before hopping into the shower to shave and clean off the lube and disappointment. He made a quick descent down the apartment building’s three flights of stairs, finding Cam in the grassy courtyard. Nolan casually jogged over to Cam and caught the mitt he was tossed. The roommates spread far enough apart to toss the ball but close enough to talk. “Why’d she ditch you anyway?” Cam asked. “I dunno.” “You don’t know. One day out of the blue she just says, ‘I break up.’ Unlikely.” “I don’t want to talk about it,” Nolan said with a scowl. “You don’t have to, but it’ll make you feel better.” Nolan sighed. “She said she was bored. She wanted to ‘experience what was out there before it was too late.’ Whatever that means.” “Ouch, dude. Was she bored with, like, hanging out or bored with your s*x life?” “Man, I don’t know. Both?” “Not cool, Nolan,” Cam said, jogging a few feet away to pick up a wild toss that he hadn’t tried to catch. “You gotta switch things up. Keep ‘em guessing.” “I don’t know how, I guess. We were kids when we got together. Everything I know about s*x and relationships I learned from her.” “It’s time, then,” Cam said. “She did you a favor, bro. Let’s go get you laid tonight.” “I can’t. Toni’s coming over.” “Who’s Toni again?” “That chick who’s helping me with Biology,” Nolan said. “Is she hot?” “Geez, man. I don’t know. She’s just some girl I’ve got class with. I haven’t really paid attention.” “There’s your problem,” Cam said. “Well, one of them. Problem one is not paying attention to every girl in your immediate vicinity. You never know, man.” “Okay. And my next problem?” “Problem two is, you pick homework over p***y. Screw Biology. Let’s get you back in the game. Like, tonight.” “Maybe,” Nolan agreed. “What do you have in mind?” “One Eyed Willy’s?” Cameron tossed the ball straight up. “I’ll study ‘til nine,” Nolan said as he centered himself under the falling ball that promptly hit his mitt before bouncing out. “I’ll head straight there after Toni leaves.” Cam looked from the dropped ball to Nolan’s face and a smile spread across his face. “You done wore that poor right hand out.” He had to duck to miss the mitt that was thrown at his face. * * * * “Ew,” Toni said later that day when Nolan opened the door and stepped aside to let her into the apartment. “This place smells.” Nolan took a deep sniff before shrugging his shoulders. “I don’t smell anything. What’s it smell like?” “I don’t know. Man smell.” Nolan lifted his arm and gave his armpit a deep sniff. “Ahhh. Man smell.” “I knew we should have met at the library,” Toni said before she cleared off a spot on the dining room table for her laptop and books. Nolan appraised Toni as she set up their study area. She was average height. She was curvy, but not in a bad way. Her strawberry blond hair was pulled back in a messy bun, which was cute, but her large black-framed glasses and oversize sweatshirt didn’t hint at someone who wanted to be noticed. “Hey. Earth to Nolan.” Toni waved her hand in front of Nolan’s face to get his attention. “You’re spacing out.” “Oh, sorry,” Nolan stammered. “Just, thinking.” Toni studied his face for a second before pulling out a spiral-bound notebook and a pen. She sat down and made some notes before saying, “I’ve noticed you doing that a lot. Tell me what’s going on in your head.” Nolan rolled his eyes and went to the refrigerator taking out a beer. “You want one?” Toni shook her head and made another note in her notebook. “How retro,” Nolan said, pointing at her pen and paper. “What are you doing, anyway?” “Well,” Toni said. “I am taking an Abnormal Psychology class. Maybe if you talk this out with me, I can use it for my assignment.” “I don’t know about that,” Nolan said with a frown. “It’ll make me feel better about coming over. You know, tit for tat? Quid pro quo?” Nolan sighed deeply. “Okay, Clarice Starling. I’m not sure how abnormal my psychology is, but here’s the deal.” Nolan began describing his relationship with Ashley and he found once he started he couldn’t stop. Having someone willing to listen for more than thirty seconds without making an excuse to run away was a real novelty. He found that he didn’t even need any feedback. Just talking about his experience was enough. He got so wrapped up in the telling and retelling of his story that he not only hadn’t studied any biology but he had also missed his nine o’clock meet-up with Cam. “Okay, Toni,” Nolan said after a long, sleepy stretch. “This little therapy session has gone on long enough.” He began picking up the various pictures and mementos he had dragged out of the “Ashley Box” to add detail to his story. Toni snapped her notebook shut and began packing up her things as well. “Agreed.” “So, what’s the verdict?” “Oh,” Toni said. “I’d say you need to get out and have some fun. Not that I’m not qualified to made a diagnosis or offer any therapeutic advice. I’m just studying you.” “Like a lab rat?” “Kinda. A sad little wounded lab rat.” Toni patted Nolan on the shoulder. “But I hope you feel better getting it all off your chest.” Nolan sighed deeply. “I do, actually. Thanks.” “All right. I’m out. Sorry about not doing any actual Biology stuff.” “You’re good,” Nolan said with a sleepy smile. “This was way more important.”

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