Chapter 1

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*Mature Content* Kane POV I am deep inside some bar waitress, f*****g her on my bed. Thrusting faster to get to my climax, her body frails around as I grip hard at her waist and thrash into her. The bed shakes from all of the frustration that I am putting into her. Her distressed moans fill the air and a crippling scream ripples through the room, causing me to spill into her. f**k. The moment the last of me spills outs, my hands that had gripped hard at her waist forces her off of me and onto the floor. "Get out." Her body hits the cold wooden floor as I flip over and lay on my back on the bed. She looks pissed off, not surprisingly. "Are you serious?" Her name escapes me. I don't even look in her direction. "Do I look like I am joking?" My frozen frigid voice makes her tremble on the floor as she hurriedly grabs her clothes to leave my place. I hear a loud huff before my bedroom door slam as my eyes are already closed, not wanting to look at her as she leaves. I don't know what she is so upset about. What did she expect? One night with a billionaire doesn't change anything and it sure as hell isn't enough for her to be interesting. Magnus, my big aggressive husky is barking at the woman that I am sure is panicking through the halls trying to get out. I know she's out of here when he stops barking at her. That's a good boy, Magnus. A ring from my cell phone takes my attention and I groan, just wanting to rest after the gruelsome act. If it was any good, I might have let her stay to f**k her some more, at least then it wouldn't have taken so much energy just for me to climax. "What?" I answer the phone with a disgruntled tone to hear laughter from the other end. "Hunter, what?" I try again to get him to spit out whatever it is he called about. If he wasn't my best friend, I would have hung up by now, but he is unfortunately. "For someone who just went home with our cocktail waitress, you don't seem too happy." Another spur of laughter erupts from Hunter and I presume the rest of the boys. "I'd be happier if she was any good." A series of 'oh' goes through the boys that causes me to let out a snicker. "The boys want to go out surfing tomorrow with Keegan. Are you down?" Hunter asks as I hear a female's voice very lightly come through the phone, no doubt distracting Hunter from his call with me. "Keegan?" I ask him to make sure I heard him correctly. He used to run with us, but nowadays, he is living his apparently happily married life in the Paradise Cove Bluffs in Los Angeles. Though we try to maintain constant contact, his wife isn't exactly friendly with the idea of us going out all the time. To be honest, Jessica is a toxic vixen that is only after Keegan's money. Nonetheless, that fool was in love. We should know; we were his groomsmen. Believe me, we tried to stop him, but he was adamant that he loves that girl and was stopping at nothing to marry her. i***t. "Yeah, he just texted and asked us to come over tomorrow morning." I groan at this. "Morning? Is he serious?" I get up to take a look at the time on my bedside table. Loud blaring music comes from the other end of the phone as I await his answer. "Oh God, Hunter!" A female's moaning voice is clear through the phone. I laugh at the phone, knowing that Hunter heard me. "Oh, s**t. Yeah, he's serious. Apparently, he wants to talk." Oh. "Alright, man. Meet at 5 AM to drive out?" He hums to what I believe is his approval as I hear that same girl moaning loudly on the phone. Letting out another chuckle, I hang up the phone to let him have at it with whatever girl he has on him right now. Keegan wants to have a talk with us. I wonder what that's about. He's been practically radio silence for the past six months. We thought Jessica finally cut him off from talking to any of us at all. Maybe that's not the case after all. It's only 12:30 AM. s**t. I went home with that waitress way too early, but it's too much work to go out again to find another girl to bring back. This is practically my life now, a good one at that. Just a parade of women dying to sleep with me and my boys that I know will always have my back. The next morning, I am up by 4 AM and feed Magnus early, leaving instructions for my caretaker to watch over him. My caretaker is this sixty-year-old Russian who barely speaks any English, but she does her job well and doesn't ask too many questions. Plus, she scares the crap out of me. Don't know if I will ever be able to fire her. I'm sure Keegan has all of the stuff we need, so I don't even worry about bringing anything over. Preparing myself a protein smoothie, I am quick to down it as I get set to go out today. Since all of us are from Virginia, we know a bit about surfing, but the waves in Los Angeles are much better. I pull up to Hunter's place in my white Rolls-Royce Cullinan. The interior is white leather with wooden accents. I just bought it a couple of months ago and haven't gotten the chance to use it much since we hardly travel outside Bel-Air and downtown. Calling Hunter for sixth time, he still doesn't pick up. Damn it, we are going to be late if he doesn't get his ass up. This is the first time in a long time we are seeing our friend, and I don't want any excuse for us to not be invited back. Keegan is one of the starting members of our company and is a board member, though he hardly uses his rights as one. He incurs profits and stays at home for the most part. Every now and then when we have some major project, he will come in and help us write the string of code that pulls everything together. "Damn it, Hunter." I put the car in park and get out of the car to go up to his mansion. He lives right next to me. With the exception of Keegan, we could all walk to each other's place since we all live in the same neighborhood and bought homes that were on the same street. This is the dream and has been since we were in middle school. Punching in my code for his front door, I open it to see a huge mess. Oh, s**t. At least Hunter had fun last night. Following the lead of the clothes, I am led into Hunter's bedroom. I would knock, but why bother? Inside the room, I see Hunter with three women lying around him, all sound asleep. Damn, I should have stayed longer. I rushed out with that waitress practically when I saw her body in that tight dress that made her t**s practically drooling out. Getting to Hunter, I tap on his face to wake him up, but he is adamant on staying asleep. I feel the buzz going off in my shorts as I am sure the others are calling me asking me where I am and how long I will be. Another couple of smacks later, Hunter startles himself up and sees me. With a burst, he gets his naked ass up and hurries to the bathroom to get ready. "f**k!" He screams out as the bathroom door slams and I close my eyes in agony as I am sure that loud banging noise woke up the three women lying naked along his bed. I can feel them stirring and wake up to see me instead of Hunter there. 'Oh my God! It's Kane Bishops!" One of the blondes notices. Doing a quick side glance to see the three of them, they are all blondes, perfectly Hunter's type. With their tanned bodies and smooth skin, I would have to guess they were related somehow. Don't get me wrong, I know what we are doing is f****d up, but each of us has been screwed over in our own ways, we know what it's like to not have any women. Now that it's the other way around, we are using it to our advantage. When we were in college, we were practically women repellents. "Mr. Bishops." One of the other blondes speaks up and tries to shake my hand while still completely nude. I point an eyebrow up at her. Instead of leaving her hand in the air, she reaches for my hand. "Do you want a turn?" She whispers into my ear and smirks flirtatiously at me. She puts my index finger and middle finger into her mouth before she starts sucking on it. "Get out." I tell her and yank my hand away. She is startled and reaches for my other hand this time and puts it on her very large, but definitely not real breast. Forcing me to squeeze her, she moans out loud as she begins to touch herself. I scoff at her. "I won't repeat myself." I say much harsher and again yank my hand away to push her off onto the bed. "You can have all three of us." The first blonde states eagerly. Desperate much? Geez, Hunter. What the f**k is taking him so long? "At the same time." The last one adds as I have remained silent. Shaking my head, I point towards the door. "Get out or I'll get security." The three girls are again stunned by my answer, but then I hear Hunter's bathroom door swing open. Thank God. "These whores still here?" The three blondes open their mouths at Hunter's words. s**t, dude. They hustle to grab ahold of their things before hurrying out as I snicker over at Hunter. Once they have finally left the room, that's when I burst out into a laugh. "Dude, seriously? Three of them? Nice." Hunter laughs with me. "Sisters." He adds to taunt me. "Damn." That's not easy, but I guess with our reputation now, nothing is impossible. "Man, we got to go. You're going to make us late." "I had three sisters in my bed last night. Pretty sure they'll be pretty forgiving about it." We joke a bit as we head out to pick up Elijah and Liam. Making it to Keegan's place, we notice the ambience is different. There used to be a bunch of flashy cars in the front that flaunted their wealth. Well, Jessica was flaunting Keegan's wealth more like, but still. "What happened to their cars?" Elijah asks what we are all wondering. Once we knock and their maid lets us in. We see that the inside has changed as well. What was once a bunch of hot pink, white, and black decor is now just black and white with a touch of homey feeling. Maybe we're in the wrong house or they moved or something. "Uncle Hunter!" London, their daughter, runs down the stairs to jump into Hunter's arms. "Uncle Liam!" She exclaims as Hunter releases her and she goes over to Liam to give him a tight hug. She does the same to me and Elijah. The best thing out of their relationship is London. Though Hunter is the official godfather to London, we all agreed we would all essentially be her godfather if anything were to happen to them. "London. Get some breakfast and then Auntie Marie will take you to your ballet rehearsal." Keegan smiles and gestures a small wave at us and we do the same to him. London scurries back up the stairs to continue getting ready. "God, how old is she now?" Liam wonders. "It feels like ages since we have seen her. She's grown up so fast." "She's turning five in four months." Keegan answers as he beams with pride. "Let's go surfing and then talk after?" He suggests and we agree. We're just happy he's taking the initiative to hang out with us. But what the hell could he have to tell us?
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