This may mean you´ll have to be stronger

937 Words
-How are you today kids?-Lenna asked as she entered the classroom and left her papers in the proffessor´s table. -Kind of well I think-muttered Gabriel. He was a lanky and cute, very much like his aunt Minerva and mother were. He got the taller gene from his father for sure. -Most of you should be facing hard choices in the next couple of months-Lenna smiled and faced the students- How many of you are going away of town for college?- Only three kids did not raise their hands. -I´m training with my parents since I was 15 to take over their farm-said one girl, I´m going to take agricultural classes on my own terms and business administration too but going away doesnt make sense to me. -I do not really have a plan yet-said one of the boys- I think I will see what happens mate wise, maybe take a free year to figure out what I want to do. -My parents want me to settle here with my mate if I find her soon-said the other boy- Our family runs a restaurant in town as many of you know. Lenna then turned her attention to the other kids, the ones that said they were going away. -Let me give you a small advise-she began- and a bit of homework-cue the displeased youth groans at that word- Make a list of 5 things you want to do this year and then try to imagine what it means to you if none of those things become real. Note how that would make you feel and how to best deal with the possible scenarios. Then, make another list of 10 ways you see yourselves being happy 5 years from now. -What is that for professor?-Asked a red headed tall boy- -My advise, always plan for what you do not want or expect-she continued- What happens if your plans to go to college are changed, if you find a mate and change your mind about leaving? And if you find a mate or begin a relationship with a human while in college how not to let yourselves be cornered by abusive people or be parents before you really wanted to. Last time I said you should go investigate about s*x on your own but now I have to tell you, be careful if you dally with humans in the meantime because the rules we have as wolves do not apply when we have s*x with humans. You can become pregnant with a human relationship and while that is not a bad thing, having a kid while studying is no little issue. -Have you seen it happen before?-asked the shyest girl in the group Lenna looked at her with a gentle expression and nodded. -I had friends, guys and girls that became parents too soon because they were not careful enough-she leaned in the desk and crossed her arms- You have to take care of yourselves because if you find a mate, your normal urges can blind you to the fact that relationships are not just having s*x like bunnies and that s*x means kids have a higher chance of being. brought into the world. The same happens with relationships with humans. As wolves, we have emotional needs for contact and as humans we crave love and connection too. We have to be strong and steel ourselves because going after a relationship with a human to just pass the time is not fair to the other person. Even worse, imagine doing something like that and bringing a child in only to find your mate when you already have a commitment as a parent. The whole class flinched. It happened rarely but when it did, there had been cases of mothers and fathers abandoning their human offspring and partners to go and run off with their mates. It was really frowned upon but it happened. -Also, imagine going to college and not being able to finish a career-she kept on-Or like some of my friends have found out, getting out of college and finding out that adult life is much more about money than being able to stay out lake or drink legally. -Look around yourselves and beyond your age now. Highschool is about to end for you, but it is hardly the end of your lives, you are just getting started in reality-Lenna smiled a sincere and beautiful smile- Life is about to become better if you guys are strong enough to take whatever it throws at you. -Can I ask a personal question?- Lenna faced the boy and nodded. -You were rejected by your mate but what if somehow you could have another chance?- -Of course I would take that chance with both hands if I got it by a miracle-she answered truthfully- But here is a thing about second chances. They are rare and not always so evident when presented to us. Sometimes, not even an option to take if we want to do what is right. Just so this part is closed, I´ve decided for my own peace of mind to not hang my love life unto a mate bond that may not happen again in my whole life. I deserve to be happy and if a relationship pops up in my life, I will work hard on it same as I would with a mate- The class came to an end and she reminded the kids about their homework before taking her leave- Next class, we will speak about happiness and wellbeing so really put some thoughts into your homework and get the most out of it.

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