Chapter 19

1098 Words
“Mom… where are you?” “We are at the entrance of the pack, and they don't want us to pass.” She looked at Lucas. His mind linked with his father to tell the guards to allow them in. He holds her, “Hey baby, what's on your mind.” She was holding onto his arm. “Jessie…” he picked her up and carried her to his room. (When she opened her eyes, she saw Draconian talking to a man and a woman. She recognized Janice, the man looked… familiar. “ Collins did you, carry out my order? " "Yes, master, I did.” He grinned, when we attacked, they would be too weak to fight back.” Collins looked at Janice, “Tell the master about my grandson's mate.” She nods and told him that Hanos took the girl with the ultimate power. Draconian hit the table, and it broke in half, “Thomas, how the hell did you allow that to happen.” He bows, “Master, your son was in charge of that operation.” He was furious and mind link Arion and Felipe. They walked in, “Sire, you summon us.” He moved so fast and both of them were grabbed by their throats. “The ultimate power ⛮…” Arion tried to speak, “We couldn't find her.“ He threw them against the wall, “Hanos has her, you have ruined my plans. Now I have to deal with Hanos.” Janice felt the temperature in the room become colder. “Send someone to get information on that she-wolf.” Thomas sends a message to Blake. “Sire, if you can take her away from Hanos and turn her, she would be under your control. First, I need to get that grandson to reject her.” Draconian stared at him, “I am just wondering how strong she would be because legend ….” Draconian interrupted Thomas, “No one can ever beat me, that f*****g legend … had yet to come true! I will snap that b***h in half.” A Grey head man walked in, “Her power would increase when she falls pregnant. You won't be able to touch her Draconian.” The tendons in his neck were standing out“You need to strike while the power lay dormant.” He looked at Anvil, "Can the mate…can the power transfer to the mate?" "No, the books didn't say anything about power being transferred." “That mutt of yours is lucky, cause he was going to die.” Anvil laughed, “She’s not even his fated mate.“ Draconian gave everyone instructions.) Jessie looked around and saw Lucas lying next to her “Hey, welcome back.” She smiled and kissed him. Then she got up and touched the wall. Lucas saw a silver light covering the walls and door, and it disappeared. “Draconian is going after Cyrano and your fake mate.” She looked at him, having an internal battle in her mind about whether to tell him about his grandfather. “Baby, you are keeping something from me, what is it.” he could see her having an internal struggle. She sighs and looked at him, “Can you show me a picture of your grandparents? One of them is working with Draconian, and that woman who was with your father was there too.” She bit her lower lip. Lucas kissed her, “hmm” He took his phone out and scrolled through it. “Here you go.” She pointed him out, “Draconian called him Collins.” Lucas was quiet, “Baby, are you certain… " She nods, “Yes, he had a scar on the left side of his chest.” Lucas didn't want to believe it, “Maybe it's a trick…he would never do that.” She looked at him, he was having trouble with the news. “I'm sorry I didn't….” he looked at her, “I need to get some fresh air.” He left his room, she went to the bathroom. When she came out, she left discomfort in her womb and the power was starting to leak. Stroking her hand over her flat belly. “Baby please you have to calm down, it is not safe for us to…" She took her clothes off and got in the shower, making the water run over her. She tried to mind linking Lucas, her mother, and Mickie, but no one responded. She tried to calm him down, “Baby, you need to stop.” She heard a knock on the door. “Who is it.” Tracey, Diana, Alinéa the oracle/ seer, and Vera were in the room. She could sense them, “We need to speak to you, come out.” There was no response, she had to get this baby to calm down for the pain to stop. “Shit.....” her breathing was getting heavier. “Baby, your daddy is not angry with you, please give Mommy a break.” In the room, Vera banged on the door, “You stupid girl, how dare you not answer? I will teach you a lesson.” She teleported to where her mother was. They were busy having s*x, she landed on the floor. “Mommy.” Monique pushed Mickie off her. “Jessie what.....” she speaks through her teeth, “The baby is upset it is trying to…the power is leaking. The pain is too much.” She put a gown on and went towards her. “Mickie, she's burning up.” He picked her up, “The shower honey… kiddo tells me what we have to do.” She gripped his arm, “The water can help with the leakage, I'll deal with the pain." She tried to smile, he could see the pain wasn't as light as she was pretending it was. "I bet you if I could get in a fight to release the pain…the other person would be dead. " her mother shake her head “Jessie, you need to stop pretending, from 1 to 10 how bad it is.” She looked at her mother and smiled. “Did I hurt you like this too?” She nods her head, “No, this baby of yours is special.” Monique noticed her fingers turning white because of how hard she was gripping the sides of the bath. “Jessie talked to mommy, does it hurt bad.” She shakes her head. “Where's Lucas?”
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