Chapter 6 continued: Origins Part 2

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Ava struggled to gain control and free herself from Onyx’s hold but it was useless he was much too strong. She spotted a dagger near the door under some papers, though it was the last thing she wanted to do Ava wasn’t sure how else to free herself from Onyx’s grip. It was out of her reach and she would have to use her magic to call it to her, she wasn’t sure she would be able to, she was weak from the power draining spells Midna had been trying to use on her and she was in pain from the abuse she took at Midna’s hand as he tried to get Ava to tell her the name of her child’s father, but she knew she had to try. Ava summoned up as much strength as she could and called the dagger to her, but the blade didn’t budge, the only sign any magic had even occurred at all was a slight breeze shifting the papers causing the metal of the blade to shimmer in the light just enough to catch Midna’s attention once more. “There it is, thank you Ava, seems you are still good for something after all” cackled Midna. As she bent to pick up the dagger the door to the cottage flew open jolting her backwards and causing the blade to slide closer to Ava, who stretched out and grabbed the dagger just as Onyx leaped off of her and toward the human intruders that were coming through the cottage door. With the dagger in hand Ava lunged at Midna slicing her arm deep enough that she let out a pained scream. The attention to her arm and to Ava caused Midna to drop her hold on Onyx momentarily, long enough for him to retreat away from the humans and return his focus to Midna, he knew the humans would not be able to take her on their own so he used his momentary freedom to lunge at her, landing directly on her chest with enough force to knock the wind out of her. Onyx quickly turned to Ava and yelled for her to climb on his back; she dropped the dagger and mounted the giant wolf as if it were an everyday thing to do. Onyx turned quickly towards the door to retreat with Ava when he felt the sharp pain of the dagger as it plunged into his chest. Still he never faltered in his mission as he ran with Ava on his back out the door and through the woods following the scent left by Malakai and the wolf soldiers, with every stride he felt himself weakening and still he continued on, never allowing Ava to know he had been hurt. As they neared the position of the pack he began to feel his legs wobble under his own weight. “You are safe now, Malakai is just ahead, you can go the rest of the way on foot, I need to make sure the humans have slowed Midna’s progress enough for you all to get into hiding.” “Thank you Onyx, for all you have done for us, and for all you have given up for us all, your sacrifices will never be forgotten.” With that Ava left Onyx and joined Malakai and the rest of the pack. Onyx was never seen or heard from after that night, Ava knew he had been gravely injured, but she also knew he did not want a fuss being made, he had lived over 100 years so she could hardly deny him this. Midna continued her search for the Royals mercilessly, she cared less about the lycans, but the royals posed a threat to her power and she knew somewhere the bloodline that would be the undoing of the witches lurked and she vowed to hunt all the royals down until there were none left to be a threat. This was one vow that Midna did keep, in the history of the lycans, the Royals were sought out by the witches and any pack led by a royal was destroyed. So it became that the royals were hunted out of existence by the witches and now the packs are led by an alpha instead. 
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