Chapter 6: Origins Part 2

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Malakai knew that if Midna found out Ava was carrying his child she would kill the baby, but Ava refused to believe the danger her sister witch posed to their little family, still she did agree to keep their marriage and pregnancy a secret, for now. Malakai and the other wolves knew the people in town already suspected Midna and her village of being witches and they had planned to use that to their advantage. Midna had created the wolves and the royal wolves as her soldiers because she had a vision off an impending war, she wasn’t certain when the war would happen only that in her vision Midna’s witches had lost. Unbeknownst to Midna, Ava, or anyone else, Malakai had been having visions of his own. At first he hadn’t mentioned them because he thought they were only dreams, until his first one came to pass, that was his vision of him falling in love with Ava and sneaking away to marry her. He had been drawn to her from the start and in his vision Onyx and come to him and told him the Royals were destined to be true alphas and would need strong mates to counsel them and continue their lines. There would be no denying their alpha counterpart, fate would not allow it, they would be drawn to one another from the moment they meet. When they touch they will know they have met their mate because they will feel a brief shock and glimmer of light. Their connection to one another will only grow stronger with each passing day, the bond will not be denied. They are soul mates and their bond will only make the pack stronger. Yes, that is exactly how he had felt about his Ava, he couldn’t stay away from her and he would give his life to keep her safe.  His second was just a mundane vision about training tactics, and then the vision of Midna trying to suppress his powers, this one he hadn’t seen her do but he could feel her trying. He had also had a vision of Ava telling him she was having his child, and he also knew that Midna would find out and would try to kill Ava in order to keep her from having the child and when that fails, she will search far and wide for their child in order to destroy it. Despite what he told Ava, he knew their child would be a daughter, and she would be a shifter like himself and more powerful than Midna, and from her a line of daughters each more powerful than the last, all Royals, all from his line. They will wield both the strength and agility of the wolf and the magic of the witches and from his line shall come the most powerful witch to ever live and she shall be the one true alpha of all the wolves. He saw her in a time of strange metal carriages that were not pulled by horses and humans that dressed funny. Her hair and eyes reminded him of Onyx, she was hidden in plain sight, amongst a pack that knew not who she was, but then, she didn’t even know who she was.  Whoa, Phoenix paused in his reading and rubbed his eyes and reread that to make sure he read correctly. Could they be describing Rayne he wondered? There had been a spark when they touched, of that her was certain, but he was to be mated to Aaliyah. It would explain why he felt so drawn to Rayne already though, why he couldn’t stop thinking about her, why he felt so protective of her when he had only just met her. But then again no, he is marrying Aaliyah damn it! Then there is the whole prophecy thing, she would come in a time when there were metal carriages, well that sounds like cars he thought. Her hair and eyes were the same as Onyx, well he has coal black fur and sapphire blue eyes and so does Rayne, he continued with his thoughts. Hidden amongst a pack that didn’t know who she was, well Rayne sort of fit into the pack table and no one knows who she is or where she is from including her. But then, she doesn’t have a wolf scent he thought, but would a royal have a wolf scent since they are also part witch he wondered. They would have to smell at least a little like a wolf though he reasoned finally, and returned to his reading. Malakai also saw the war Midna feared, what she had not seen was that the war was one of her own making. It was not the humans that she was going to be going to war with, but the wolves she created when she had a brief vision. She had been so worried about creating her soldiers that she had quit treating them kindly and starting treating them as slaves, forgetting just how strong and powerful they were and how great their numbers had become. It was her own vanity that was going to start the war, and Malakai unlike Midna, had seen more than just a glimpse of what was to come, and he would use her he weakness and her fears against her. He would save his child and his pack, he would win the war and their freedom and he knew just how to do it. First he had to figure out how to convince Ava that Midna was going to try and kill her, he saw it in his vision but he knew if he told her about them now she would be hurt that he had waited so long to confide in her, but if he didn’t Midna would try to kill her. That night when he snuck into her cabin after everyone had gone to sleep he told Ava everything, instead of being upset as he had feared she said she understood why she hadn’t told him and that they would figure out a way to stop Midna together. He didn’t want her to help stop Midna, he wanted her to to go away and hide, to protect their child, to protect herself. How could he focus on what he had to do if he was worried about her and his child, her begged her? She refused to leave him and the other wolves, or her sister witches, she was certain not all of them thought as Midna, and that she could get many of them on their side. While he knew that would help their fight, Malakai did not want Ava to expose their relationship either, he knew doing so would put things in motion, and put Ava in danger, and that was exactly what he was trying to prevent. Malakai decided to get the humans to start coming after Midna as well, and the best way to do that was to play off their fear of witchcraft. It was 1693 and word had just reached them of what was going on with the Salem witch trials so everyone was a bit uneasy when it came to witches. Of course Malakai knew that had any of those women been actual witches then they would not have been contained by a mere make shift jail cell. It saddened him to think that those innocent women had been killed, but Midna was no innocent, and she could defend herself, in fact he was worried about the danger she posed to the humans. But if he did this right they would not come alone and perhaps less blood would be shed, besides, they would just as well go after Ava or himself he thought, in an effort to try and ease his mind. One of the other royals, John, had the ability to shapeshift into any other person or animal as long as he knew what they looked like, kind of a nifty power to  have, and one that was about to come in very handy. Malakai and John had devised a plan, that evening they would go to town and John would become Midna, he would make sure people from town saw him and as he left town he would be approached by a man concealed by shadows that John in the form of Midna would appear to turn into a wolf. The man would be Malakai and he would simply shift into his wolf form for the humans to see, but they would think Midna had cast some sort of spell transforming him into a wolf. He knew this would cause unease in the humans and that they would certainly run back to the town and tell the others and that it would brew fear. As had happened so many times before, the fear of witches would cause the town to come looking for Midna, they would want her tried for witchcraft, he was sure it had to work. When they returned from the town Malakai and John each had a job to do, Malakai was to inform the royals of their return and get them ready for the attack and John went to the wolves and did the same. After informing the royals Malakai went in search of Ava, he checked her cabin and found it empty, he looked in all of her normal places but she was nowhere to be found. He felt a sudden pang of pain in his gut and sensed impending doom; he somehow knew he would find her with Midna.  As he tried to shift into wolf form he could feel her fear, he had never sensed Ava before but now he was feeling what she felt and it terrified him. She felt fear, not for herself but for him and for their child. He couldn’t understand why she would be fearing for his safety, he wasn’t the one in danger, she was, their unborn daughter was. Ava had to survive, their entire line depended on it, his heart depended on it! He shook off her fear and hoped she could sense his determination to save her, she would need to be strong for just a little longer. I’m coming my heart he whispered to the air as he finished shifting and took off running, not to Midna’s cottage but to the wolves, his pack, he would need their help and pack is family, he knew they would help him once they knew Ava was his mate and that she carried his pup, the first pup to be born into their new pack. Just as he thought the wolves were behind him, they would not allow his mate or his pup to be harmed. They followed him in wolf form to Midna’s cottage but as they drew near he slowed their approach, he caught the scent of something strange, something that stopped him cold. He reached out to see if he could feel Ava again and to his relief he felt her terror, and her pain.  The smell was a wolf, not a shifter like them but a regular wolf, and it was burning, he turned and told one of the others to go get Onyx quickly, he needed to know the pact was broken. As he turned back around he again headed toward the cottage, this time with care, he didn’t want Midna to know they were there just yet. Knowing Ava was in pain and terrified it took everything in him not to go charging in to rescue her but him heading in without knowing what they were facing would only cause them loses, he needed to be patient and remain calm. The pack took positions around the cottage and waited for Onyx to arrive, they all knew about his pact with Midna and her broken vow to him could mean he may be willing to fight with them, at least Malakai had hoped it would. When Onyx arrived Malakai didn’t need to explain what was going on, the young wolf already had, and Onyx was wise he seemed to possess a magic of his own, even though he claimed he had no real magic, he always seemed to know exactly what was going on, even without being told. He claimed it was years of fine tuning his animal senses but Malakai often thought there was more to it than that, after all he often seemed to be able to read their very thoughts. Onyx told the others he would go in and speak with Midna, the wolf was already dead, she had burnt him as part of a sacrifice in order to try and gain more powers. She has Ava, one of the witches betrayed Ava and informed on her to Midna that she was trying to gather them to your side. When the wolf sacrifice fails she will try again using Ava and the child she carries. She knows the child is that of one of the wolf soldiers, she does not yet know it yours Malakai, that is the only thing keeping Ava and your child alive right now. If you go in there showing your emotion she will know and they are as good as dead, you must get yourself under control. The other witches that were ready to stand against her are either dead by her hand or are now to afraid to stand against her. The humans are coming for her but they are not close enough yet. I will go in and try to keep her from causing Ava and the child harm for now, when the humans arrive allow them entrance to attempt to take her. They will not be able to stand against her magic but they will be the distraction needed so you can get Ava out safely, then you and the wolves must run far from here and from Midna. Once you are a safe distance away each Royal will take several wolves and split into several small packs and split up. The Royals as the strongest and most powerful of the wolves will be the Alpha of each of the smaller packs. You will find your own places to call home and remember pack is family. Find your mates, have pups, take care of one another my children. Malakai asked Onyx where he would go, to which he replied, I am the last of my kind, I have lived over 100 years alone already, I will return home and wait for death to take me, however long that may be. At that Onyx trotted ahead to Midna’s cottage door and bumped it with his head, almost immediately they saw her open it and allow him to enter and shut it behind him. “Midna” Onyx spoke her name slowly as he glowered down at her, “you gave me your word, you would never sacrifice another wolf, you swore to only ask for their assistance. I kept my word, I willingly gave you my blood for your soldiers and you have broken your vow to me. Explain yourself witch! Why shouldn’t I kill you where you stand, this very night?” As Midna glared back at him she began to laugh, it started softly but as it rose in volume it also became increasingly more menacing, something about it made Onyx feel unnerved. Still he held his ground, knowing that he couldn’t let her know she was getting under his skin already he asked “just what is it that you find such humor in?” “You honestly think you could kill me beast? I agreed to your terms to get your blood from you willingly, you see dear Onyx had I sacrificed you and taken your blood, it would have eventually come to an end, and you are the last of your kind, but by playing your little game and getting you to play along I get an endless supply of your blood to create my soldiers with. Did you think I asked because I feared you? Wanted to be your friend? You stupid animal, all I wanted was a never ending supply of your blood. I supposed I could have caged you and forced you to give it, but then I risked you somehow getting free at some point, no this was a much better plan, and it was worked exceptionally well, don’t you think? Not only did I get your blood, but I also got your help training my soldiers how to fight in wolf form. It really was a win, win for me don’t you agree?” She replied to him, still carrying a hint of laughter in her voice. “You don’t have the backing you once did Midna, you have turned your own people against you. The soldiers you created to fight for you now stand against you, those that do still stand at your side do so out of fear rather than loyalty, that makes them easily swayed as well. You may be a powerful witch, but do you really think you can stand against them all, on your own? Your soldiers stand outside ready to move on your cottage at any moment, do you really think you can take them all? Surely you know this will be the end of you should you try to stand against them alone” Onyx replied. “My work will not be in vain, old friend. I will regain control of my soldiers, they will submit to my commands once more. The sacrifice I have made tonight was to ensure their loyalty to me once more. One life to save many, I should think this would bring you joy, only one of your precious wolves had to killed in order to seal the pact that will once again bring the others to heal, thus none of your dear children will be harmed, lest the vile creature that has impregnated one of my kind with his seed. He shall pay with his life, and hers, this monstrosity will never be allowed to take its first breath. I have seen glimpses of what the future holds should it live and that cannot be allowed to happen. I will see every single soldier, Royal or otherwise dead before I allow that to come to pass. Should this thing live, the witches will no longer be something to be feared, we will be less powerful than our own creations and that can never happen, I won’t allow it. How can we serve the beings we created to serve us?” “Midna, you only see glimpses, how do you know your kind will serve them? Perhaps you will live with them peacefully, your blood and mine created them, they are our children, how can you destroy your own? That is not what we set out to do, we wanted to stop the war you for saw and allow a continued future for your kind. This is not the way. Release Ava, speak to our children, not as their master but as their mentor, end this now, before it is too late.” “Why would I release Ava? She betrayed me and our people by sneaking around with one of our soldiers, and then allowed herself to become with child! A child that is the beginning of the end of our power! That will never happen, this child will never be born, that is the only way to make sure the future I saw never comes to pass! Ava will tell me who the father is and he shall be sacrificed as well, his strength drained from him and into me.” Just as Onyx was about to rebut her tirade he heard sounds in the distance, far enough that Midna’s normal hearing would not be able to detect, but he knew it was the humans from the town approaching. He hoped the wolves outside were hearing them as well and preparing for their arrival as they had planned, so far he had kept Midna talking, but he wasn’t sure how much longer he could keep the conversation going since they seemed to be talking in circles and getting nowhere. Still, he knew he had to keep trying to keep her distracted for a little while longer, just until the humans arrived so he prodded, “and who do you think the father is? I’m sure you at least have theories. You seem certain it is one of the soldiers, but I have heard many of them say they have seen her steal away to the town alone often. Perhaps then the father is human, not a wolf at all, and your snippet of a vision has been misunderstood?” Midna narrowed her eyes at him as she replied, “what do you know old wolf? I have not heard such rumors, perhaps these are your lies to keep me from the truth. Sacrificing a wolf of your standing would give me the power I need to force the truth from her AND force the soldiers to bend to my will.” As she said the words out loud she knew them to be true and a smile slowly crept across her face as she knew exactly what to do. It only took one glance at Midna’s smile for Onyx to know what she was about to do, he only hoped that Ava’s child’s bond was strong enough to allow Ava to understand the telepathic message he was giving her. “The humans from the town are nearly here; they are coming for Midna, but will take any they think are witches as well so do not use your powers no matter what may happen while they are here. When they enter the cottage, I will use the distraction to free you, then climb on my back and I will get you out and as far away as I can. Malakai will find us, he will follow my scent. He and the other wolves are outside the cottage waiting for the humans to arrive to make sure you get out safely. If I do not make it, I will find a way to free you but you must run, do not wait for me.“ He knew she understood what he had said when she gave an almost unnoticeable nod of her head. Midna was reading something out loud and Onyx knew he didn’t want to find out what it was, he had to stop her fast. He moved forward towards her, speaking as he went, “you can’t think this will actually work Midna, you broke the vow between us, you have lost any trust from any member of the village and your power over the wolf soldiers is gone because you sought control rather than compromise.” He was close enough now to feel the heat of her breath as she continued to speak the words to whatever spell she was attempting to perform. The humans were close enough that he could catch their scent, as well as hear their approach. He knew it wouldn’t be long now. He let a low growl erupt from his throat near enough to Midna that he was sure she had to feel it. “I will not ask again Midna, I know there is still good in you, I know our friendship meant more to you than an endless supply of blood.” She showed no sign of stopping the spell, so Onyx reached out with a swipe of his enormous paw and knocked Midna into the wall imprinting her frame into the wall as she slid down to the floor.  He turned to release Ava, chewing at her ropes carefully so he wouldn’t cause her harm. He had just released her hands and had started on her feet when he unwillingly froze. Try as he might he could not make his body follow his commands, he was paralyzed and he knew it was Midna’s doing. “What’s wrong Onyx, why did you stop? We have to go! Hurry please!!” Ava screeched at him. “Your hands are loose, free yourself Midna has me paralyzed, I can’t move, just go!” Ava struggled to free her legs as Midna approached searched frantically for something in the scattered mess made by her body as it crashed into the wall. “Did you honestly think a little brush off your paw would stop me Onyx? All you have done is caused me a brief inconvenience, one that you shall pay for! I don’t care who fathered the spawn Ava carries any longer, the two of you can die tonight. You will watch her die Onyx since you were so determined to save her and that thing she carries in her womb, I will let you feed upon it. You will be the one to destroy her and the child and the wolves will know it was you. Your betrayal of them will bring them back to me, and back under my control. Your death will bring me more power than any witch who has ever lived or ever will live; your blood will sustain my life for hundreds of years.” Ava finally freed her legs, jumped up and made a run for the door while Midna continued to search for whatever it was she was looking for. She had just reached the handle when she felt something smash into the back of her head causing her to lose her balance and fall. She could feel the warm blood trickle down her face as she tried to regain her footing and stand back up, only to be pushed back down and held there by the massive Onyx. “I have no control over my body Ava, Midna is controlling me, use your magic to force me off, kill me if that is what it takes but you must get free!” “I can’t kill you Onyx; you’re our friend, my husband’s creator, your blood flows through my child just as my own does. I will not be the one to bring upon your death my friend; we have to find another way.” “You may not have a choice! Your child MUST SURVIVE, the bloodline it carries will be needed in the years to come.  Do what you must to survive and protect your child!”
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