Episode 2: Friends

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Episode 2: Friends What happens at the centre of a black hole? Is there anyone who has an idea? Oh Liam, do you mind telling us? I knew Mr Dunbar was only trying to mock me, he obviously knew I could not answer his question or could I? Another part of Mr Invincible’s powers included wisdom and knowledge, I was something of a genius now and that was quite ironic, considering how dull I actually am. I stood up and subtly answered his question, I said space-time becomes a one dimensional point which contains a huge mass. He laughed and asked me what does that mean? I was really confused cause I had actually answered his question but Mr Dunbar must have really been unsatisfied because unlike most days, he had found it impossible to embarrass me in class today. He then looked at and told me that unless I can explain what I knew to a 6 year old, I have not yet really understood the concept. I laughed and told him, okay child, gravity becomes infinite and space-time curves infinite or in other words, it is a place where matter is compressed down to an infinitely tiny point and all concepts of time and space completely break down, he laughed and simply told me to have my seat. Immediately I took my seat, I sensed it coming, something was heading straight for my head, I ducked it as it went by, it was a ball of paper, unfortunately for whoever did it, it hit Mr Dunbar, I kinda had an idea who did it though, it must have been Hitoshi, Hitoshi Hanagaki, he used to be my best friend, now he and his friends bully me, from the time he had his super strength and I had no significant change in me, he moved on to being friends with people who actually had powers unlike me, and like that was not bad enough, they started taking joy in making life and things hard for me. Unfortunately for him though, this time he missed his target and the person his attack met was not very popular for forgiveness, Mr Dunbar fell tp the ground and when he got up, he looked as mad as I had ever seen him, he did not say much, just asked Hanagaki and I to get up and follow him, I am guessing this meant a trip to the principal’s office. I really did not plan for all this but oh well, Hitoshi decided to f**k things up, such a stupid guy. While we were waiting outside of the principal’s office as Mr Dunbar entered and reported us, I remembered the dream I had the night before, Mr Incredible had said my dreams would guide me but I never knew it would be in this manner, my dreams simply include me having conversations about my powers with Mr Incredible, or at least, a hologram of him. He had told me almost all I need to know about my powers and honestly, my or should I say his, powers were incredible. I had super strength, super durability, enhanced leaping, flight, I could breathe out fire and ice from my mouth (to use ice, I had to hold my breath, also, to use fire, I had to inhale and exhale as much as I could), I had super senses(although he did say it would take some time for them to kick in, well, at least, my ability to sense danger manifested itself this morning), I was immune to hypnosis or mind control, I had super healing, oh and I had super speed(I heard this would grant me other abilities that I would notice later on), also, this power would make my body as perfect looking as it can be, oh and also, I had slow aging, apparently, ten years would equate to just one for me. Pretty cool right, well, not really, there are also risks, well, while I would never have the need to drink or eat since the power sustains me, the power would always tire me out because my body was not yet ready for it, so, I would need to build my body to get stronger so as to use the powers I had without getting tired, also, I was only at one percent of my powers, the more I practiced, the stronger I would become oh and uhm, the less tired I would become, looking at this, I have just got to say, this is totally worth and I was gonna ensure I replace Mr Invincible. The principal came out of his office looking disgusted as usual, he told us that we could finish today but as from tomorrow, I am suspended for a week, and Hitoshi was suspended for three days, I wanted to argue but I saw Mr Dunbar smirking, I knew it, the i***t must have told the principal something I did not do, probably cause I called him a child after his question, man, f**k that i***t. I nodded to the principal and headed back to class but as I was about to go in, I heard the bell for recess, meh, time to get something to eat, although, I did not feel hungry or thirsty in any way. I headed towards the cafeteria and that’s when I saw her, Felicia, Felicia Bonucci, I did not need to see her face, her shape could tell me, just seeing her backside was enough, that callipygous shape, as long as I can remember, I have always liked Felicia, ever since I had met her but I guess like everyone, she had problems noticing me. I collected my food and as I was about to take a seat, I sensed, someone was trying to push me, I simply turned away, and stuck out a leg, he tripped and fell face flat into his food, it was Hitoshi and just let me tell you, that pissed him off beyond what my words can describe. Everyone burst into laughter as he went over to wash his face, I began eating as I thought that was the end of the matter, I was beyond wrong, Hitoshi came back almost immediately and immediately tried to slam my face into my food but I had sensed it coming and as his hand approached the back of my head, I grabbed his hands and threw him on the floor, shocking everyone, he stood up and told me to square, he obviously had no idea I now had powers, I told him I was already suspended and I would not want to make matters worse for me, he moved closer and that’s when I noticed it, I was now taller than Hitoshi, he used to be way taller than me but now, I was taller, since he was about five foot and nine inches tall, I am guessing I am now about a little over six inches tall. Hitoshi smiled and told me okay boy, after school, we’ll meet at the basketball court, before leaving the cafeteria with a grin on his face. The rest of the day was just me worrying about how to fight Hitoshi because he was the strongest and probably the best fighter in our school. Way before school came to an end for the day, news had travelled around the school about the fight between me and students have already placed bets, I really wish I did not have to fight though but if I backed out, everyone in school would lose all respect for me. School came to an end and we all headed to the basketball court down the street, almost all the students of the school were present, I had only about five percent of the bets, Hitoshi had the other ninety five, well, as expected, the odds were against me, Hitoshi attacked first and as he punched me, he must have torn a ligament in his hands because he held it in pain, that must have been a courtesy of my super durability, I had no plans to let him off the hook though, I violently kicked his head and brought him down to the ground, causing a gentle c***k on the floor, I then put my right foot on his head and told everyone I would do worse to whichever one of them tries to harm me again, after saying that, I gently lifted my leg from his head, grabbed my bag and left the court, I looked back and saw Felicia healing his head but that was none of my business. I headed towards the gym in order to start building my body to contain all this power, as I got into the gym, I heard that I had to sign up, oh whatever, I put in my name, Riyadh Liam Neeson, put in my age and gender too before being allowed into the gym after paying ten dinellars, well, not too expensive if I do say so. I first measured my height and realised that I was now six foot one point one inches, nice, absolutely nice change if I do say so myself, after all, I was five foot and six inches earlier. That was by the side though, I had to get myself stronger, to aid my durability and strength, I decided to work with dumbbells, resistance bands, resistance machines, squats, lunges and push-ups, also, I was gonna do everything at super speed but I was not going to overdo it in order to not tire myself easily. I took my time and after about over an hour, I decided to do speed increasing exercises, my plans included interval runs, fartleks, box jump, front squats, hip thrusts and Bulgarian split squats. I left the gym at about six pm, I had to hurry home, in order to meet up with the seven pm curfew. I began running at my full speed and was almost home in less than five seconds when a red car slammed into me, I did not budge but the car bounced back and tumbled as it was severely damaged, I had to rush over and pull the man out but for some reason, I am guessing out of fear, I called for help on his phone and ran away since he was fine but was just slightly tired. I got home and opened the door to see my mom looking at me so worried, she hugged me tightly and asked where I was because she had been calling all day, I told her I was in the gym oh and uhm as for the calls, wait a minute, where was my phone, oh dang, I must have lost it when I was running yesterday, I apologized to my mom, explained that I must have lost my phone yesterday and she just nodded. She was not done with me though, she told me the principal called and that she might understand how Hitoshi has been to me but that I really should learn how to stay out of trouble, she must not have been hit by one of his paper balls, he throws it with his super strength and that makes it much faster and much more painful. I apologized again and promised her I would stay out of trouble, after all, I had shown the whole school I was a King now, I am now f*****g strong, you sick f***s. I apologized and headed straight to my elder brother’s room, I wanted to practice holding my breath, oh and uhm inhaling and exhaling too, I had barely begun a few seconds when my mom called me, I had a call, it was Hitoshi, he apologized to me for today and all the other days he had been a jerk to me, he then asked me if we could be friends again, and I told him yes, wished him a good night and ended the call. I guess violence does solve some problems, I was heading upstairs when I heard the six thirty news come on, apparently, Mr Invincible was still missing, Magnetficent was in a coma and coldfire was the only one still alive and well, I could only listen on in horror, we were sincerely f****d, thankfully though, the five great villain group leaders were defeated, with four killed and one captured, that should maintain order for some time. I went back to my elder brother’s room, finished my practice and went to bed with the thoughts of Hitoshi and I being FRIENDS……………………………………………….
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