Chapter 12. 3 long years later

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Sarah and Jacob was in a good place, financially they were doing well. They had moved into a bigger place with a sea view. It was a 3 bedroom flat. They had installed blue thick lino onto the floors before they moved in. It was the last flat on the top floor. The rooms were large. The spare room they had moved all their unpacked goods. They had bought a wardrobe for themselves a television, television stand, 2 plate stove, refrigerator and the most important thing in Sarahs opinion was a microwave. They were now enjoying married life. Living how they wanted to. Ate and did things to their own agenda. Sarah was still working for the same hospital whilst Jacob had gotten a better paying job at another big hospital. He spoiled Sarah every weekend buying her delicious breads and sandwiches, pizzas and bagels from the shopping centre near his work. Sarah felt sick one morning, unable to go to work. She vomited till there was nothing more left in her system. Everything she ate seemed to come out. Sarah layed in bed all day. She thought she had gastro enteritis. Pregnancy did not dawn on her. She was still young and naive. And she was on tbe pill. After 3 days of vomiting, Sarah asked Jacob for a pregnancy test. Sarah went to the bathroom that afternoon,she opened the test and peed on it. After 20 seconds 2 lines appeared. F***! F***! F***! This cant be happening to me. I just celebrated my 21st birthday 2 weeks ago. The colour drained from her face. She wasnt ready for this. Sarah walked out of the bathroom and handed Jacob the test stick. He saw the 2 lines and was ecstatic. On the other hand Sarah was miserable, morning sickness all day and she felt as if she was spiraling down into depression. After a week Sarah went back to work and broke the news to her boss. She was suffering from morning sickness for more than 3 months. She had lost weight and was pale. Soon the second trimester was here. After 3 months of being depressed about the pregnancy. The morning sickness subsided and Sarah had come to terms with the whole situation. She started enjoying being pregnant. She enjoyed the kickes. Except for occasional emergency room visits due to reflux, she was genuinely happy. Jacob bought a car, it wasnt the new or the best but it was something. His and her parents seemed happy. In those three years she had visited both their parents, trying to look beyond everything that has happened and forgave and forgotten. She knew that the White family members would never respect her as her mother had already humiliated them when she got them married. But she felt deep in her heart, she needed no approval from anyone except Jacob. In November, the last month of Spring, Sarah delivered a 3kg Baby boy. He was white as snow with dark straight hair and rosey cheeks. At just four hours old he gave his first laugh and smile. Sarah had to take a picture. This was one of the most happiest moments in her life. A precious memory. Traditionally, once a female gives birth, she goes to her mothers place to recover. The mother helps and teaches the new mother to bath and care for their child. Sarah was discharged and went to her parents home. She was welcomed but she could feel deep inside that she was unwanted. The next 2 weeks at the Daniels left her more drained than anything else. Jacob did not stay. He visited every afternoon. Sarah just wanted to go home. She was treated as a peasant. Her mother would go out during the day with Chuck leaving Sarah and the baby alone. She was instructed to clean the house. Make her own breakfast and lunch. She would be back by three o clock to make dinner. On the fourteenth day, Jacob picked Sarah to take her home. She was relieved to be going home to rest. Jacob felt sad for Sarah. Looking at the tiredness on her face. It was as if her mother had a free maid for two weeks. Jacob took Sarah home and put her straight into bed. He let her sleep while he watched baby Alex. He loved them with every beat of his heart.
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